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Oor Nicola Sturgeon thread.


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1 hour ago, Shannon said:

I feel the same. Voted SNP since I was 18 years old but totally fed up with them now with their handling of coronavirus,

Better Than most nations in the UK, let down by agreeing to a 4 nation solution.

1 hour ago, Shannon said:

slow in lifting restrictions 

Because it would kill more people.

1 hour ago, Shannon said:

 and total anti football stuff coming out 


1 hour ago, Shannon said:

 all the weirdos and dodgy MPs / MSPs coming out the woodwork.

Because all the other parties don't have any weirdos. Presumably.

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So who would u vote for?
That is it. I wouldn't vote at all for first time in nearly 20 years as none of other political parties agree with my views on independence for Scotland and the way forward for Scotland but SNP has completely disillusioned me in last few months. I want to vote for them but just one thing after another that is annoying me with them and my own views on almost everything which is mental compared to even 1 or 2 years ago.

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They have no guys as much as I hate to say like Henry McLeish who at least care and understand Scottish football and all the different factions and know how much football means to people like myself. Scottish Labour for all the faults they had they knew about football and the importance that had on Scotland and our society. It feels like SNP hates football and only uses it like during play off win to win votes [emoji17]
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4 minutes ago, Shannon said:

They have no guys as much as I hate to say like Henry McLeish who at least care and understand Scottish football and all the different factions and know how much football means to people like myself. Scottish Labour for all the faults they had they knew about football and the importance that had on Scotland and our society. It feels like SNP hates football and only uses it like during play off win to win votes emoji17.png

In what way? When?  How?

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In what way? When?  How?
No football below league two? Even getting league one and league two going again was a major struggle and took months. They don't want our non league teams training and under 20s havent played competitive games for 1 year now outside SPFL players. They are constantly threatening to stop football due to behaviour of a few Old Firm supporters. What the f**k!! It wasn't that in November????

There is so much I as an SNP voter of 20 years I am hating of the SNP Government currently and it's really sad. The extreme hatred for folk like us who like football and care about the Scottish National team and the community clubs we have feels like the final straw. It's a disgrace and I could never vote any other way but the SNP don't care about football fans like me and why should I vote for them now? It's Labour mid 2000s all over again.

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Just now, Shannon said:
27 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:
In what way? When?  How?

No football below league two? Even getting league one and league two going again was a major struggle and took months. They don't want our non league teams training and under 20s havent played competitive games for 1 year now outside SPFL players. They are constantly wanting to stop football due to behaviour of a few Old Firm supporters and it feels like they blame all Scottish working class football fans for this. There is so much I as an SNP voter of 20 years I am hating of the SNP Government and the hatred for folk like us who like football and care about the Scottish National team and the community clubs we have feels like the final straw. It's a disgrace and I could never vote any other way but the SNP don't care about male football fans like me who have them their vote for 20 years through thick and thin.

Can you explain how this complaint fits into a world where people are dropping like flies of an infectious disease?

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In what way? When?  How?
I would be a stick on to vote SNP every day of the week and now I am scunnered and won't vote even though I did when SNP was 4rh behind fucking Lib Dems. The party needs to wake the f**k up now before it's too late in my opinion. They are pissing more of my generation 30-45 year old male Scottish football fans off that would be shooty in votes.
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Can you explain how this complaint fits into a world where people are dropping like flies of an infectious disease?
Deaths are going down every day and vaccinations are doing their job on numbers on hospitals so no need for restrictions for 4 plus more months than necessary and longer into 2022. We need normality back and quickly or its a massive vote loser come May.
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10 minutes ago, Shannon said:

No football below league two? Even getting league one and league two going again was a major struggle and took months. They don't want our non league teams training and under 20s havent played competitive games for 1 year now outside SPFL players. They are constantly threatening to stop football due to behaviour of a few Old Firm supporters. What the f**k!! It wasn't that in November????

There is so much I as an SNP voter of 20 years I am hating of the SNP Government currently and it's really sad. The extreme hatred for folk like us who like football and care about the Scottish National team and the community clubs we have feels like the final straw. It's a disgrace and I could never vote any other way but the SNP don't care about football fans like me and why should I vote for them now? It's Labour mid 2000s all over again.


I'm not voting SNP and even I think this is bonkers. 

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Just now, Shannon said:
9 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:
Can you explain how this complaint fits into a world where people are dropping like flies of an infectious disease?

