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Oor Nicola Sturgeon thread.


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30 minutes ago, Jedi said:

Massive fleg as the background to the platform....folk behind NS on the platform looking utterly miserable. 

'Independence, Independence, Independence.....democracy, blah, blah..Westminster-horrific.'   'Policies?... Don't need any'

I did watch the 'speech', and thought that was a fair summary

Oh dear, were your wee feelings hurt because Sturgeon mentioned Keith & Labour in her speech 3 times? What a right wee shame for you & the other Tory enablers! 

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19 minutes ago, williemillersmoustache said:

Untrue, this seems, young ShiteTalker. 

So she didn't talk about Independence? Did you actually watch it? Or were you too busy furiously clapping along (while looking suitably miserable) at any mere mention of 'Independence' to listen to it? The ShiteTalker today was the Sturge.

Ah yes, massive fleg at the SNP Conference = quite right, get it applauded.....fleg at a Labour Conference = right wing racists.

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3 minutes ago, Brother Blades said:

Oh dear, were your wee feelings hurt because Sturgeon mentioned Keith & Labour in her speech 3 times? What a right wee shame for you & the other Tory enablers! 

Tory enablers= because Nicola said it, its pure true, so it is.

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Just now, Jedi said:

Tory enablers= because Nicola said it, its pure true, so it is.

No, because the facts clearly demonstrate that Labour under Starmer are enabling the current bunch of Tories to move further & further to the right as they are only concerned at winning the floating red wall voters back, principles be damned! Tories move right & Labour shuffle along behind for fear of being outflanked, only thing is, when your facing as the opposition, to prevent being out flanked by a shift to the right, you defend the left. They are just too thick to realise it! 
The message Labour need to be screaming to the red wall is - “it wasn’t the immigrants that made your life shite! It’s the bankers, hedge-fund managers, zero hour contract employers, the tax evaders, etc etc” but no, they don’t have the gumption or the balls! f**k Labour! 

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11 minutes ago, Jedi said:

So she didn't talk about Independence? Did you actually watch it? Or were you too busy furiously clapping along (while looking suitably miserable) at any mere mention of 'Independence' to listen to it? The ShiteTalker today was the Sturge.

Ah yes, massive fleg at the SNP Conference = quite right, get it applauded.....fleg at a Labour Conference = right wing racists.

You’ve certainly changed your tune from the reasonable, just-after-debate, mildly-critical-of-the-SNP, just-supportive-of-wee-Sir-Kier approach of recently.


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These bankers, hedge fund managers, tax evaders you speak of.....are these similar to the ones which the SNP are very keen to cosy up to? Or are they the ones which Andrew Wilson et al want to see calling the shots in an Independent Scotland? (in order to get that pesky deficit below 3% of GDP by taking an axe to public services), or maybe the ones Kate Forbes means when she talks relentlessly about us needing to unleash the  entrepreneurs, the money makers, in utopia? I think they might well be...still. 

'Moving to the right' though-cool story.


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11 minutes ago, Antlion said:

You’ve certainly changed your tune from the reasonable, just-after-debate, mildly-critical-of-the-SNP, just-supportive-of-wee-Sir-Kier approach of recently.


Hmmm...unlike yourself I have yet to direct any personal abuse at others on this forum...suggesting that I felt NS was largely 'talking shite' (in response to my being told that's what i do), not quite the same. Again, I know that questioning any of NS's words doesnt fit the narrative/easy life, but there you go. As far as 'debate' goes...still haven't seen any, so might as well join in with the usual chat.

Rattled? Clearly as Nicola's speech just changed the whole narrative for me today....she really saw off any opposition there. 


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1 minute ago, Jedi said:

These bankers, hedge fund managers, tax evaders you speak of.....are these similar to the ones which the SNP are very keen to cosy up to? Or are they the ones which Andrew Wilson et al want to see calling the shots in an Independent Scotland? (in order to get that pesky deficit below 3% of GDP by taking an axe to public services), or maybe the ones Kate Forbes means when she talks relentlessly about us needing to unleash the  entrepreneurs, the money makers, in utopia? I think they might well be...still. 

'Moving to the right' though-cool story.


I guess we will find out a week today? You know, when the SNP unveil their new fiscal plan for an independent Scotland, rather than referring back to Andrew Wilson’s plan? 
It’s a stretch to say Forbes talks “relentlessly” about entrepreneurship, surely? 
I notice that you’ve not tried to defend the Labour position as regards the red wall? Probably wise. I’ve debated you before & freely admitted that the SNP are a means to an end for me, and I’d guess for the majority of Independence supporters, can’t be sure of that of course, but what I do know is- Scotland has rejected Labour, they just aren’t good enough or forward looking enough for Scotland. 
Just as a matter of interest, can you name me all the left of centre policies that Labour have? 

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17 minutes ago, Brother Blades said:

Just as a matter of interest, can you name me all the left of centre policies that Labour have? 

Nationalising railways

Setting a minimum wage of £15 an hour

Ending zero hours contracts

Placing a Windfall Tax on Energy Companies

Abolishing tuition fees (in England and Wales) and restoring grants

End the state taking 50% off mineworkers pension schemes

Establishing a National Care Service and proper funding for the NHS

Maintaining and ringfencing the top rate of tax for the NHS.

