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Relationship Advice

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6 minutes ago, chomp my root said:

It could be worse, you could be doing the grooming. :huh:

Well just stop it. Middle aged men who pretend to be 14 year olds but turn out to be middle aged men just aren't worth it. You deserve better.

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Surely you should have to be at least 16, or at least pretend to be, to post on here.
Some of the stuff Throbber posts FFS

You’ve got it in for me these last few days! It is actually illegal to speak to under 16 year olds online though so I do agree with you.
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12 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

She can't be that smart, look at her husband...

Oh she is smart.

On our first date I asked her "Do you like football?"

She said "No, I dont know much about football, however I do know Dundee are shite"

Good enough for me!

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8 minutes ago, throbber said:


DM’s would be illegal.



4 minutes ago, invergowrie arab said:

where have you got this from?


2 minutes ago, G_Man1985 said:


Yer maw


That would be an STD...

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