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4 minutes ago, Blootoon87 said:

How would the Tories/Unionists provide the sensible independent outlet exactly?

By providing a Government-lite alternative to the top-down, controlling, on-message centralist and despicable SNP.

Edited by The_Kincardine
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2 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:


I'm right behind Muckspreader on here.  I'm relaxed about indi-Scotland but detest the SNP. The Tories/Unionists should provide the sensible independent outlet but Scottish voters are generally too thick to appreciate the benefits of an inclusive fiscal-light form of government.

Nonsense There are Tories in Scotland they are just not the same as English Tories.

The SNP are a means to an end ( for me staying in the EU ) 

I believe all want to better the lot of all our people 

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Kinky is grandstanding. Absolutely nobody could hate the SNP more than the Tories or their sidekicks in red with a straight face, unless they were an actual tory. And if that's what Kinky is then he's got f**k all morals anyways, so who cares?

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Even a socially liberal Tory still supports the economic conditions that cause the problems he wants to address. I don't support the centralising SNP either but I do believe they're streets and streets ahead in competency and political ideology of the Tories and (Scottish) Labour.

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4 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:


I'm right behind Muckspreader on here.  I'm relaxed about indi-Scotland but detest the SNP. The Tories/Unionists should provide the sensible independent outlet but Scottish voters are generally too thick to appreciate the benefits of an inclusive fiscal-light form of government.

Absolute tosh. ffs we are the nation that invented the modern capitalist system.

Plenty of centre right people in Scotland see the benefits of independence. The issue for the centre right in Scotland is, and always has been, that the major centre right party (ie the tories) has chained itself to the sinker of "and unionist party."

They have therefore made themselves completely unvotable for a large proportion of their natural constituency.

Given independence and a new centre right party without the unionist baggage, things will be different.

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8 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:


I'm right behind Muckspreader on here.  I'm relaxed about indi-Scotland but detest the SNP. The Tories/Unionists should provide the sensible independent outlet but Scottish voters are generally too thick to appreciate the benefits of an inclusive fiscal-light form of government.

At the risk of upsetting the OP again, that's fucking pathetic.

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11 hours ago, Fide said:

Independence is about much more than the SNP.

Much of the talk around Independence is centred around Scotgood/Englishbad which to me is exclusivist and prejudiced.

I will be no more Scottish after independence than I am now and I have no reason to think replacing any organisation or individual with a Scottish alternative will make any improvement to my life.......possibly the opposite.



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Much of the talk around Independence is centred around Scotgood/Englishbad which to me is exclusivist and prejudiced.
I will be no more Scottish after independence than I am now and I have no reason to think replacing any organisation or individual with a Scottish alternative will make any improvement to my life.......possibly the opposite.

I couldn't disagree more with your first sentence.

It's about the political and economic system that currently exists in our 'country' and whether we could do better. The fact that anti englishness and small minded nationalism has played such a small part is down to the snp (whether you and kincy hate them or not).
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28 minutes ago, McSpreader said:

Much of the talk around Independence is centred around Scotgood/Englishbad which to me is exclusivist and prejudiced.

I will be no more Scottish after independence than I am now and I have no reason to think replacing any organisation or individual with a Scottish alternative will make any improvement to my life.......possibly the opposite.



Can you quote me one supporter of independence saying "Englishbad"?  That is not the same as Westminsterbad, remember.

So you don't think there's a better path to forge than one including Brexit, ideological attacks against the poor and disabled, slashing bereavement benefit, the rape clause etc etc?

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42 minutes ago, McSpreader said:

Much of the talk around Independence is centred around Scotgood/Englishbad which to me is exclusivist and prejudiced.

I will be no more Scottish after independence than I am now and I have no reason to think replacing any organisation or individual with a Scottish alternative will make any improvement to my life.......possibly the opposite.



So we have confirmation that the Brexit vote was based on prejudiced and exclusivist "UKGood/Eurobad" - and you lapped it up despite no evidence that replacing European institutions with UK ones would make any improvement to your life.

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"Tory c***s"

None of these expressions do anything to win people over in the argument for independence. You will never be taken seriously and you do more damage to the cause than contribute to. You are by far the worst offender of this behaviour from the Yes side, and if I had the power I would ban you from this thread because you've been warned already. You can't just tell Unionists "to get fucked" and expect something good to come of it. I can't recall a single No voter who has been on this thread who spouts as much bile as you. If you want to continue belittling anyone who has a different opinion to you, bugger off and do it somewhere else.

This is correct.I was so close to embracing YES but Fides intolerant bile and lack of self awareness of his own trolling pushed me away...To be honest if i post a reasonable question the response is pretty well the same as if i post a bit of inflammatory "SNPBAD" stuff.The response is positively Pavlovian in that respect.The bit about "embracing YES" was a bit of a fib by the way..
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This is correct.I was so close to embracing YES but Fides intolerant bile and lack of self awareness of his own trolling pushed me away...To be honest if i post a reasonable question the response is pretty well the same as if i post a bit of inflammatory "SNPBAD" stuff.The response is positively Pavlovian in that respect.The bit about "embracing YES" was a bit of a fib by the way..

This kind of post is the reason you have next to no credibility in here.
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This kind of post is the reason you have next to no credibility in here.

Why ? Can you honestly say it's damaging my "credibility" anymore than some of Fides "contributions" or is there some sort of "free pass" if you are a pro YES poster ? That said having a lack of credibility on a P&B forum is not really high on my list of current list of problems.
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Why ? Can you honestly say it's damaging my "credibility" anymore than some of Fides "contributions" or is there some sort of "free pass" if you are a pro YES poster ? That said having a lack of credibility on a P&B forum is not really high on my list of current list of problems.

I'm not talking about anyone else. I'm talking about your post. It was a joke.

You lied, had a pop at fide, and then admitted your lie.

You can't post like this and then greet about other posters and folk not taking you seriously.
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I'm not talking about anyone else. I'm talking about your post. It was a joke.

You lied, had a pop at fide, and then admitted your lie.

You can't post like this and then greet about other posters and folk not taking you seriously.

Oh aye and who made you the arbiter of what you can post like.The opening part was obviously in jest and anyone thinking it was a "lie" to deceive needs to get a grip.Also "having a pop" at Fide i think is legitimate if you disagree with the constant aggressive dismissive nature of his replies to anything he disagrees with.Also i never "greet" about other posters not taking me seriously as ive learned unless you follow the majority thinking on here you will get negative responses regardless of how you frame your posts.The lack of self awareness on here is pretty funny at times.
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You admitted that your main reason for posting was to troll. That's basically it. I think you've made some decent points at times but no ones going to take them seriously when you're only here to troll.


Mr Bairn had the same problem.

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