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Biggest Gaming Freakout You've Ever Had


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  • 1 year later...

I now don't have a knuckle on my right ring finger.  A lovely faded white scar.  And a lesson not to punch inanimate objects.  My cover story is I was playing football and was in goals, and pulled off a miraculous save but punched the goal post at the same time.

That photo was taken one week after surgery, after getting the cast taken off.  

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  • 6 months later...

I used to play a fair bit of FIFA World Cup 98 with my girlfriend's brother, me as Scotland and him as the Netherlands, as he was a gloryhunting w**k. Scotland's defence was shit-hot at tackling in that version, so invariably I'd win most games 1-0, which really pissed him off.

I had a nightmare one day, and was 5-1 down at half-time. Got back on my game in the second half and slide-tackled the f**k out of him non-stop, with pinpoint accuracy. He got more frustrated as the half went on and, by the time I'd somehow pulled back to 5-4, he was spitting oaths at me. When the equaliser went in, he got up and left the room, and refused to play the game again. I like to think that he still gives the thousand-yard state when someone offers him a game of FIFA.

Worked at a computer shop for a while, where the owner's son would sometime come in and brag about his mad Diablo 2 skillz (I'd never played the game at the time, so had to feign interest). One day he comes in with a mate and plays as his level 80-odd Sorceress, laying waste to one of the jungle levels. Suddenly, he's hit by a dart from one of the wee pygmy dudes, and it wipes his health pool - dead in one hit.

He just stares at the "you're dead" screen in silence while his mate waits for him to restart, but he doesn't move. Takes a minute, but his mate suddenly twigs; "oh shit, were you playing in Hardcore?"
"You've just lost a level 80-odd Sorceress?!"
"Oh shit, haha! How long did that take you?"
"Dunno. Few years"
Cue riotous laughter from friend.

Owner's kid falls off his stool trying to get up and staggers off to the lavvy, where I think vomiting took place. He was a wee p***k but, being more familiar with Diablo now, I retrospectively feel for him after seeing hundreds of hours of his time wasted in the blink of an eye.

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This goes back to the days of the PS1 and more importantly days when I could rent games from the video store (GT Videos).  I had manged to rent a copy of Metal Gear Solid for the weekend, it had been in for about a month but was always ‘rented’ when I went in on the Friday’s after school.  However this Friday it was available, so signed out a copy and rushed home in anticipation to play this game I had heard so much good things about. 
The next day I’m playing the game early in the morning and get to the bit where you need to contact Meryl, you are told that her Codec code is on the back of the cd case.  Now at this point in the game you have a cd case in your inventory so I spend an ungodly amount of hours searching for a way to find the code, I mean the game tells me it’s on the back of the case so why can’t I get snake to check the back of this GOD DAMN CASE.  I think that maybe there’s another case so I’m searching every desk in the tank hanger part mashing the X button using the tried and tested adventure method of checking everywhere but nothing.  It’s now the afternoon and I’m defeated, I trudge downstairs and sulk in the kitchen while making a sandwich when my Dad walks in and asks what’s up.
I explain that I’m stuck at a part and while my father is not a gamer he knew a bit about the game from his work.  So as I was explaining how I couldn’t find the code on the case a small…..almost evil now that I look back on it….smile develop.  I stop in mid rant as I notice he knew something that I didn’t
DAD: The code is on the back of the case
ME: I know that but I can’t find the sodding code at all
DAD: The physical case.
ME: …………?
DAD (getting smugger now): The actual case which would be in the shop.
ME: ………..? (I’m not the sharpest tool in the box)
DAD: Go back to the store and check the box.
ME: b*****dING FUCKING ARSEHOLE b*****dS!!!!!
Looking back this was the first time I swore in front of my father and he was taken aback by the ferocity of the language I used, mainly he was laughing so hard at me he couldn’t tell me off as I rushed out the garage, jumped on the bike and off to the rental store as fast as possible.  I run into the store, grabbed the case and then rushed to the counter and asked/demanded a bit of paper and a pen.  Wayne who is behind the desk just looks at me and slowly grins as he hands me the items, saying it also took him a couple of hours to figure it out (THEN WHY DIDN’T YOU PUT THE CODE ON THE BACK OF THE RENTAL CASE YOU FAT USELESS w****r).  I mutter something along the lines of “clever game” and then cycle faster than Chris ‘thunder thighs’ Hoy back, straight past the old man who was wiping the tears away as he was explaining everything to my very confused mother and back into my room to finally get pass this early stage.
When I returned the game, I had left the code on a slip of paper on the back of the case, whether it remained there I don’t know but felt I had to do something.

Nearly in tears reading this, that is excellent.

My main source for rage is Warzone, mainly getting killed by snipers from fucking miles away and pushing a team with my mates just completely ignoring what I say and fannying about in another building. I’ll be screaming out what’s happening whilst fighting 2 guys and dying then screaming horrendous abuse at my pal when I see he’s just standing doing f**k all.
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Some absolute crackers in here.

I can't really think of one in particular that I've had (I've had loads, but none that really stand out) but my brother takes tantrums to another level. He's a good few years younger than me, so growing up I was always a piece better at games than he was.

One in particular stands out: when he was about 13/14 he was starting to get pretty good at FIFA. Giving it all this about how good he was and how often he thrashed his mates and had this amazing win/loss ratio. So I told him I'd give him a game to see how good he really was. Let him pick his team first, and he picks Barcelona. So it comes to my turn, and I pick Accrington Stanley. He looked at me really annoyed, as if I wasn't taking it seriously.

I beat him 2-1 scoring with the last kick of the game and he absolutely lost his shit. Proper in tears and everything. Puts a hole in the wall and cracks his phone screen. Funniest bit about it was I'm no even good at FIFA and he knew it.

Edited by G51
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