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How I met your mother


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It's absolutely brilliant for a long time and then it should've ended at least 2 seasons before it did. Don't bother watching the finale, utter bullshit. 

The worst thing is they changed they actually decided against the original ending and reshot it before the season finished.
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1 hour ago, mizfit said:



The worst thing is they changed they actually decided against the original ending and reshot it before the season finished.



Is that actually true? I read an interview where the creator said that they had changed their minds on bits of the plot throughout the season, but they had always planned to end it the way they did. I really enjoyed the programme(although I binge watched it on sky demand, so the weaker episodes were quickly forgotten about. I didn't mind the ending, although I was more gutted about 


The mother dying(I'll spoiler it just in case)

I reckon if I'd watched the show at the time it was aired(weekly), I'd have different feelings on the programme

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I really like HIMYM but I think it's a very mixed back. Some absolutely top quality episodes especially in the early seasons like 'The Pineapple Incident' but as others have said towards the end it was really weak to say the least. I wasn't too impressed with the ending. After spending so long building up to that pinnacle moment of meeting the mother to do what they did seemed a bit of a cop out even if they did apparently stick with the ending they had always planned.

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I really liked HIMYM.  I think that the quality of any show that has 20 odd episodes a season can vary considerably, but there was always episodes in every season that had me laughing out loud.  Although I think the last season being in the hotel pretty much for the whole season got old very quickly.

I think you got to see a good range of emotions from each character with Cobie Smulders, Jason Segal and in particularly Neil Patrick Harris were outstanding.

The end I didn't think was as bad as many thought it was, it seemed to the only logical conclusion to me, since Ted was talking about all their shenanigans for seven and a bit seasons before introducing the mother.

This is from my favourite episode, you can see Cobie and Jason just about keeping their laughter in in the background,


Edited by Loki
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First few seasons are fantastic and then it just slowly drops in quality.  Excellent show at its peak though and get's a lot of criticism quite rightly for the last few seasons.

The episode where Marshalls Dad dies is a fantastic episode. The way it counts down to 0 throughout and then the news at the end.  

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My favourite episode is best hamburger in New York, I've seen it at least 5 times (like most of the first 5/6 series) and I still laugh like crazy every time, HIMYM really was brilliant when on form. 

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  • 4 months later...

Finished this last week, the ending was a bit meh for me. Can't moan too much because tbh I watched It for the laughs not the story, didn't really give a donald duck about Ted and his wife to be.

Class overall, would defo recommend It. Only 20 mins an episode too.

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