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Saying Goodbye To John Barleycorn

Sweet Pete

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1 hour ago, invergowrie arab said:

The fact that pubs are now almost exclusively populated by middle aged men is a tremendous thing and step back in the right direction for society. Hopefully the football gets that way soon too.

Remove women's toilets should be the next step. At this rate we can reclaim Christmas from the once a year crowd.

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18 hours ago, Sweet Pete said:


Been trying to get fitter lately and lost a bit of weight due to a mix of having an active job and eating less shite, but noticed that the ale puts it right back on again and the day after a few beers I'm not worth a damn these days, even if I haven't had that much. Seems age has caught up with me and the days of having a skinfull and feeling fresh as a daisy the next morning are gone, so decided to knock it on the head completely for a bit and see if I can see some improvement in keeping the beer gut off.


I gave up smoking easily, but do enjoy a drink to relax after a busy week, but with two young kids I just can't face being hungover whilst running about after them.


Any other P&Bers ever given up the creature, or is quittin' just not your style?


Smoke/eat weed. 

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3 hours ago, Sweet Pete said:


I just have. I started a thread about it because I thought it was a more interesting topic than word association or hot corpses. If you don't want to read the thread then don't.


It's not.  It's just you whinging and looking for validation.  Fucking man child.

 I'll read and contribute to any thread I like.

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4 minutes ago, Sweet Pete said:


Someone's stolen old man danger's sedatives again. The quality of the care homes in this country is abysmal.


Who needs sedatives when you can have a glass of Rioja.  Or a vodka.  Or a Bailleys with your coffee.

Now if they would just prescribe these free of charge on the NHS...


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Who needs sedatives when you can have a glass of Rioja.  Or a vodka.  Or a Bailleys with your coffee.
Now if they would just prescribe these free of charge on the NHS...

See now you're posting like a human rather than an angry, small toddler. Kudos.
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12 minutes ago, Sweet Pete said:


Absolutely agree. There's very little social aspect to it like there is with alcohol.


That's not true though is it? If you are smoking it in a social situation.

That's pretty much why I gave it up as it was a good laugh round a mates flat with a few of you but by the time everyone has there own place and you need to be up and the morning for stuff there isn't much to it.


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