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"The ICT Thread - From the Premiership to the Seaside"

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3 hours ago, TheScarf said:

Surprising given how vocal some folk on CTO are about the 24,674 things they don't like about the club.

Quite. Happy to rant about anything and everything but when they're offered with the chance to speak to someone at the club they all fill their breeks and head of to Simpsons garden centre instead.

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31 minutes ago, Highland Capital said:

Is it just me or is CTO crowded by lunatics more than it's ever been?  There used to be some good writers on it at one time, but now it seems to be filled with bores, morons and dullards.

Yep, a decade ago it was a great read.  Now its a dick-measuring contest to see who the biggest superfan is, and anyone who disagrees with anyone else's opinion is shut down.  

This supporters trust bollocks in the last year or so has made it almost unreadable for me.  And also a lot of folk are not acting like spoilt brats as we aren't in the Premiership anymore and getting to cup finals.

The harsh reality of regressing to our natural level.

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I’m sure during that time there was a lot more insider rumours etc. that brought a lot of discussion, while there was also a lot more in-depth tactical stuff. Nowadays it’s just all the same old hangers on patting each other on the back until a thread is a locked.

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You'll find there's a lot more folk wanting to stick their oar in when the team are shite than then we're alright.  This is the worst position the club's been in for years so naturally there will be lots of witch hunts and general cuntness that we're used to seeing.

Thank fuck we have this website for some 'sanity'.

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13 hours ago, Highland Capital said:

CTO seems to have totally changed demographic in the last few years.  It seems to be filled with pensioners nowadays.

Not overly surprising given that most of the younger fans will be using Twitter or Facebook to talk about football.

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A bit ironic that so much of this thread is about CTO then, no?

I think you’ll find most club forums are the same, it’s just that historically they’re used to their team being shite, whereas we’re just going to have to get used to it. We’ve been spoiled up till now.

Who’s Gatepost then?

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29 minutes ago, Tarmo Kink said:

Shows the poor quality of this league when are in for a real shout of making the playoffs. Surely all 3 of Partick, Falkirk and Dunfermline won’t remain absolutely shite all season? We really need new signings in January.

Surely Partick have to improve after having the SAS make one of their players breakdown into tears.

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As far as I am concerned Ridgers has been our Player of the Season BUT he fecked up the first two goals and the defence clearly lost concentration and positioning for all three goals. And then Oakley should have netted a hat-trick. Robbo cant give allowances for individual mistakes. We are having a poor season albeit I bet that most of us would have taken our league position and our points tally in pre-season. I recall some positive comments about our squad at the start of the season as well. It is probably as much bad misfortune that we have had more than our share of injuries and some unforeseen losses. It is always a gamble going for the cheaper option of bringing in potential with a history of injuries. I also feel that the "unbeaten run" nonsense was having a negative effect and lets hope that getting the monkey off our back will pay dividends. I would suspect that we had two "goals" at the start of the season - to avoid relegation and to bring back some financial stability. Watching the purse strings and improving is evidently a very difficult task. We have brought in a management team who have been tasked with balancing the finances. That must be both understandable but very frustrating for Robbo. I was disappointed but not surprised that he kept the yoof on the bench yesterday BUT here are my suggested New Year Resolutions. Ditch the "hangers-on" (There must be spondoolachs for OFW ?) - take an increasing risk on blooding some of the Under 18's and look at spending a bit more cash on two journeymen - one with some midfield panache and one with a striking record. 

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1 hour ago, Snafu said:

I do remember we were interested in taking Ryan Dow off County back in August, now at Peterhead with his loan period up in January and his contract runs out in the summer, maybe take him in the next window, maybe give us another attacking option, not quite what I had in mind but I wouldn't complain. Can't imagine him coming here on loan but if he was released that would suit us and maybe free up a wage for County.

Ryan Dow has already played for both Ross County and Peterhead this season. He cant play for a third club. He will have to spend the rest of the season with one or other of them.

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8 hours ago, Tarmo Kink said:

No clue, still I reckon swapping him with Mulraney was a good deal atm :lol:

Mulraney seems to have vanished off the face of the earth as well. I see he's played just over 360 minutes of football with Hearts. Not exactly making much of an impact it seems.

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Rumours abound that Polworth has turned down the offer of a new deal and is "considering his options". I'm sure unlike Tansey, Meekings, Shinnie and all the others before him who have said this same thing he will definitely sign a new contract...

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