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Polling: 2017 General Election, Council Elections and Independence

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It appears having a racist homophobe as prime minister isn't enough to disuade the usual suspects from voting for the vermin. 'A safe pair of hands aye ?'

This might take a few posts, but here goes

The tories have presided over a decade of wage stagnation.


They've cut around 20,000 police officers in England and Wales.


21% drop in fire fighters.




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Public sector debt up from 1 trillion to 1.8 trillion.


Public spending down big time.


Local council spending down per person. Poorest areas worst affected obvs, because that's what these venal c***s do.


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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

Referendums are a novelty in our politics, we still have to learn how to deal with them. The 2016 one ignored what the electorate of 1974 decided. We've got millions of new voters who could be bound by what now deceased voters wanted in 2016. How is that fair? In 2016 hardly anyone knew how complicated the whole thing would be disentangling 40 years of cooperation. If we come out now there will be years of negotiations to come whether we crash out or not, only to attempt to get back to a similar level of cooperation and free trade and movement we have now. We should have the right to change path.

How many people voted for the easiest deal in history?  How many voted for more money for the NHS?  How many voted leave because we hold all the cards?  How many believed German car manufacturers would make it all work for us?  How many thought other countries would follow the UK and the EU would collapse.

How many thought it would all be done and dusted by now?

Maybe we should ask.

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1 minute ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

A bit on health now.

Waiting lists at a record high.


A&E waits now much longer.


62 day waiting time target for cancer patients not met since 2013.





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1 hour ago, oaksoft said:

Yeah, I have to be honest I have never understood the continual references to austerity over the last decade because we have continued to borrow beyond our means every year since the crunch. That's not austerity FFS.

For a poster who seems to have a (misplaced) sense of intellectual superiority, you sure are a total dunce when it comes to basic economics.

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The old and the young.

Sure Start and youth services decimated.


Adult social care services. Oh look, it's the poorer areas worst affected again.


State pension age for woman raised twice.


Pensioner income has flatlined and may be actually decreasing.



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'Official error' underpayments by the DWP at it's highest ever level. That's £470 million the poorest in society have missed out on.


Increasing numbers having there benefits capped. Average loss of £53 per household.


Clearance times at an all time high.


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Looking at those facts and figures really hits home how shite Corbyn must be if BoJo and his Tory band-waggon is going to absolutely steamroll this GE tbh. Or is it simply down to little Englanders wanting Brexit done and f**k everything else that’s going to hell in this country? Probably tbh.

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1 minute ago, DAFC. said:

Looking at those facts and figures really hits home how shite Corbyn must be if BoJo and his Tory band-waggon is going to absolutely steamroll this GE tbh. Or is it simply down to little Englanders wanting Brexit done and f**k everything else that’s going to hell in this country? Probably tbh.

It's down to the media's primary function being to obscure economic reality.

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23 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

Always thought it was class that the Tories managed to get "Labour were personally responsible for the global financial crash" inserted into the accepted public wisdom.

Incredible the number of people who swallow this bullshit.

Lax regulation of the financial sector exacerbated the situation - but anyone thinking that the Tories being in power at that time would have done anything to change that is having a fucking giraffe. Never mind that such lax regulation was and still is prevalent worldwide.

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Guest Bob Mahelp
5 minutes ago, DAFC. said:

Looking at those facts and figures really hits home how shite Corbyn must be if BoJo and his Tory band-waggon is going to absolutely steamroll this GE tbh. Or is it simply down to little Englanders wanting Brexit done and f**k everything else that’s going to hell in this country? Probably tbh.

This election is about ideology rather than facts. 

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Guest Bob Mahelp
4 minutes ago, Detournement said:

I can't wait until Neil interviews Boris and asks him about all of this......

Are Andrew Neil and Johnson not long time friends/colleagues ? 



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9 minutes ago, Detournement said:

I can't wait until Neil interviews Boris and asks him about all of this......

Pretty sure he's bottled it. Swinson and Farage should be fun. Corbyn got a much softer ride than Sturgeon though. 

Edited by welshbairn
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