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Polling: 2017 General Election, Council Elections and Independence

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14 hours ago, Colkitto said:

Survation Scottish poll released tonight!

Any further info, or better still a link?

As an aside, I always have problems finding political polling results for Scotland.  Google searches usually throw out a load of outdated crap.


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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

Any further info, or better still a link?

As an aside, I always have problems finding political polling results for Scotland.  Google searches usually throw out a load of outdated crap.


There was definitely a Survation Scotland poll conducted. I've noticed others on social media asking about it too.

My understanding is it was to be released last night for one of the Sunday papers. 

Could be that it was pulled or is going to be released soon or it was private polling by maybe a political party 

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16 minutes ago, Highland Capital said:

Someone in the SNP was telling me today that while they're expecting to win a few seats, they aren't expecting to win loads more.  I reckon they'd be delighted with 45ish.

Someone in the SNP?

I’m in the SNP and I’m telling you that’s shite.

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If I switch my vote to libs herein north east riviera then it will be a draw.

However I quite like Stephen Gethins.

Plan is to throttle the wife so she cant vote and the SNP should have a huge 50% increase to their majority.

It's amazing.knowing I could be the man to change the face of UK politics.

Stick that in your Swingometer pipe Johny Snow and smoke it.





Edited by superbigal
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