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The European football level St. Mirren FC 2024/25 thread

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43 minutes ago, Buttocks Brown said:

We have form here. Paul McGowan started his criminal career with us. 3 assaults of police officers, breach of the peace and more. Somehow avoided a custodial sentence.

If it's happened last week, not made it to the papers and he's come to his work then presumably it isn't all that serious. Probably he'll be back in a few days once the police decide what they're doing. Big numpty.

What you are quoting is purely down to luck or bad luck to be more precise. 


The Buds have acted swiftly and professionally, good on them.  It is a worry that SMFC  have had to move straight to a suspension, so we need to wait on news of what the "incident" entails.  Needless to say it is likely to be serious in nature.

Football has been around for a long time, not a club exists that hasn't seen players or staff on the wrong side of the law.  

I could quote more than a few incidents off the top of my head but some of the sensitive souls on here would have a melt down.  



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At the risk of coming across a bit po-faced, I wish players would just stay off the drink. They are allegedly professional athletes, and going out to get bevvied with your mates always carries the potential to end badly.

They are letting the club and the supporters down with this infantile behaviour. He will know that we have just parachuted a former player in on an emergency basis due to issues with the defence. Assuming he has indeed done something stupid, he could be in breach of his contract.


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7 minutes ago, itzdrk said:

I have one question only, can an incident remain alleged if you admit your involvement?  

The wording really confused me. 

They will be covering themselves due to possible ongoing legal proceedings.

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3 hours ago, The Real Saints said:

He's a very thick individual who is bound to self-destruct if he's not at a respectable club or surrounded by respectable people. The St Mirren move was always going to end in disaster.

It’s mad he goes out with that dead posh tennis player. Would’ve thought she’d have kept him more on the straight and narrow.

2 hours ago, Mark Connolly said:

The one in town is between Royal Exchange Square and Princes Square. There's another one at the bottom of Church St in the old Boho

Was it Boho prior to Sanctuary?

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I had my reservations about signing Rooney from the moment it was suggested that we were looking at him. I hate to feel vindicated especially in circumstances like this but if his demeanour on the park has been anything to go by then he appears to be a ticking time bomb. As a result, rightly or wrongly, I'm not in the slightest that he has found himself in this situation.

Certain elements of the support appear to love the fact he just goes out to kick f*ck out of opponents – but he should be above that because he has the talent to be playing a high level. However, this has clearly been something of an issue throughout his career.

The club are evidently taking this very seriously, at the end of the day they can't preach to be a family club and then not back it up by having a strong party line when someone oversteps the mark. Since Keith Lasley has come in, the club have played a huge emphasis on the club's 'mission' and regularly post about "our mission is to be the best community centred development football club in Scotland". We have partnerships with Kibble and UWS, so anything bringing the club into disrepute will be seriously frowned upon. Some fans will quickly compare this to Paul McGowan, but this is a different board and arguably a more ruthless coaching team, and I wouldn't be surprised if this spelled the end of his time at the club if anything serious comes out of this.

At the end of the day, this could have an impact on the squad, which was always my fear. Our defence is threadbare as it is. 

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4 hours ago, Stu said:

Club has suspended Rooney following an alleged incident in Glasgow at the weekend (the statement has broken the website!).


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