Clamping down on tax avoidance by multinationals and offshore investors

Repeal anti-trade union legislation

National Wealth Fund to provide a start up of £8 billion for renewable energy

Aiming to invest in, and create 1 million green jobs

A National Energy Company which will reinvest any profits in public expenditure on insulation, green energy, recycling etc.

Seriously aiming to achieve net zero by 2030

Insulating all homes which require it across the country to reduce energy bills

Ending automatic evictions for rent arrears, and abolish no fault evictions

Ending the charity status of private schools, and charging them VAT

A domestic abuse register

A Hillsborough Law which would hold public bodies accountable in future.

A significant increase in social housing stock. 

....As a start


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36 minutes ago, Brother Blades said:

No, because the facts clearly demonstrate that Labour under Starmer are enabling the current bunch of Tories to move further & further to the right as they are only concerned at winning the floating red wall voters back, principles be damned! Tories move right & Labour shuffle along behind for fear of being outflanked, only thing is, when your facing as the opposition, to prevent being out flanked by a shift to the right, you defend the left. They are just too thick to realise it! 
The message Labour need to be screaming to the red wall is - “it wasn’t the immigrants that made your life shite! It’s the bankers, hedge-fund managers, zero hour contract employers, the tax evaders, etc etc” but no, they don’t have the gumption or the balls! f**k Labour! 

Post of the day 👏👏

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Voters in Scotland might think about voting Labour again when Labour stop talking down to them. If every single voter in Scotland at the 2019 election voted in a Labour candidate, the Tories would still have a clear majority in Westminster. 

Labour quite frankly can get fucked.

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35 minutes ago, Jedi said:

These bankers, hedge fund managers, tax evaders you speak of.....are these similar to the ones which the SNP are very keen to cosy up to? Or are they the ones which Andrew Wilson et al want to see calling the shots in an Independent Scotland? (in order to get that pesky deficit below 3% of GDP by taking an axe to public services), or maybe the ones Kate Forbes means when she talks relentlessly about us needing to unleash the  entrepreneurs, the money makers, in utopia? I think they might well be...still. 

'Moving to the right' though-cool story.


If we didn't like the way we were being Governed then we would just remove the incumbent Government and vote in an alternative like they do in most Democracies, the difference being that as part of the UK our hands are completely tied and we're stuck with these bloody fascists whether we like it or not.

I honestly can't understand why people find this so hard to grasp and instead seem to cling to the idiotic belief that the SNP would somehow become a dictatorship.....

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34 minutes ago, Jedi said:

Hmmm...unlike yourself I have yet to direct any personal abuse at others on this forum...suggesting that I felt NS was largely 'talking shite' (in response to my being told that's what i do), not quite the same. Again, I know that questioning any of NS's words doesnt fit the narrative/easy life, but there you go. As far as 'debate' goes...still haven't seen any, so might as well join in with the usual chat.

Rattled? Clearly as Nicola's speech just changed the whole narrative for me today....she really saw off any opposition there. 


Excuse me? From what I’ve seen, you keep repeating random bits of “abuse”, none of which have come from me.

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16 minutes ago, Jedi said:

Nationalising railways

Setting a minimum wage of £15 an hour

Ending zero hours contracts

Placing a Windfall Tax on Energy Companies

Abolishing tuition fees (in England and Wales) and restoring grants

End the state taking 50% off mineworkers pension schemes

Establishing a National Care Service and proper funding for the NHS

Maintaining and ringfencing the top rate of tax for the NHS.

Clamping down on tax avoidance by multinationals and offshore investors

Repeal anti-trade union legislation

National Wealth Fund to provide a start up of £8 billion for renewable energy

Aiming to invest in, and create 1 million green jobs

A National Energy Company which will reinvest any profits in public expenditure on insulation, green energy, recycling etc.

Seriously aiming to achieve net zero by 2030

Insulating all homes which require it across the country to reduce energy bills

Ending automatic evictions for rent arrears, and abolish no fault evictions

Ending the charity status of private schools, and charging them VAT

A domestic abuse register

A Hillsborough Law which would hold public bodies accountable in future.

A significant increase in social housing stock. 

....As a start


I’ll give you credit for coming up with that list & barring independence, that would be a great move if they all come to fruition under a Labour government.

However, - and I hope I’m wrong, really wrong. I can’t see any, other than the domestic abuse register & ending charity status for fee paying schools becoming a reality. 
Even with their hands tied, the SNP already have a lot of these covered, so your previous accusation of Tartan Tories or whatever phrase you used is pretty lame. 
I notice, still no defence of the Labour attitude to the red wall? 

Edited to add- HoL abolition still in their plans? Or have they shat it again on that one? 

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7 minutes ago, Brother Blades said:

I’ll give you credit for coming up with that list & barring independence, that would be a great move if they all come to fruition under a Labour government.

However, - and I hope I’m wrong, really wrong. I can’t see any, other than the domestic abuse register & ending charity status for fee paying schools becoming a reality. 
Even with their hands tied, the SNP already have a lot of these covered, so your previous accusation of Tartan Tories or whatever phrase you used is pretty lame. 
I notice, still no defence of the Labour attitude to the red wall? 

Nor Brexit. Nor immigration. Despite the gravity of these, we’re meant to just believe the jolly knight is a leftist.

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