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The Albion Rovers Thread

The Pastmaster

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Heard from a few different sources that a number of “secret meets” have been taking place between those who consider themselves as the righteous ones around albion regarding a move towards fan ownership led to believe 2 ex chair people are leading these mettings and most of the faithful have been frozen out as attendees have been hand selected by someone who took the club to brink of extinction not that long ago. I am a clyde man to the core, my old uncle was an Albion man so I make it along when bully wee are away and some midweek. Fan ownership has done nothing for my team and albion have much smaller support. It would be a huge disaster and will do lots of harm to albion. The downward spiral for the club seems to have started when Mr J Brogan was appointed manager and that leaves them where they are today. So sad but probs see them next season. 

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Interesting first post from a so-called Clyde fan who has never commented on anything about Clyde despite all their recent travails, but is exercised by events at Albion Rovers?  Bistander (sic) my @rse 

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So wot you can’t have a view on this because you have never posted on this forum b4? I have a rly strong emotional attachment to the wee Rovers and wld really hate to see them go down the same route as Clyde and some other fan owned football clubs who are too wee too survive as fan owned entitiys. My post is out of extreme worry nd concern for the future of my old Uncles club. Who is Mr Caldwell??? Baffling. Gary Caldwell was never involved at the wee rovers so don’t know were u r coming from

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Chris the rover surprised ur name not on the pied pipers rovers select for the fan ownership steer

here’s another couple of names from the all star studded line up 

obviously big boydie in the drivers seat steering the bus

roy of the rovers down the front giving directions, ex director and all round good guy  joins up to form the old lethal Boyd miller partnership and the wee lassie with the glasses that goes to the games with her man don’t no her name sorry

as a cheerleader once said “more leeks than a sieve”

Edited by Eddie MaC
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Wot kills football clubs are people thinking they are bigger or more important than the club itself. That appears to be what could be happening here with all the backstabbing and whispering discussions amongst some fans who should know better and have been around the place for wot appears to be a long time…if the man leading this plot is who I think it is I am sad for albion as im led to believe his time as chairperson of the board was a terrible disaster and done lots and lots of harm to the wee rovers as a whole as did the man before him. What happened when they won the league that day way back in season 14-15 at our home was according to some people I know in the game at boardroom level achieved by spending lots of money they did not have in the cofers and that is why they not really managed to achieve such success again leading to appointments of managers on small budgets who could only sign dross. I think the man in question was involved all during the downfall and current rot at albion and I feel for everyone who has tried so much to put it all right but not been able to cos so much hurt was done to the albion.

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A pretty good chance.  Only frost would keep it off and the temperature on Friday morning is above zero from then until 3pm on Sat. Lots of rain forecast but that shouldn’t be a problem for the pitch.

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More info coming in from the secret group meeting.

a nice wee zoom call with a rep from a fan ownership group has led to a slight change in tact. The pied piper and big roy of the rovers still keen to push on with the help of the supporters trust. Talks also of looking into the options regarding dead shares on the agenda. Funding also offered by a local businessman and ex chairman. Group now in full steer with 9 party members.

As izzy Izzy let’s get bizzy says more leaks than a sieve

keep steering 

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Edward ur posts don’t rly make much sense why is all of this not in the public like papers and whatnot??? Surely any local journalism person or blogger would jump all over a story like this…or am I way off? Watching clyde v dons game on my tablet as couldn’t make it tonight, arthritis playing up, but crowd is good that aside another defeat for clyde means be out of scottish and still bottom of L2 table despite Elgin catchable - Clyde are fan owned Wee rovers must be a small club than us fan base wise?? How wld the “pie man” and “Roy of the Albion” think this is a good idea?!??? My uncle will be trembling in his grave and the rovers could be joining him soon. You mention Izzy Izzy let’s get bissy? Are you tlking about former Leicester striker Muzzy Izzat? He was a good player and said he wanted to manage up here in an interview many years ago as loved the culture and passion but never got to play. Maybe he will be pie man and Roy of the Albion pick for manager of director of football is they ever get the reigns???! Would be left field, but a bit like Jim Brogan you never know. Mayb I’m reading all this wrong as you type in a cryptic manner and I’m not good at using this website. Also, I looked into Caldwell and he is at exter city football club, but his bro is Canada assistant maybe there’s a link there? Money coming over from there to help or something? Like Caledonian Rovers type arrangement? 

Edited by curiousbistander
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On 19/01/2024 at 20:41, Eddie MaC said:

More info coming in from the secret group meeting.


Quite shocking that all this is secret:


Not sure what you’re complaining about Eddie - that it’s being kept secret :), or that it’s happening at all? If the latter, and you’re a Rovers fan, then you’re way out of step with the rest of your fans. Or do you prefer that the Shamrock Rovers guy gets to own the club instead?

Anyway - great news. Seems like they are getting organised and going about it the right way.

PS - you seem to have mislaid some previous posts - they were there and now they’ve gone!  Be careful leaving the house with your keys, phone etc. And do try to tone down the misogyny.

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Rover77/cue ball

Play the game ffs no doubt they have went about it the right way in terms of the people from supporters trust groups they have spoken to.

I guess my point is the wee sneaky nature of these meetings held in church halls with selected guests. Pied piper still wanting to be relevant. 

do agree things have to change but not sure this is the way to go. Time will tell 

more leaks than a sieve 


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But it ain’t sneaky at all. It was quite clearly signposted and has gained near universal support amongst the fanbase.

Trump style, you’re telling a lie and telling it repeatedly In the hope that it will stick - and pursuing a demented vandetta against an individual, with a bit of misogyny thrown in for good measure.

Also telling that you post here, where few people care, instead of the Rovers messageboard, where you’d be shot to pieces.

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Cue ball

Couple of quick points my chubby friend. Secret meetings were set up ur quite correct Ron did post of the message board but why were the details of both meetings not put into the public domain? 

we’re all people who expressed an interest invited to the original meeting?

500 paying members seems a bit ambitious but good luck with it. If not the secret weapon has offered a substantial amount to help out.

”dead” shares Cld be any issue but no doubt big Ron will have a plan.

no sexism here pal just more leaks than a sieve

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