Deaths are going down every day and vaccinations are doing their job on numbers on hospitals so no need for restrictions for 4 plus more months than necessary and longer into 2022. We need normality back and quickly or its a massive vote loser come May.

<internally screaming>

It's less important that deaths are falling than that infection levels across much of the country are still high. 100 per 100k is dangerous stuff and a solid platform from which rates would rocket if restriction were lifted.

Literally no-one is saying we will have restrictions for 4 more months. They've given a roadmap for the next 6 weeks and if rates are good then restrictions will be lifted more quickly.

You're wrong about it being a vote loser, in every poll since this thing started a solid 70% to 80% have been in favour of firm restrictions. There has always been more people who think the restrictions are too light than too soft, and that each of the lockdowns started too late.

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8 minutes ago, Shannon said:
17 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:
Can you explain how this complaint fits into a world where people are dropping like flies of an infectious disease?

Deaths are going down every day and vaccinations are doing their job on numbers on hospitals so no need for restrictions for 4 plus more months than necessary and longer into 2022. We need normality back and quickly or its a massive vote loser come May.

Is your background in in virology, son?

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16 minutes ago, Shannon said:
50 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:
In what way? When?  How?

I would be a stick on to vote SNP every day of the week and now I am scunnered and won't vote even though I did when SNP was 4rh behind fucking Lib Dems. The party needs to wake the f**k up now before it's too late in my opinion. They are pissing more of my generation 30-45 year old male Scottish football fans off that would be shooty in votes.

In what way?  When?  How? Again.

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16 minutes ago, Shannon said:
19 minutes ago, GordonS said:
I'm not voting SNP and even I think this is bonkers. 

Why? They hate football and the fans? Or am I missing something?

Shannon, I'm missing football too but I'm looking closer to home at the sfa than the politicians as to why there's no football getting played beneath the SPFL. It's also worth noting that in England, where they were televising FA Cup qualifiers with crowds in last summer, no football is being played below the level where almost all clubs are full time and testing. 

I can't believe anyone thinks that they might not vote because the administration they want to vote for hates football. Countries across Europe have suspended football when it reaches a level that's not fully professional. 

You might disagree with the assessment but it's absolutely consistent with others in this position. 

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2 minutes ago, Shannon said:
29 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:
In what way? When?  How?

No football below league two? Even getting league one and league two going again was a major struggle and took months. They don't want our non league teams training and under 20s havent played competitive games for 1 year now outside SPFL players. They are constantly wanting to stop football due to behaviour of a few Old Firm supporters and it feels like they blame all Scottish working class football fans for this. There is so much I as an SNP voter of 20 years I am hating of the SNP Government and the hatred for folk like us who like football and care about the Scottish National team and the community clubs we have feels like the final straw. It's a disgrace and I could never vote any other way but the SNP don't care about male football fans like me who have them their vote for 20 years through thick and thin.

You are way out with this. Scotgov has probably performed as well as they could given their obvious limitations. Much as we all hate it, in the scheme of things, football has to come well down the pecking order. The Scottish government has reacted in a similar vein to that of governments throughout the world with regards organised sport.

For what it's worth though, I do kind of get your disillusionment with the SNP. I certainly don't think they show hatred to any group or section of society in particular, (even fitba),  but they may well be guilty of starting to take  a lot of our votes for granted.

Yes, the current leader shows high public approval ratings, but behind that facade, in truth, the party has stalled badly on the leadership and policy fronts for a number of years. They are divided and the upper echelons have the whiff of cliques, alternate agendas, cronie-ism and dishonesty about them. It feels like a tired administration. 

 I will be holding my nose to vote SNP again...but I will....because I want independence. And getting that parliamentary majority and referendum is currently our only route to independence. At this time, only the SNP can deliver that.

If we get a majority and they don't deliver however, then the party in its current guise will certainly have seen my last vote.


Just now, GordonS said:

I'm not voting SNP and even I think this is bonkers

Out of interest.....who are you voting for in May?

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5 hours ago, Shannon said:

Aye okay emoji849.png

Poor poster. Raises sincere concerns about the dear Leaders party and you have the most monotonous, hall monitors of the forum breathing down your neck. Both of which are clearly the most boring people offline and don't want Corona to ever end so people stay online and they can have people read their school shooter style posts. 

Just sit down, vote SNP and do as you're told. Concerns are immaterial once we reach the promised lands. 




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