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21 hours ago, Jacksgranda said:

Took me a while to figure that out when I first saw it - I obviousy haven't an "intellectual mind"...

Good to see you're not bothered about a throw-away remark I made towards some other posters.

Replace every instance of "America" with "Germany" in Trump's speech and it wouldn't have sounded out of place at a Nuremburg Rally. He's going to get rid of unemployment by reopening factories and building roads, make America completely self sufficient, everything that's wrong is the fault of all these pesky other countries, he'll rebuild and remodel the army. He constantly bangs on about "the people" as if he's one of them, despite being a tax-dodging multibillionaire. 

Being called a sheep or saying someone doesn't have a mind of their own because they can't stand the man who comes out with such pish, and who is a known racist, sexist and bigot is fucking laughable, although it's no surprise the resident woman-hater banana adores someone who feels it's acceptable to grab random women by the pussy. Anyone who comes out with said "sheeple" nonsense, or defends the man at all, deserves to be called out for it.

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Trump in his inauguration speech "We will follow two simply rules - BUY AMERICAN & HIRE AMERICAN".

The 'Trump - Make America Great Again' inauguration hats that his supporters were wearing were made in China!  :wacko:

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3 hours ago, TheMessiah said:

Because, ironically, they are racist. 

The acceptable kind of racism though, where you don't say racist things you just don't give a flying f**k about people in other countries unless they are white.

I wonder if they would have been out protesting against a Clinton win in solidarity with the tens of thousands of brown folks bombed into the stone age over the last 8 years by the Nobel Peace Prize winner.

I'm not a fan of Trump personally by any stretch but I would've voted for him to keep Clinton out, if only for his intention to stop the US regime change policy of the past couple of decades. Along with his willingness to work with Russia against mutual threats, including actually finally getting serious about terrorism, this would automatically make the world an infinitely safer place. The US is perceived globally as far and away the biggest threat to world peace so an inward-looking president is no bad thing.

It'll also be interesting to see how far he takes the anti-globalist thing. His business policy can look a bit schizophrenic, being simultaneously pro-business in the US but also anti-globalisation, when many would think these interests are one and the same.  But the people out in the streets protesting against Trump are the same people protesting about TTIP, TPP etc which Trump is doing away with, with good reason.

Of course it remains to be seen if he will be absorbed into the 'deep state', and things carry on as normal, or maybe more likely they dig up enough dirt on him to impeach.

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3 minutes ago, Zetterlund said:

I wonder if they would have been out protesting against a Clinton win in solidarity with the tens of thousands of brown folks bombed into the stone age over the last 8 years by the Nobel Peace Prize winner.

I'm not a fan of Trump personally by any stretch but I would've voted for him to keep Clinton out, if only for his intention to stop the US regime change policy of the past couple of decades. Along with his willingness to work with Russia against mutual threats, including actually finally getting serious about terrorism, this would automatically make the world an infinitely safer place. The US is perceived globally as far and away the biggest threat to world peace so an inward-looking president is no bad thing.

It'll also be interesting to see how far he takes the anti-globalist thing. His business policy can look a bit schizophrenic, being simultaneously pro-business in the US but also anti-globalisation, when many would think these interests are one and the same.  But the people out in the streets protesting against Trump are the same people protesting about TTIP, TPP etc which Trump is doing away with, with good reason.

Of course it remains to be seen if he will be absorbed into the 'deep state', and things carry on as normal, or maybe more likely they dig up enough dirt on him to impeach.

Well said (especially the bold bit).

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Trump is a walking calamity. Dubya was bad but he had a party machine behind him Rove Romsfeld and Cheney pulled the strings and they had a collective ideology a nasty ideology but coherent. Trumps left arm doesn't know what his right arm is doing, he has surrounded himself with sycophantic people Sean Spicer is the best example of this using his first press conference to attack the media  

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Someone's had a word in his ear:

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump 2h2 hours ago

Watched protests yesterday but was under the impression that we just had an election! Why didn't these people vote? Celebs hurt cause badly.


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump 6m6 minutes ago

Peaceful protests are a hallmark of our democracy. Even if I don't always agree, I recognize the rights of people to express their views.

