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June 8th General Election


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3 minutes ago, The Chlamydia Kid said:

Just think. If the SNP hadn't created the ulsterisation of Scotland and Scotland had voted as it traditionally did- then we would have labour in government now. You lot prevented that!

Nah, Labour shot themselves in the foot.

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7 minutes ago, Paco said:

What's the way forward, then? I imagine the Tories will desparately try to cling to power but a government majority of one isn't feasible, long-term. Al it takes is a particularly annoyed MP, someone to get cancer, something like Richmond Park to happen and the whole thing crumbles. 

Surely the choice in reality is minority government, or another election? Pretty decent scenes.

Disappointed to see so many Conservative gains in Scotland. The irony is, if the SNP vote had held, Conservatives would have had absolutely no chance of forming a government.

It's the only conceivable government.  A rainbow coalition is even less stable.  It'd be best all round to have another election as soon as possible. Once Brexit hits, there's no way either of the options holds.  

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Fucking hell, your stupid.

It's a fact. Take away the Scottish vote for the Tories in rejection of independence and they lose their 12 Scottish seats. If yes supporters voted labour and returned a few more labour MPs then we'd have a labour government.
The SNP once again have let the Tories in government.
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Since 2010:

The Tories have shut down two thirds of the RAF in Scotland (only one base remains)  

Shut down key Coastguard Stations in Scotland (Clyde Coastguard moving to Northern Ireland for instance)

In 1990, they tried out the Poll Tax first in Scotland before anywhere else in Britain.



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Huge credit to Corbyn. I underestimated him and I'm more than happy to admit that. I'm still not his biggest fan, but he ran a superb campaign and has changed the rules of politics in the UK for the foreseeable future. He has surpassed all expectations at the start of the campaign and he has now brought the next election - whenever that may be - into play for Labour. 

May, meanwhile, has surely secured her place in history as a reckless ignoramus. Can't say I feel too sorry for her. 

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Hopefully all the roasters like the Chlamydia Kid realise what their tactical voting and / or anti-indyref protest vote really means. Surely they can't be so stupid to do this again, knowing they've clearly handed out the message now.

As I said earlier they may have "won" this battle but in the long run will lose the war.
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Just think. If the SNP hadn't created the ulsterisation of Scotland and Scotland had voted as it traditionally did- then we would have labour in government now. You lot prevented that!

Only one person has ulsterised Scotland, and it's the person chasing the Orange order votes that has.
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Just think. If the SNP hadn't created the ulsterisation of Scotland and Scotland had voted as it traditionally did- then we would have labour in government now. You lot prevented that!

"Ulsterisation" - you're a fuckin headcase
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2 minutes ago, The Chlamydia Kid said:

It's a fact. Take away the Scottish vote for the Tories in rejection of independence and they lose their 12 Scottish seats. If yes supporters voted labour and returned a few more labour MPs then we'd have a labour government.
The SNP once again have let the Tories in government.

Labour once had 41 seats up here, add the number of SNP and Labour MPs together and the Corbyn supporting bloc is anout the same.

Of the Tory supporting seats in Scotland, you've got a reversion to the mean in East Renfrewshire and a strong vote in the back of Brexit in the North East by a bunch of naive fishermen. You simply cannot deconvolve purely anti indy sentiment from pro Brexit sentiment or indeed support for May's actual policies. After all, Labour and the Lib Dems are unionists as well; the idiots didnt have to support the Tories.

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