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2 hours ago, D.A.F.C said:

Drama queens. Same folk that gossip all day long about others but have zero self awareness.
Oh look so and so drunk all the milk
Someone parked their car squint.

Get a grip you absolute diddy

People who find their lives so painfully boring that they try and inject some interest into it by creating drama over incredibly trivial issues at work.


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4 hours ago, nsr said:

We have air freshener sprays available in our work bogs. Nobody seems to use them. Smelly, clatty people.

Pah! Our work has an automatic one fixed to the wall that releases lovely smelling air every 20 minutes or so.


The bogs still reek of absolute shite.

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People who talk about getting drunk like it's some kind of achievement. We had a work away day to Manchester last week. Most of the people at my level stayed up in Manchester to get shitfaced on the Friday night. They decided to get drunk, so they got drunk, then they did drunk things, and now all the chat at lunch is about the hilarious drunk things they did. How is that worth talking about? You drunk a substance that's going to change your personality and then you did things out of character. Congrats. 

There was a study done recently that said that being drunk doesn’t change your personality, it exacerbates it.
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I've worked in offices and on building sites and I kid you not, I'd have a piss or shite in a building site toilet over an office toilet any day of the week.  I find its a cultural thing work-wise.  
In an IT office, you tend to have more overweight/obese smelly chaps who's diet is horrendous and they never have a solid shite between them.  So you find the smell and of course the remains caked fucking everywhere.  Whereas on a building site the lads are much thinner, fitter and generally eat better (going by the tea huts I found myself in) and 9 times out of 10 there was no issues when you went into the portacabin.

I’m sure I’ve posted this before but when I worked in the IT department of a bank, someone managed to shite in between the toilet and the wall of the cubicle, an act that would require almost superhuman dexterity. Why would you do this?
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2 minutes ago, ICTChris said:


I’m sure I’ve posted this before but when I worked in the IT department of a bank, someone managed to shite in between the toilet and the wall of the cubicle, an act that would require almost superhuman dexterity. Why would you do this?


Seen a few odd ones in factories. Wiping shit all over the walls, caused a sign in out key system. Someone made a birds nest out of toilet paper and put shits in it like eggs. Filling up the holes in urinals on a Friday so it flooded piss all over the floor and outside. Collecting boggies in the same spot cubicle wall. 

I tended to use the office bogs, got away with it being an apprentice thankfully.


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1 hour ago, D.A.F.C said:

Someone made a birds nest out of toilet paper and put shits in it like eggs.

I almost woke up the kids by howling with laughter at this :lol:

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3 hours ago, ICTChris said:



I’m sure I’ve posted this before but when I worked in the IT department of a bank, someone managed to shite in between the toilet and the wall of the cubicle, an act that would require almost superhuman dexterity. Why would you do this?


Did he use his hands perhaps?

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7 hours ago, WeAreElgin said:

Found this in the office I'm working in. This floor is shared between my team, some sort of finance people and the CIO type squad. The drama over a nicked coffee machine is fantastic.IMG_20190514_170849865_HDR.jpg

f**k the coffee machines.  It's the apostrophe abuse that bothers me...

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14 hours ago, ICTChris said:


I’m sure I’ve posted this before but when I worked in the IT department of a bank, someone managed to shite in between the toilet and the wall of the cubicle, an act that would require almost superhuman dexterity. Why would you do this?


You're assuming it was deliberate.

Open goal.gif

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23 hours ago, D.A.F.C said:

Drama queens. Same folk that gossip all day long about others but have zero self awareness.
Oh look so and so drunk all the milk
Someone parked their car squint.

Get a grip you absolute diddy

Sounds like a woman I work with. Always gossiping about someone, but is all nicey- nicey to their face. Had to pull her up a  few times now, the two faced c**t.

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Sounds like a woman I work with. Always gossiping about someone, but is all nicey- nicey to their face. Had to pull her up a  few times now, the two faced c**t.
Theres three twats who do it all the time at my work. The supervisor encourages it. None of them contribute very much and have an easy time of it yet bitch and complain about everyone and how terrible everyone else is.
I guess they are just really insecure? When I leave I'm thinking of issuing a serious telt to them. If someone gives me bad quality or does something badly wrong I just speak to them about it because I'm not into drama.
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4 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

Theres three twats who do it all the time at my work. The supervisor encourages it. None of them contribute very much and have an easy time of it yet bitch and complain about everyone and how terrible everyone else is.
I guess they are just really insecure? When I leave I'm thinking of issuing a serious telt to them. If someone gives me bad quality or does something badly wrong I just speak to them about it because I'm not into drama.

Best way to be mate. The cow who does it to me is always bitching. I was googling something on my phone to help a punter and she was moaning behind my back about it, despite always having her phone out showing people pictures of her holidays and other pish.

She soon piped down when I suggested that phones go in lockers. c**t is always on Facebook outside her break time.

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Update on the coffee machine scandal - the note has been binned and the coffee machine remains. Can't wait to come back to Dublin on Monday for a potential showdown between the CIO's team and the procurement department. Nespresso pods everywhere. Fucking carnage.

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