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The Bah Humbug Thread

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There's no escaping it. Shops are blasting the Christmas tunes. Despite it being over a month away the shadow of the festive season is looming large. So much to look forward to... Bellends in Christmas jumpers. Marital breakdowns. Baby Jesus. School nativity plays. Seeing relatives. Anyone with kids aged 1-10 will be spending the entire day opening battery compartments, building tat and looking for tiny screwdrivers. Piles of rubbish and recycling. Even longer editions of shite soap operas. A fucking tree taking over the living room.  
Anyone else hate Christmas? Just me?
Feel free to express any festive gripes here. 

Sounds amazing.

P.s I'm a bellend!
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My festive cheer is purely decided upon my working schedule.

For example this year, Christmas can GTF. I am working up until the 24th, back in on the 27th through till the 2nd. Worst thing is, I can't even get to any football. 


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Good things about Christmas:

2 weeks off work (22nd right through to the 8th this year)
Seeing family you maybe don't see often
There's usually a lot of football on

Shite things about Christmas:

Non-religious people telling you to enjoy yourself and get into the "Christmas Spirit" (that goes for religious people too tbh, but I find it more annoying coming from a non-religious person)
Being hounded to fill my house with fake trees and tacky decorations "cause it's Christmas"
Buying people gifts they inevitably think are shite and don't use
Receiving gifts which are inevitably shite which I won't use
The music played constantly in every public place
Television - it's a complete myth that Christmas TV is amazing, it's utter shite that's been repeated since the dawn of time
Pubs filled with bawbags

From that extensive list there and more cons than pros leading me to the conclusion that I don't really like Christmas (hate is a strong word). If it weren't for my close family I genuinely wouldn't "celebrate" Christmas at all, yet when I say I'm not religious and I don't celebrate Christmas I get the look of a dog staring at a ceiling fan wondering how the f**k it works.  Folk who try to force you to be happy at this time of year can f**k right off though, I don't pick and choose when I'm happy, I just am.


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Christmas is brilliant. Opening presents with the wee one. She's young enough to still be impressed by pound shop tat.

Booze in the morning. Loads of sweeties. Cake on offer constantly.

Seeing the family. Playing board games 



Much better than a few years ago when it was just me and my parents opening 2 shite presents each before trying to pass the day until bed time.

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I like Christmas and everything about it, more so since our granddaughter was born.

A wee bit of the shine taken off yesterday when she refused to believe me when I told her that I went to school with Santa Claus.  She used to believe such stories.


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Well my Boxing Day plan of drink and footballs out of the window.

Apparently I’m to go to my girlfriends grannies for Boxing Day, because she was in tears last night that my girlfriends choosing to spend Christmas with my family.

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Pros of Christmas; bevy, nights out, off work, loads of football.
Cons of Christmas; town mobbed with arseholes, give/get shite presents that nobody really wants, expensive, too much time in folks company you avoid most the year, makes me wonder what the f**k I’m doing with my life.
Fairly mixed tbh.

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Well my Boxing Day plan of drink and footballs out of the window.

Apparently I’m to go to my girlfriends grannies for Boxing Day, because she was in tears last night that my girlfriends choosing to spend Christmas with my family.

Was she invited to yours or just decided she was coming. Either way, says a lot about her own family she doesn't want to be with them. [emoji23]

Christmas is great. How dare they force me to take time off work and eat and drink and gain several stone in weight. Even better being the construction industry pretty much closes down on December so the last month of the year is always blissfully quiet. Plus chocolate Yule log is braw!
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Was she invited to yours or just decided she was coming. Either way, says a lot about her own family she doesn't want to be with them. [emoji23]

Christmas is great. How dare they force me to take time off work and eat and drink and gain several stone in weight. Even better being the construction industry pretty much closes down on December so the last month of the year is always blissfully quiet. Plus chocolate Yule log is braw!

Her grans a manipulative boot who hides behind religion, I got the impression she can’t be bothered with a lecture about sin halfway through the Christmas meal.

Apparently 5 years ago my girlfriend went to see her other granny for a few hours on Christmas morning before traipsing up to the psycho granny’s.

The psycho one waited outside the entire time and then moaned about how she was spending Christmas with the sinful part of the family [emoji23]
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15 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

I like Christmas and everything about it, more so since our granddaughter was born.

A wee bit of the shine taken off yesterday when she refused to believe me when I told her that I went to school with Santa Claus.  She used to believe such stories.


She reckons Santa is far too young to have gone to school with you.

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Her grans a manipulative boot who hides behind religion, I got the impression she can’t be bothered with a lecture about sin halfway through the Christmas meal.

Apparently 5 years ago my girlfriend went to see her other granny for a few hours on Christmas morning before traipsing up to the psycho granny’s.

The psycho one waited outside the entire time and then moaned about how she was spending Christmas with the sinful part of the family [emoji23]

Wouldn't be Christmas without a family fall out and argument. This year my granny isn't coming to stay with us, so my folks and I can crack out the booze in the morning and just get merrily pissed whilst eating a shit load of food.

I'm beginning to think the problem with Christmas is old folk!
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54 minutes ago, Shandon Par said:

She reckons Santa is far too young to have gone to school with you.

Nah, she's a bit too young to think in those terms.  It just saddens me that she now questions the drivel I spout; it used to be great fun making ridiculous claims that she believed.

Anyway, I'm off to the moon for a couple of hours but will be back for tea.


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