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Infuriating Things Your Partner Does

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16 hours ago, Cerberus said:

Sitting in a poorly lit room with only the big light on is depressing single man/jakey/student behavior.

Sort yerselves out.

Removed the big light from the living room like a boss.

Feeling #epic.

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I'm sure having found you posting on a forum before about your personal life. She'd be thrilled to find yet more intimate details of your relationship being shared again.

And there's no doubt with the history of cheating a name like "The Chlamydia Kid" will go down well.
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With regards to cheating partners being taken back, much of this is to do with financial stability and a better the devil you know outlook on life. People who look at a couple and say "I don't see why she doesn't just leave him" for example fail/refuse to see just how messy a break up will be when there is a house, car and assets are involved, let alone children.

Took my pal months to finish with his ex for cheating. We knew of at least 6 incidents in the space of a year with many more rumoured to have happened.

He said he didn't want to break it off because he'd have to admit to his parents that she was trouble.
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Can maybe understand if it was a one off, drunk thing, but if either of us were shagging about behind the others back consistently I'm sure we'd be out on our arse pretty fucking quick.

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Cheating on your spouse is really something you should keep to yourself. Its nothing to be proud of, and leaving an online trail of evidence is foolishness on a quite mental scale.



At least he doesn't have some awkward username, something STD related for example that would have guys running a mile from her through association.


Eta: Ah, one cannot rule out calculated scumbaggery by doing this to keep her to himself after going through his own slippery cheating b****** phase.

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4 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:


For me, every man in the world fantasises about banging some strange, most men have something that keeps them from doing so. In my case, BSLM has knocked me back already and threatened a restraining order.



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Some of my mates shag about and manage to hide it from their girlfriends but I've never seen the appeal, it's like a full time job with all the lies, hiding text messages and making sure you don't get caught on social media etc. If your that desperate to shag about just be single rather than try to have your pie and eat it too. If it's a one-off drunken mistake I can understand it but if it was my missus making the mistake I still don't think I could get past it and continue the relationship.


Edited by irvine_buddie
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I know for a fact I'd be done if I got caught riding about, she's only had one other serious boyfriend and he got caught and she ended it straight away and never so much as went on a date for a couple of years after. TBH the thought of how bad it would effect her is probably more of a deterrent rather than the fact I'm not a scumbag anyway. 

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Not putting CDs back in the right box.  Nothing worse than being in a hurry, getting in the car and heading off.  Go to put on a CD (Foo Fighters etc) and open the case to find a Taylor Swift CD in it.

This then leads to the following sort of chain -

Taylor Swift case has a Jason Derulo CD

Jason Derulo has The Weekend 

The Weekend case is empty.

Foo Fighters is sitting out wedged in between the CDs.


Repeat this with DVD's as well.

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18 minutes ago, irvine_buddie said:

Some of my mates shag about and manage to hide it from their girlfriends but I've never seen the appeal, it's like a full time job with all the lies, hiding text messages and making sure you don't get caught on social media etc. If your that desperate to shag about just be single rather than try n to have you pie and eat it too. If it's a one-off drunken mistake I can understand it but if it was my missus making the mistake I still don't think I could get past it and continue the relationship.

Agreed, but most cheats probably find that being married helps them get their end away. It's amazing how many folk, men and women alike, see a married man or woman as a challenge. The women I've discussed this with have been full of shit about how men become more attractive when they're married because they aren't trying to impress anyone in order to get laid, etc...I reckon it's just the forbidden fruit thing, with a bit of "I could take him from that bitch if I wanted" thrown in. People are evil.

10 minutes ago, The Minertaur said:

Not putting CDs back in the right box.  Nothing worse than being in a hurry, getting in the car and heading off.  Go to put on a CD (Foo Fighters etc) and open the case to find a Taylor Swift CD in it.

This then leads to the following sort of chain -

Taylor Swift case has a Jason Derulo CD

Jason Derulo has The Weekend 

The Weekend case is empty.

Foo Fighters is sitting out wedged in between the CDs.

Repeat this with DVD's as well.

Just chuck her shit CDs in the bin and listen to your own. Feign ignorance when she finds her cases empty. She must be used to losing the discs by now.

Passive-aggressive solutions for a happier home life  :P

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14 minutes ago, The Chlamydia Kid said:


A full time job is exactly what it is. Constant stress and worry, hiding phones, deleting messages, concocting excuses, remembering excuses. I don't know how I got away with it so long.


Reads like your entire history posting on pie & bovril. 

Though it would explain your username.  

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Not good. Had already been caught a year earlier- but sold it as a one off. In my defence I had said in a post on there that I hadn't done anything since I got caught. So she accepted that. However she found out it wasn't just a "one off" but was a large number of women continually since we had got together.

Still together though, but it caused grief for years, split up for a year and the only social media I am permitted to have (bizarrely) is Snapchat.

You must have some size of knob.

Tells me to watch a telly show, then decides to talk through it all, then spoils what's happening before I get to a point.

I'm sure the impact of pausing live TV has minimised this frustration but I've had about 6 serious girlfriends in the last 14 years and every single of them follows the same process of watching a film, I'm sure you've all suffered this:

Dinds: do you want to watch this film?

Her: Yes, what's it about.

Me: not sure but it's a drama so it should maybe suit both of us.

Her: ok.

Dinds: It starts in 10 mins so get food, drinks etc.

Film starts......screen goes black.......text comes up on screen "1955, New York........."

Her: I'm going for a pee

Dinds: FFS

Film then runs through the wee start bit and screen goes back again just as she re-enters the room.

Her (looking at me and not the screen) : what's this about then?

Me (looking at screen which now says "present day, Paris) Haven't seen it before, just watch it.

Her: Ok

Then about 5 times through the film: Who is he? Who is she? Why does it keep talking about New York.

Dinds: puts shotgun in his mouth.

Also most women are bad for saying "I don't understand this" during a film or tv when a new character or hero has literally just been introduced and not a single piece of back story to this person has been given yet. Give it time FFS I haven't seen this either!!!!!
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9 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

I would stake my life on TCK being comfortably in the majority when it comes to playing away from home.

I don't think that was the issue tbh. More to do with his lack of descretion I'd say.

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1 minute ago, sjc said:

I don't think that was the issue tbh. More to do with his lack of descretion I'd say.

Loads of dafties out there, it's alarming that the most prevalent shaggers out there appear to be the most indiscreet, I think it's down to a serious lack of self esteem.

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