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I wonder if they would have been out protesting against a Clinton win in solidarity with the tens of thousands of brown folks bombed into the stone age over the last 8 years by the Nobel Peace Prize winner.
I'm not a fan of Trump personally by any stretch but I would've voted for him to keep Clinton out, if only for his intention to stop the US regime change policy of the past couple of decades. Along with his willingness to work with Russia against mutual threats, including actually finally getting serious about terrorism, this would automatically make the world an infinitely safer place. The US is perceived globally as far and away the biggest threat to world peace so an inward-looking president is no bad thing.
It'll also be interesting to see how far he takes the anti-globalist thing. His business policy can look a bit schizophrenic, being simultaneously pro-business in the US but also anti-globalisation, when many would think these interests are one and the same.  But the people out in the streets protesting against Trump are the same people protesting about TTIP, TPP etc which Trump is doing away with, with good reason.
Of course it remains to be seen if he will be absorbed into the 'deep state', and things carry on as normal, or maybe more likely they dig up enough dirt on him to impeach.

You're right in the sense that economically, trump actually doesn't sound that bad. He appears to be a break from the neoliberal agenda - even if it's not the break I'd like to see (Bernie would've been a genuinely interesting challenge to the status quo). But the protectionist policy that trump is promising is very dangerous. It has to be handled with great care - and so far he has shown nothing to suggest he has the diplomatic capability to pull that off without creating some major issues.

Socially he's just an arse. His views towards women and non white Americans is populist and nativist. It is bringing out the worst in people, playing on fears and being divisive. Again the fact that he's willing to play that game (I think it is a game to him, rather than being outright racism) is very worrying.

My biggest fear is his handling of an international crisis. That's where the presidency can have a huge global impact.
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2 hours ago, Zetterlund said:

I wonder if they would have been out protesting against a Clinton win in solidarity with the tens of thousands of brown folks bombed into the stone age over the last 8 years by the Nobel Peace Prize winner.



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The problem is that while the genuine left would have continued to criticise Clinton and oppose large swathes of her presidency the liberal centre wouldn't and that's undeniable. Liberals love to ignore that Martin Luther King believed the white liberal to be the biggest obstruction to the civil rights cause and I haven't seen anything since Brexit or Trump's win that contradicts that.

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You're right in the sense that economically, trump actually doesn't sound that bad. He appears to be a break from the neoliberal agenda - even if it's not the break I'd like to see (Bernie would've been a genuinely interesting challenge to the status quo). But the protectionist policy that trump is promising is very dangerous. It has to be handled with great care - and so far he has shown nothing to suggest he has the diplomatic capability to pull that off without creating some major issues.

Socially he's just an arse. His views towards women and non white Americans is populist and nativist. It is bringing out the worst in people, playing on fears and being divisive. Again the fact that he's willing to play that game (I think it is a game to him, rather than being outright racism) is very worrying.

My biggest fear is his handling of an international crisis. That's where the presidency can have a huge global impact.

I read something that pointed out that if you look at past Republican presidents then it's to be expected that they will begin their presidency by noising up the Chinese so even that isn't totally out of step with US foreign policy. The real worry is that the Chinese are probably at their strongest relative to the US and might feel more confident contesting them in the Pacific.
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Fox News website has an interesting take on the Spicer fiasco.

Quite early on it describes Spicer as giving the press a telling off for the innacurate reporting of the inauguration attendance after being "summoned".  Further down the website it makes clear that the inauguration was far more poorly attended than Obama's and supports this with the available facts.

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I've honestly stopped caring, both sides are as bad as each other. The left accuse the right of being violent thugs(which they are) while being violent thugs themselves. The protests are pathetic. I'll reserve judgement on the trump presidency until he has actually done something, but im still convinced he is the lesser of two evil's. 

Regarding that neo nazi twat that was punched, i totally see both sides of it, hes totally the kinda guy who would deserve a punch, but its pathetic to resort to violence. 

For me this will always sum up the protests whenever i think about them


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I've honestly stopped caring, both sides are as bad as each other. The left accuse the right of being violent thugs(which they are) while being violent thugs themselves. The protests are pathetic. I'll reserve judgement on the trump presidency until he has actually done something, but im still convinced he is the lesser of two evil's. 

Regarding that neo nazi twat that was punched, i totally see both sides of it, hes totally the kinda guy who would deserve a punch, but its pathetic to resort to violence. 

For me this will always sum up the protests whenever i think about them

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