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53 minutes ago, The Chlamydia Kid said:

Do you think NI are just going to spend the cash on bunting and paint for the kerbstones?

You forgot wooden pallets

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7 minutes ago, Glenconner said:

Be carnage infrastructure wise in the Wee 6 once the EU piss off....

It's not going to be good news right across the British Isles. EEC entry did wonders for the RoI because it undid a lot of the damage inflicted by 1916. A hard Brexit reverses that to a significant extent and might even sink the Common Travel Area. If there is an example of a hard border on our doorstep, it will be a while before indyref2 gathers steam again as the passports to go to Carlisle thing will be more than a scare tactic. 

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Dry your eyes. If Labour were relying on the SNP to form a government, would they not also extract a "grubby" deal? Or would they be all altruistic, "No, Jeremy, of course we don't want permission to hold another independence referendum. More money? Perish the thought."

You sound like my mother.

She resorted to that sort of whataboutery when I was discussing this with her on Facebook earlier.
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This parliament will last five years. It has to. The Tories and DUP both know an early election means Corbyn will be PM, something both parties deeply oppose, so another election is out the question. The only question is will May hold on for the term or will there be a Tory leadership contest with the winner automatically becoming PM

Labour might want a second General Election this year but I doubt very much that the Lib Dems or the SNP will be as enthusiastic.


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Labour might want a second General Election this year but I doubt very much that the Lib Dems or the SNP will be as enthusiastic.

The Tories and DUP won't want an election this year, them alone will be enough to block it regardless.

I personally say bring it on because I think if there was an election towards the end of the year, Labour would win a landslide and regain large swathes of West-Central Scotland, getting rid of the Tories and killing of the divisive second referendum all in one go.
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2 hours ago, Cerberus said:

I'd expect them to also use some for their book burning and putting 'the gays' in jail.

Don't forget the curing. Davidson will be first up for additional funding to get herself cured. 

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5 hours ago, welshbairn said:

I don't see what's dirty about demanding benefits for all your constituents in exchange for supporting a Government you basically agree with. None of the sectarian or loony tunes bigotry elements have been incorporated as I understand it.

It could be argued that the DUP are doing that and that's a fair negotiating position.  The dirty part of it comes from the Tory government acceding to their demands by using our money to prop up their failed electoral disaster.

Of course I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt by assuming that you have not taken one of your frequent forays in to trolling mode; that would explain the clowns who gave you reputations for your post.

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The DUP deserve commendation for the absolute mugging they've given Theresa. An absolute shambles for the Tories though that once again highlights their austerity is ideological. When this government falls Labour should slaughter these c***s.

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