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Junior football, what is the future?


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2 minutes ago, Robert James said:

Yes, but will clubs like Lok get planning permission for lights ?

And floodlights are expensive. Will weaker clubs be able to fund them,  in order to get a licence in the future ? 


Only teams who win the Premiership will need a licence and lights to get promoted to tier 5.

That won't affect 62 out of 63 teams each season.

If your team is good enough to win the Premiership, then it must obviously have a bit of money behind it and would likely to be able to get a licence.

Pollok's particular circumstances regarding planning permission for floodlights is not an issue I can comment on as I don't know the facts.

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Only teams who win the Premiership will need a licence and lights to get promoted to tier 5.
That won't affect 62 out of 63 teams each season.
If your team is good enough to win the Premiership, then it must obviously have a bit of money behind it and would likely to be able to get a licence.
Pollok's particular circumstances regarding planning permission for floodlights is not an issue I can comment on as I don't know the facts.

Totally agree with this. Floodlights are not that expensive and assistance can be done to get these. The top 2 divisions in the west should be aiming to have these anyway and it would alleviate fixture congestion towards the end of the season.
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2 minutes ago, Arthurlie1981 said:

Totally agree with this. Floodlights are not that expensive and assistance can be done to get these. The top 2 divisions in the west should be aiming to have these anyway and it would alleviate fixture congestion towards the end of the season.



I'm not sure any pressure should be put on clubs to get floodlights when they are not currently required for participation at tier 6 or below.

I keep repeating it, though, as there are so many misconceptions out there - for 62 out of the 63 teams in the West Region nothing will change if they join the pyramid. There are no negatives to it, but lots of positives and opportunities to develop your club if you wish to do so. Why any club in the West Region would say no to it is beyond my understanding.

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As you can see on here that officials and affiliates do actually read p&b.  The west juniors imo will probably migrate over the next few seasons. Discussions amongst officials will have probably been done on the quiet and now its just a waiting game.  
I think evolution was the right thing but hijacked by a few on here as a revolution. I worry certain clubs will go to the wall at the expense of this.
Certain posters on here are pushing it purely for financial benefit to themselves. Too many well planned narratives, documents and pictures to suggest that this is just a point of view thread.
Whatever happens we (Talbot) will survive the outcome.
"Certain posters on here are pushing it for financial benefit to themselves"? WTF? Isa is slipping back into his mad deranged posts that saw him banned last time round.

Maybe you can explain what you mean?
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2 hours ago, jc1 said:
21 hours ago, Black & Red Socks said:
This is an excellent question which I hoped JC would be able at some point to reply to, but it seems to have been lost in the noise.

Sorry lads took me 2 days to go through this. Like every manager I'm ambitious but I'm also realistic. I have a lengthy contract at fauldhouse which I'm grateful of for the support in my first job. What I can say is in the future it would need to be big job cause everything I have at Fauldhouse is superb. I know where yous are going regarding the question about the club progressing through leagues ect. What people need to understand is the junior set up is beneficial for fauldhouse financial wise and its future that's more important than individuals or leagues

Fair response. As said, I personally have my doubts that this new structure is going to be good for southern clubs in the ERJFA, especially clubs like yourselves. But if that's Fauldhouse's choice fair enough and good luck for the future. You've got a great set up over there and some very hard working people running the club. I'm definitely not the kind of person who'd hope you'll fail just to be able to say "told you so".

I still enjoy watching junior football and I might actually be watching you play on Saturday at Downfield. Although whether or not you'll be happy with that remains to be seen as I've seen you play 3 times in the last 9 months and you conceded 12 goals... ;)

Edited by Marten
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Fair response. As said, I personally have my doubts that this new structure is going to be good for southern clubs in the ERJFA, especially clubs like yourselves. But if that's Fauldhouse's choice fair enough and good luck for the future. You've got a great set up over there and some very hard working people running the club. I'm definitely not the kind of person who'd hope you'll fail just to be able to say "told you so".
I still enjoy watching junior football and I might actually be watching you play on Saturday at Downfield. Although whether or not you'll be happy with that remains to be seen as I've seen you play 3 times in the last 9 months and you conceded 12 goals... [emoji6]
Stay away lol
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Fair response. As said, I personally have my doubts that this new structure is going to be good for southern clubs in the ERJFA, especially clubs like yourselves. But if that's Fauldhouse's choice fair enough and good luck for the future. You've got a great set up over there and some very hard working people running the club. I'm definitely not the kind of person who'd hope you'll fail just to be able to say "told you so".
I still enjoy watching junior football and I might actually be watching you play on Saturday at Downfield. Although whether or not you'll be happy with that remains to be seen as I've seen you play 3 times in the last 9 months and you conceded 12 goals... [emoji6]
Stay away lol
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2 minutes ago, jc1 said:
6 minutes ago, Marten said:
Fair response. As said, I personally have my doubts that this new structure is going to be good for southern clubs in the ERJFA, especially clubs like yourselves. But if that's Fauldhouse's choice fair enough and good luck for the future. You've got a great set up over there and some very hard working people running the club. I'm definitely not the kind of person who'd hope you'll fail just to be able to say "told you so".
I still enjoy watching junior football and I might actually be watching you play on Saturday at Downfield. Although whether or not you'll be happy with that remains to be seen as I've seen you play 3 times in the last 9 months and you conceded 12 goals... emoji6.png

