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June 8th General Election


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Who feels worse just now the Tories or the SNP ? I reckon it will be the Tories. The SNP from their high position were always going to lose seats and to lose so many is a kick in the baws. Meantime the Tories expected to gain more seats across the UK based on polls but had a dreadful campaign based on threatening pensioners and expecting Corbyn to go to pieces. Epic Fail.

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All this talk of a disaster for The Conservatives nationally. It wasn't the result we wanted clearly, but we are still comfortably the largest party.

For comparison purposes, the Tories lost 12 seats across the UK. The SNP lost 21 in Scotland.

You must be on the magic mushrooms Lex.

This the most catastrophic election result anyone in leafy Cheshire can remember.

In the space of a year the Tories have managed to bungle their way from a qcomfortable majority to a hung parliament without anyone even asking them to.

They have made the most enormous of f**k ups to the point where the unelectable JC comes out of this looking like a fucking statesman.

Scotland is a total irrelevance down here but the Tories are now going to have to have a 3rd unnecessary election in 12-18 months and the English people won't thank them for that.
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As someone who grew up in Fraserburgh and now lives in Aberdeen (South :() I would like to apologise for the North East of Scotland.

I fully expect, and will accept, Jonny Hayes and Derek McInnes to leave AFC.

Because we really don't deserve nice things.

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5 hours ago, milhouse said:

Ayr and Carrick Tory, can someone explain? Because of places like Troon?

Troon is Central Ayrshire. We returned our SNP MP.

Don't lump us in with Tory places like er......Cumnock.

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2 minutes ago, Believe The Hype said:

On behalf of all under 50s in Stirling I would like to apologise for the complete f**k up my district has managed.

Not a massive surprise in Stirling pre 97 that was a safe Tory seat. That p***k Forsyth was mp there for about 15 years.

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Scottish seats that returned Tory MP's - there's 12 here what's the 13th?

Berwickshire, Roxburgh & Selkirk

Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale & Tweeddale

Dumfries & Galloway

Ayr, Carrick & Cumnock

Renfrewshire East


Ochil & South Perthshire


Aberdeenshire West & Kincardine


Banff & Buchan


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Well done to the Labour voters in Aberdeen South, Aberdeenshire West and Kincardine, Angus, Ayr Carrick and Cumnock, Banff and Buchan, Berwickshire, Roxburgh and Selkirk, Dumfries and Galloway, Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale and Tweeddale, Gordon, Moray, Ochil and South Perthshire, Renfrewshire East and Stirling who decided to vote tactically for the Conservatives.

You've got just what you voted for - A conservative government.  I'm sure Ruth Davidson will be along any minute to give you the pat on the head you so richly deserve.



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Yep, I'm still desperately trying to stab all my family members and friends who voted 'no', just like every other Scot, apparently.....
Don't know a single person who fell out with anyone else over it, and I can't help but feel that if your relationship was so unstable and tenuous that it would actually fall apart over such a thing then it couldn't have been worth much of a f**k anyway.

My sister started saying last night about how divisive the last referendum was. Even though she voted No and we didn't fall out or even so much as have a heated argument. She said that even though that was true she felt something inside her. Guilt, imo.
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