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c***s on the road

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20 hours ago, Venti said:

Anyone got any 'near death' things on the road?

Nearly rolled my car over the Inverkip roundabout. Trying to drive down to Ayr like a half shut knife.

One if my 1st delivery jobs when I was barely old enough. I was blasting along a clear, open country road at about 60(ish) coming up to a blind left hand bend. As I got closer noticed the sign saying "Give Way in 70 yards"... 

Turns out 70 yards isn't enough to stop from that speed on a bend! Slid sideways straight across the t junction, between 2 lorries and gently rested again the sign opposite. One of the lorry drivers stopped and was hysterically laughing, we exchanged pleasantries and I done a 3 point turn to point to the way I intended on going then continued my journey...

It wasn't till later that the full realisation kicked in at how lucky I was! 

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20 hours ago, Venti said:

Anyone got any 'near death' things on the road?

Nearly rolled my car over the Inverkip roundabout. Trying to drive down to Ayr like a half shut knife.

Put my old car through a hedge then drove it home sounding like a lawnmower.

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At the end of last summer I was coming home on the M74 on a sunny Friday afternoon, everyone too close, driving too fast. Usual Friday pm impatient nonsense. Looked in my mirror to get across to the M73 and here’s some young lad on his phone about to drive into my OSR quarter. 

Blast of the horn and I went for lane 1 sharpish. The boy was that busy apologising to me as he drove past that he didn’t see the two cars 25 yds ahead have some sort of coming together (I didn’t see how), one rolled over and he ploughed into it at 60mph with no attempt to brake. Chaos ensues and I’ve now duked onto the hard shoulder to keep out of the way. 

Ordinarily it wouldn’t have been a near death experience for me if I’d been in my usual car. But because it was a sunny summers day I had the convertible. 

A 60mph pile up in the lane right next to you is a bit of bum skweeker at the best of times but that day it was made much much worse by being in an open car and having the bits of wing mirror and shards of wheel trim come right through the cabin fizzing past my temple. 

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28 minutes ago, alta-pete said:

At the end of last summer I was coming home on the M74 on a sunny Friday afternoon, everyone too close, driving too fast. Usual Friday pm impatient nonsense. Looked in my mirror to get across to the M73 and here’s some young lad on his phone about to drive into my OSR quarter. 

Blast of the horn and I went for lane 1 sharpish. The boy was that busy apologising to me as he drove past that he didn’t see the two cars 25 yds ahead have some sort of coming together (I didn’t see how), one rolled over and he ploughed into it at 60mph with no attempt to brake. Chaos ensues and I’ve now duked onto the hard shoulder to keep out of the way. 

Ordinarily it wouldn’t have been a near death experience for me if I’d been in my usual car. But because it was a sunny summers day I had the convertible. 

A 60mph pile up in the lane right next to you is a bit of bum skweeker at the best of times but that day it was made much much worse by being in an open car and having the bits of wing mirror and shards of wheel trim come right through the cabin fizzing past my temple. 

Sounds like you were shooting a Final Destination movie.

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On 06/09/2024 at 14:34, Silvio Tattiescone said:

Folk hammering up sliproads tailgating the car in front, then zooming over 2 -3 lanes of traffic to get to the outside lane

Years ago, heading north on M1, inside lane solid with traffic, outside lane solid with faster traffic. I was in middle lane, busy but a gap of about 30m opened up. At that moment a car about 5 up in outside lane had a tyre explode, it went into central reservation, spun went sideways across the front of me into side of a double decker bus, spun again and ended up back in central reservation without hitting any other vehicle. I ended up parked in outside lane behind him, and myself and another bloke got the driver out his car, had used his face to break his windscreen.

A car going sideways across your path on the motorway is f**king terrifying 

Edited by MEADOWXI
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About 2002, came over the crest at 11PM on a three lane divided motorway to see headlights coming straight at me. I was in the middle lane and had to choose a direction to swerve (in the U.S. remember). Chose to go right, hoping the other driver going the wrong way would either continue in the middle lane or swerve right themselves (to get back to the “correct side”). They blasted by me at about 70 and did a head-on into a HGV on the other side of the rise, killing both drivers.

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On 06/09/2024 at 15:27, Venti said:

Anyone got any 'near death' things on the road?

Nearly rolled my car over the Inverkip roundabout. Trying to drive down to Ayr like a half shut knife.

