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Junior football, what is the future?


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I love Blastie’s naivety, expecting opinions and assumptions on here to be fully referenced 😂

I’m going to keep my council until the outcome of tomorrow’s meeting. Will be writing another piece this weekend with input from both sides.

...oh, and @gogsy - think we’ll be fine for a few years yet after our cup run. Don’t expect BSC to disappear downwards anytime soon. 😘

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Didn't say you did believe everything on here just said that I don't. What I meant was don't believe everything you read in general[emoji849]Apologies for not communicating this better.

Where did I say I believed everything I read on here? Once again, I'm merely pointing out the article only mentioned 4 out of 24 Ayrshire clubs. I have no doubt more signed the declaration,but a fair few will be taking the Auchinleck approach.
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I love Blastie’s naivety, expecting opinions and assumptions on here to be fully referenced [emoji23]
I’m going to keep my council until the outcome of tomorrow’s meeting. Will be writing another piece this weekend with input from both sides.
...oh, and [mention=10145]gogsy[/mention] - think we’ll be fine for a few years yet after our cup run. Don’t expect BSC to disappear downwards anytime soon. [emoji8]
There you go again. Making assumptions about my expectations[emoji849]
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Think what mystic blastie is missing out, despite a lot of unnecessary posts along the way, the reason this threat exists and grows is due to the lack of information from the association. 

Fans have been left to piece together what they know and rationalise it. This is why we are where we are, committees hidden outwith the public eye and lack of information from their plans. 

in many ways, this forum has probably come up with and scrutinised many of the ideas and plans for the future of lower league football. The lack of transparency from the sjfa/wrsjfa is the reason I hope clubs can start afresh.

I’ve tried to explain to our Academy players the situation with the grade and it’s always the same response. It doesn’t make any sense. One system, one organisation. Saving the ‘grade’ should have no influence, it’s about what’s best for the clubs.

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59 minutes ago, Mystic Blastie said:
1 hour ago, Bestsinceslicebread said:
There are facts there are also face to face comments with people in here with people who were at meetings throughout this whole thread. Some are truths on both sides, some are not. Unfortunately you have came on here and have been very negative.   you don't even need to read the comments from some of the pro pyramid people to understand what's wrong, read it all yourself, even the timeline and you will see what a mess the juniors are in right now
Throughout this whole processes of this thread over the years, things have happened and peoples views and judgements of others have changed.  I myself have followed this closely and been involve din junior football all my days but wanted, always wanted a pyramid system intergraded but now from known facts, people ive spoken to face to face regarding meetings and other things I've read here and elsewhere I do not 100% want any junior association member involve din the new WOS league. They have embarrassed themselves, the junior clubs they represent and most all of made a mockery of the junior grade with their tunnel view, none objective views and their greed for power during their power struggles and their failure to compromise.
It is better that a full pyramid system is running and that junior clubs decide to join A pyramid system then do so but you will no longer be a junior team, that will be confined to history, your teams history and should be held close to the chest and proud but its a new venture to help Scottish football improve from the bottom up.

I'm pro pyramid too believe it or not but I'm anti judgemental, conspiracy theorists stuck in their bedroom, keyboard warriors...

but I aint one of those guys

I am objective, thought progressive and only interested in the best for Scottish football and I believe the junior fraternity have fucked up many times and been too blinkered to see the actual truth.  They should seriously be ashamed of themselves.  This process has really showed them up for what they really are, not fit for purpose.

if you think people are keyboard warrior then leave em alone, your only heightening and making bigger what they are trying to achieve.  In saying that, there's quite a few on both sides but the junior keyboard warriors are fading away as they really know its dying on its feet

Edited by Bestsinceslicebread
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Think what mystic blastie is missing out, despite a lot of unnecessary posts along the way, the reason this threat exists and grows is due to the lack of information from the association. 
Fans have been left to piece together what they know and rationalise it. This is why we are where we are, committees hidden outwith the public eye and lack of information from their plans. 
in many ways, this forum has probably come up with and scrutinised many of the ideas and plans for the future of lower league football. The lack of transparency from the sjfa/wrsjfa is the reason I hope clubs can start afresh.
I’ve tried to explain to our Academy players the situation with the grade and it’s always the same response. It doesn’t make any sense. One system, one organisation. Saving the ‘grade’ should have no influence, it’s about what’s best for the clubs.
Nothing rational about any of the posts on here. Especially mine[emoji39]
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4 minutes ago, marconi said:

as it was a west region meeting I think the answer is obvious     as for my source, he was first to mention the partial P W G meeting

I'm assuming that was in response to my question. I was asking as I'm aware there may be other Ayrshire clubs not in favour of the WRJFA 'plan'.

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When all is said and done, the LL would take every single WRJFA club if they want en-masse entry to the Pyramid, but they need to realise it is under the exact same rules and regulations as the EoS/SoS.  It is also open to any non-WRJFA clubs and they will all be treated as equal members of the new league. All will be eligible for SFA Licencing, U20 leagues etc. They will all be in the Pyramid.

Delegates who were there last night will get the chance to listen to the LL side of the debate and their plans tomorrow, and should do so with an open mind.


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1 minute ago, marconi said:

 as I was not at the meeting I don't know how every team voted but it is fair to assume Clydebank were one team   who voted against but the result of the vote was    60    2 with one team not present

Vote for what?

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2 minutes ago, marconi said:

 as I was not at the meeting I don't know how every team voted but it is fair to assume Clydebank were one team   who voted against but the result of the vote was    60    2 with one team not present

There was no vote 

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3 minutes ago, marconi said:

 as I was not at the meeting I don't know how every team voted but it is fair to assume Clydebank were one team   who voted against but the result of the vote was    60    2 with one team not present

What was the (rough) wording of the vote? You are the only person that has mentioned any vote taking place last night.

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3 hours ago, Footballfirst said:

There is nothing wrong in having regional bodies administering leagues within a pyramid. It is already in place in the Highlands and EoS. It is widespread in England with National leagues, Regional leagues and County FAs all doing their bit.

However, what binds them together are common goals of allowing clubs to progress and attracting new clubs. That requires commonality and agreements between leagues about promotion, relegation, discipline, match calendars, facilities, licensing etc.

The SJFA has shown itself to have parochial and insular view of themselves and their perceived value to the wider game across the country.  That was echoed by some of the alleged comments at last night's WRJFA meeting.

There should be nothing to prevent the WRJFA running leagues within the pyramid, but they have to accept that they have to adapt to what rules and structures are in place, and work well, for clubs already within the pyramid. They have acted like a bull in a china shop, as if they are the top dogs in non SPFL football, demanding that everyone else accedes to their demands. 

That is the crux of the problem.

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