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Oor Nicola Sturgeon thread.


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14 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

Scotland's national movement  - more accurately Scotland's partitionist movement - has had three distinct phases:

-Support for Nazi Germany under Arthur Donaldson and his crew
-Detestation of the EEC under Billie Wolfe, Big Margo, Winnie Ewing et al
-A love-in with the EU under Fat Eck and onward.

The common theme is the detestation of the basturt English.

It is the opportunistic politics of identity, tribalism and xenophobia.

Always with the history, never with the here and now. Not that you have a vote, but if you did, which party would you vote for to take over the rungs of Government in Scotland? You've said you've lost faith in the Tories to run England, how about Scotland? Alex Cole-Hamilton and co?

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37 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

Scotland's national movement  - more accurately Scotland's partitionist movement - has had three distinct phases:

-Support for Nazi Germany under Arthur Donaldson and his crew
-Detestation of the EEC under Billie Wolfe, Big Margo, Winnie Ewing et al
-A love-in with the EU under Fat Eck and onward.

The common theme is the detestation of the basturt English.

It is the opportunistic politics of identity, tribalism and xenophobia.

Dear oh dear this is small minded. 

Wanting the best for Scotland and the people who live here does not make one anti-English. 

Perhaps your comment is more suggestive of a particular sense of inferiority prevalent amongst the Scottish unionist mindset.

Oh...and re Donaldson...that is just laughable made up pish often repeated by dunderheids I am afraid. There was never any evidence Donaldson or anyone else in the SNP for that matter colluded with the nazis.  Some were certainly pacifist. Donaldson was interned for being a pacifist.

Contrast this with the numerous members of the UK establishment, and certain members of the Royal family and aristocracy... some proper Nazi wrong uns in amongst that.

All British nationalists incidentally. 


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41 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Always with the history, never with the here and now. Not that you have a vote, but if you did, which party would you vote for to take over the rungs of Government in Scotland? You've said you've lost faith in the Tories to run England, how about Scotland? Alex Cole-Hamilton and co?

Anyone who voted in May to give The Sturrells five more years of their snouts in the trough is an absolute imbecile.

That they got close to 50% of those who voted shows how little the electorate cares about Scotland.  

Imagine voting for a crew who are out-Torying the Tories!

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8 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

Anyone who voted in May to give The Sturrells five more years of their snouts in the trough is an absolute imbecile.

That they got close to 50% of those who voted shows how little the electorate cares about Scotland.  

Imagine voting for a crew who are out-Torying the Tories!

You haven't said who you'd vote for if you had anything to say in the matter.

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7 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

You haven't said who you'd vote for if you had anything to say in the matter.

It really doesn't matter.  Voting for The Sturrells makes you a vacuous idiot with no interest in independence.

5 minutes ago, speckled tangerine said:

History eh?

Ah right.  That petty example of whitabootery deals with the issue of the ScotchNats' torrid and confusing history, eh?

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11 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:


Very good.

An image  often produced by Yoon dafties on Facebook/twittersphere. 

The sad fact is that the UK youth groups in the 30's often hosted exchange  visits with Nazi youth groups and vice versa. That would appear to be an image from one such visit.  There is no evidence whatsoever that it is Donaldson. 

That is the Britnat evidence linking the SNP and Scottish nationalism to the Nazis.

F@cking laughable.

Now in addition to ST's photo of their royal heilness' above let's maybe mention Edward and Mrs Simpson. The Mountbatten's, Lord Rothermere and the Daily Mail, the Mitford's, Archibald Ramsay, Conservative and Unionist MP. Numerous other aristos and Conservative and Unionist MP's. Indeed the core of the Britnat establishment.  Some of whom actively aided the Nazis during wartime and undoubtedly cost allied lives.

That's not whitabootery.

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8 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:


Ah right.  That petty example of whitabootery deals with the issue of the ScotchNats' torrid and confusing history, eh?

Fact: Edward VIII was a Nazi sympathiser. He met with Hitler, Goebbels & Speer in 1937. The actual (former, uncoronated) King of "England".

As far as I know the wee girl in the picture remains the current head of state. Is she still a Nazi? Are her family Nazis? I do know she meddles in the affairs of the Scottish Government and gets stuff she doesn't like (mainly financial) removed. Do you agree with this?

And that's the point. History is over. You can take the parts you like and form any narrative you fancy.

I said earlier the whole point of Independence is the opportunity to appoint a Government of a nation state that makes our own decisions and makes our own mistakes. 

Again, it's as simple as that.


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3 minutes ago, speckled tangerine said:

I said earlier the whole point of Independence is the opportunity to appoint a Government of a nation state that makes our own decisions and makes our own mistakes. 

Again, it's as simple as that.

We have a government of our nation-state - represented equally from Thurso to Truro - and in existence for over 300 years.  They make our own decisions and make our own mistakes.

What you want is partition along ethno-nationalist lines so please stop being disingenuous.

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31 minutes ago, git-intae-thum said:

There is no evidence whatsoever that it is Donaldson. 

There is no dispute that it's the same person just as there's no dispute that the first wave of ScotchNatterism was pro-Fascist Germany.

There is also no dispute that the 2nd wave of Scotland's partitionist movement was anti-EEC.

The only common theme in your movement of shame is being anti-English .

Edited by The_Kincardine
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2 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:


There is no dispute that it's the same person just as there's no dispute that the first wave of ScotchNatterism was pro-Fascist Germany.

There is also no dispute that the 2nd wave of Scotland's partitionist movement was anti-EEC.

The only common theme in your movement of shame is being anti-English .

I notice you quickly deleted your Arthur Donaldson pics there. Why was that? Was it shite? Looked like Charles Haughtrey tbqh.

Anyway, here's the King of England with Charlie Chaplin just before they burnt some books and panned some windows in with bricks.....



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5 minutes ago, speckled tangerine said:

I notice you quickly deleted your Arthur Donaldson pics there. Why was that? Was it shite? Looked like Charles Haughtrey tbqh.

Anyway, here's the King of England with Charlie Chaplin just before they burnt some books and panned some windows in with bricks.....

This is idiocy off the scale.

The last King of England landing in Torbay in 1688.


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16 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:
33 minutes ago, welshbairn said:
Can't believe any proud Brit celebrating English traitors welcoming a murderous Dutch invader here. Lord Haw Haw, eat your heart out.

At the invitation of Pope Innocent XI as well.

Pope Innocent did not invite WoO to invade England.

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