Many years ago I was travelling home from work on my motorbike(far more powerful than my skill level) at 4 in the morning. I was the only one on the road to the Clyde Tunnel and was travelling. There was a slight hump in the road and the bike left the ground. I hadn't anticipated this and my foot knocked the bike down a gear. When I landed the back wheel locked up and skidded for what seemed like a an age. How I managed to control it I still have no idea but still have nightmares about that to this day.

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My wife was 41 weeks pregnant (Scott was born 11 days late). We drove on a wee country road, about 5 miles long. The petrol gauge was low.

 "Will we have enough to get to the petrol station?" She asked.

 " Oh yes, " I said, confidently.

I was wrong. Middle of nowhere in Wales, on a single lane road, we ran out. I had to walk miles to a farmhouse to borrow a petrol can, then more miles to a petrol station, then miles and miles back to the car. She was sat for hours in the car waiting for me. Ready to pop any minute.

I damn near died of gyp that night. Even now, all these years later, it comes up in conversation.

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Probably the worst 'nearly' bad accident I've witnessed, driving in a line of traffic along the A92 with everyone getting frustrated by the vehicle at the front crawling along at about 35mph. I was about 4th or 5th in line.

Going round a long, blind right-handed bend, the smartarse in an 18-wheeler a few cars cars back presumably could see above the height of the hedges making it a blind bend and decided to overtake everyone half way around.

His back wheels were just about in line with me when one of the cars further ahead also started to overtake as the road straightened out, obviously not checking his mirrors first, forcing the truck to slam the anchors on and swerve onto the soft verge on the right. Grass and earth were flying everywhere including all over my windscreen and for a few seconds I didn't know if there had a been a collision or where the truck even was.

Technically it would've been more the car driver's fault for not checking his mirrors, but it was also an idiotic move from the HGV driver, who must've known as soon as the road straightened out other cars would be overtaking and wouldn't expect anything to be coming past them.

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A few years ago now I was driving down to London on a very foggy morning.  The fog was coming and going making driving a tad dangerous to say the least. Long story short I suddenly aborted exiting the motorway when I realised it was the wrong junction and stupidly swerved into the traffic with no visibility except the wee red lights that lorries have.  Got away with it but used up a fair few of my 9 lives that morning.

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Not me personally but I was driving south on the 2 lane M74 on a late Sunday afternoon. Going north a caravan pulled out to overtake an HGV. As they reach me the caravan starts to fishtale. I wait to see it in my mirror, no caravan.

I stop, the truck stops and a guy behind me stops. We hop over the central barrier and find the caravan at the bottom of a 20ft embankment upright, undamaged but facing due south. The family in it were all safely out of the car.

No idea to this day how it got to that position unscathed.

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Was going along the A66, down the hill before the Barnard Castle turn off. Towing a caravan with a Peugeot 405 estate - long & low car so wasn't great for towing, too much drag on front of caravan making it unstable. Caravan starts to fishtail. Thought we were a goner. Was afraid to brake in case that made it flip so I just took my foot off the pedal & hoped for the best. Looking in mirror I could see the artic behind getting further away - he obviously thought it was going to flip.

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Had a few, full head on with another car who had swerved to avoid someone coming out a juction, both of us doing 60, cars were a mess the thankfully both cars were newish with plenty of air bags. Travelling up a steep snow covered mountain road in Bosnia in a 4 ton truck, I pulled over as far as I could as there was a tank transporter on the way down, as they got closer I noticed they had lost traction, dived out the passenger door as the tank transporter destroyed my wee truck.

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I joined the a82 at the Kilbowie roundabout in Clydebank with an hgv in front of me. I waited until outside lane traffic passed before I moved out but the last vehicle was a motorbike with two guys without helmets. They pulled in in front of the lorry and had a serious wobble before managing to stay upright. I got a fright but that was probably nothing compared to the lorry driver.

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27 minutes ago, microdave said:

I joined the a82 at the Kilbowie roundabout in Clydebank with an hgv in front of me. I waited until outside lane traffic passed before I moved out but the last vehicle was a motorbike with two guys without helmets. They pulled in in front of the lorry and had a serious wobble before managing to stay upright. I got a fright but that was probably nothing compared to the lorry driver.


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42 minutes ago, microdave said:

I joined the a82 at the Kilbowie roundabout in Clydebank with an hgv in front of me. I waited until outside lane traffic passed before I moved out but the last vehicle was a motorbike with two guys without helmets. They pulled in in front of the lorry and had a serious wobble before managing to stay upright. I got a fright but that was probably nothing compared to the lorry driver.

Were they wearing very tight trousers?

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