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Ruth Davidson.


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It must be inspiring for the oft-marginalised in Scotland silent Conservative hordes to have such a charismatic leader who is always proud to represent her party and all its members in the hope of bringing the Conservative interest to the visible mainstream of Scottish politics




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In the very week where a number of Tory councillors and candidates have been outed as racists or bigots, here's Ruth trying to mop up the remaining dregs of the PUL vote .....


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There is no Doubt Ruth is not doing herselves any favours by trying to play to the more extreme unionists and right wingers( just as her Boss in England is playing up to the hardened UKIP voters trying to seduce them to vote Tory).

I think we will see a  lot more of this after GE if Tories win large majority http://www.scotsman.com/news/indy-supporter-told-to-f-off-back-to-scotland-by-tory-mp-1-4445277

They really will live up to their well earned reputation as the Nasty party.

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Ruth mocks folk's accents, is bad mannered at FMQs, supports the Rape Clause, has no actual policies, crumbles under the slightest questioning, has the gall to think she speaks for serving and ex-servicemen, uses sectarian rhetoric to whore votes


but hey, she opposes Scotland running itself so she's just feckin super.

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5 hours ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

In the very week where a number of Tory councillors and candidates have been outed as racists or bigots, here's Ruth trying to mop up the remaining dregs of the PUL vote .....


Incredible that the Tories want to dredge all this up again. What with this and a possible hard border in Ireland because of Brexit, they don't seem to give a fck what happens. Grossly irresponsible. Jeezo, we've had the Tories negotiating with the IRA, Paisley and Maginnis becoming best buddies, the Queen shaking hands with all of them and laying a wreath at IRA memorial in Dublin. Yet Ruth Davidson knows better...

Also saw she's now jumping on the free prescription bandwagon after years decrying it. Hypocrite.

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She's blown all the credibility she gained with a couple of quite funny one liners. Completely exposed as a hypocrite embodying the extremist wing of the Tory party, without any pretence of a conscience.

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She's blown all the credibility she gained with a couple of quite funny one liners. Completely exposed as a hypocrite embodying the extremist wing of the Tory party, without any pretence of a conscience.

Thing is, it'll be absolutely lapped up by the "support wur troopz" and another assorted servile, PUL losers.

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Just now, jupe1407 said:


Thing is, it'll be absolutely lapped up by the "support wur troopz" and another assorted servile, PUL losers.


They would have voted Tory anyway, what she needs is the centre, people who might vote for a "one nation" Macmillan type Tory party. I really hope she's blowing it, badly.

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They would have voted Tory anyway, what she needs is the centre, people who might vote for a "one nation" Macmillan type Tory party. I really hope she's blowing it, badly.

It'd be delicious if her own arrogance costs her party any seats they might have won. She's an absolute scumbag [emoji38]
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27 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

She's blown all the credibility she gained with a couple of quite funny one liners. Completely exposed as a hypocrite embodying the extremist wing of the Tory party, without any pretence of a conscience.

FFS...she wears flatties and drinks rosé.

Edited by The_Kincardine
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