Stay away lol


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See this Highland line business. How no just do it by postcode and allow DD to have the choice to go Highland if they want (except DD6 who are always Lowland). Something like:

Lowland League
DG, TD, ML, KA, G, EH, KY, FK, PA, DD*, PH1-PH14

Highland League
ZE, KW, IV, PH, AB, HS, PH15-PH50

*All DD postcodes are eligible for Lowland League. All DD with the exception of DD6 are also eligible for membership of the Highland League system should a membership application be accepted.



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11 hours ago, Robert James said:

So the stable and strong Highland League, established  well over a hundred years ago, should/could be given a lesser pyramid  status, than the still 'fledgling/evolving' Lowland League, because a few junior clubs want the SFA boundary changed, to enable them to join an integrated pyramid !    

Back to reality please........ when will the PWG Minutes be circulated. I thought that they were not supposed to be confidential. We already have two significantly different views (rumours) from different posters on here, about the outcome. It would be informative to read them, before the 31st March 2019.

It would also be helpful to know the outcome of the (2018) Club  Licensing applications, as this is very important to the EoS clubs who are currently challenging for the promotion playoffs, to  the Lowland League, as I understand SLL member clubs, have to be licensed. 

Well the Highland League having equal promotion opportunity in future whilst covering 18 clubs (assuming no feeders happen in the north as nobody is interested), whilst the LL has 16 clubs with potentially 120+ clubs feeding into it is a little unbalanced don't you think? that's the reality.

Also, why do you keep asking on here about minutes, licencing etc, you should know by now that if any poster on here has access to that information and is minded to share it, then they will.  Fact is, you generally know as much as anyone else on here.


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3 minutes ago, ForzaDundee said:

See this Highland line business. How no just do it by postcode and allow DD to have the choice to go Highland if they want (except DD6 who are always Lowland). Something like:

Lowland League
DG, TD, ML, KA, G, EH, KY, FK, PA, DD*, PH1-PH14

Highland League
ZE, KW, IV, PH, AB, HS, PH15-PH50

*All DD postcodes are eligible for Lowland League. All DD with the exception of DD6 are also eligible for membership of the Highland League system should a membership application be accepted.



Surely it makes more sense to just go with local authority boundaries? Perth & Kinross, Dundee City & Angus have a choice. Aberdeenshire, Aberdeen, Moray, Highland, Na h-Eileanan Siar, Orkney & Shetland go HL, the rest LL for example.

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10 minutes ago, jc1 said:
14 minutes ago, Marten said:
Fair response. As said, I personally have my doubts that this new structure is going to be good for southern clubs in the ERJFA, especially clubs like yourselves. But if that's Fauldhouse's choice fair enough and good luck for the future. You've got a great set up over there and some very hard working people running the club. I'm definitely not the kind of person who'd hope you'll fail just to be able to say "told you so".
I still enjoy watching junior football and I might actually be watching you play on Saturday at Downfield. Although whether or not you'll be happy with that remains to be seen as I've seen you play 3 times in the last 9 months and you conceded 12 goals... emoji6.png

Stay away lol

If your looking to the future you surely can't think that's the future 

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1 hour ago, Talbot 1978 said:

As you can see on here that officials and affiliates do actually read p&b.  The west juniors imo will probably migrate over the next few seasons. Discussions amongst officials will have probably been done on the quiet and now its just a waiting game.

I think evolution was the right thing but hijacked by a few on here as a revolution. I worry certain clubs will go to the wall at the expense of this.

Certain posters on here are pushing it purely for financial benefit to themselves. Too many well planned narratives, documents and pictures to suggest that this is just a point of view thread.

Whatever happens we (Talbot) will survive the outcome.


29 minutes ago, glensmad said:

I'm not really sure what you are suggesting there, perhaps you could clarify ?

I think we are reading the ravings of a pretty deranged individual here unfortunately. As glensmad has quite rightly pointed out, for 62 of 63 west clubs absolutely nothing will change. Not one thing. So how someone can come to the conclusion that "certain clubs will go to the wall at the expense of this" is quite something.

"Certain posters on here are pushing it purely for financial benefit to themselves" - how this can be ascertained is way, way beyond any sense but I'm looking forward to the answer as to what is meant by this quite bizarre statement.

"Too many well planned narratives, documents and pictures to suggest that this is just a point of view thread" - is it truly beyond your grasp to believe that articulated, well thought out points of view can be made on these forums and that people who post them have mastered the art of internet searches, spreadsheets and screen grabs and the use of  cut & paste and drag & drop tools that Microsoft offer their users and can use these tools quite quickly to illustrate their points?

All this coupled with your recent, over the top bombardment of Pyramid threads with posts with scant relation to the topic and your utter obsession with Burnieman paints you as a pretty sad individual who really ought to move beyond scouring these boards for his posts. Online stalking is creepy.

Edited by Sidney Lumet
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9 minutes ago, Marten said:

Surely it makes more sense to just go with local authority boundaries? Perth & Kinross, Dundee City & Angus have a choice. Aberdeenshire, Aberdeen, Moray, Highland, Na h-Eileanan Siar, Orkney & Shetland go HL, the rest LL for example.

No matter what way you look at it Perth and Tayport has to be Lowland (hence PH1-14 and DD6)

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48 minutes ago, Burnie_man said:

"Certain posters on here are pushing it for financial benefit to themselves"? WTF? Isa is slipping back into his mad deranged posts that saw him banned last time round.

Maybe you can explain what you mean?


31 minutes ago, Jason King said:

Name one, go on actually name someone you think is trying to destroy an outmoded "grade" for financial benefit.


30 minutes ago, glensmad said:

I'm not really sure what you are suggesting there, perhaps you could clarify ?

Just quoting these to ensure '78 does not accidentally miss them.

Some pretty heavy accusations there from the Talbot fella. I'd love to hear more about this as it sounds like a real case of malpractice you've uncovered here. I hope you've reported it appropriately.


Must say I'm pretty dispirited to see the West Lothian league/rump ERJFA; talk about ever decreasing circles! I fully appreciate the decision made by Fauldhouse was made for the best intentions, but come on, that's a wasteland. And what interest will there be in local derbies when if you lose there's another along in a few days to have another go at. And another next weekend . And another the weekend after.

Looking forward with real interest to hearing the PWG story in full.

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The cavalry are out in force today [emoji1]


Listen If your posting on an open forum then I'm entitled to make an opinion like everyone else.

No names have been mentioned by me on financial gain but I see others are straight on the defensive, or I am wrong?


For others outwith looking in please look at this hread for what it is.


This thread is too slick, within minutes posters have got long winded worded suggestions with graphic detailed pictures to back up their idea.


I mean how quickly can posters put up images of league set up in different areas within a small space of time. Thats planned ffs [emoji1]


On that alone the alarm bells should be ringing out. This is a well oiled machine intent on getting what they want. Eternal hell and fire awaits for anyone to criticise or question their comments.


If I'm wrong you're entitled to your opinion.


Lastly I don't advocate the status quo and I know change is afoot but let the teams, clubs and affiliates decide that. Not some poster/s who the majority on here know anything about.









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1 minute ago, Talbot 1978 said:

The cavalry are out in force today emoji1.png


Listen If your posting on an open forum then I'm entitled to make an opinion like everyone else.

No names have been mentioned by me on financial gain but I see others are straight on the defensive, or I am wrong?


For others outwith looking in please look at this hread for what it is.


This thread is too slick, within minutes posters are have got long winded worded suggestions with graphic detailed pictures to back up their idea.


I mean how quickly can posters put up images of league set up in different areas within a small space of time. Thats planned ffs emoji1.png


On that alone the alarm bells should be ringing out. This is a well oiled machine intent on getting what they want. Eternal hell and fire awaits for anyone to criticise or question their comments.


If I'm wrong you're entitled to your opinion.


Lastly I don't advocate the status quo and I know change is afoot but let the teams, clubs and affiliates decide that. Not some poster/s who the majority on here know anything about.







Burnie_man must stay in the row of mansions in Blackburn with subo

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