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The Bah Humbug Thread

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9 minutes ago, Shandon Par said:

I'm looking forward to launching a "Show us yer shite Christmas Presents" thread and "Show us yer excellent Christmas Presents" thread nearer the time. Maybe us humbugs can be cheered with a bit of Schadenfreude. 

If cheap German beer cheers you up I hope you get loads.

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53 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Some folk need alcohol to give them that fuzzy, slightly distracted feeling.  I don't think you do.


Got a couple of parties down south this weekend so it will be a good test of the new-found teetotalism. 

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Got a couple of parties down south this weekend so it will be a good test of the new-found teetotalism. 

Within 3 hours everyone will be doing your head in to the point you’ll think you’re about to snap, you’ll leave then you’ll miss something you wish you had witnessed or heard.

You’ll wake up in the morning hangover free feeling pretty good, while everyone else will be nursing a hangover. They will however shake the hangovers off after a couple of hours, and they will have stories that will be getting talked about for the next few years. You will end up completely out the loop with no one wanting to talk to you.
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3 minutes ago, ka202 said:

Within 3 hours everyone will be doing your head in to the point you’ll think you’re about to snap, you’ll leave then you’ll miss something you wish you had witnessed or heard.

You’ll wake up in the morning hangover free feeling pretty good, while everyone else will be nursing a hangover. They will however shake the hangovers off after a couple of hours, and they will have stories that will be getting talked about for the next few years. You will end up completely out the loop with no one wanting to talk to you.

More like 3 minutes! Last time I saw this crowd (went for a meal after a few hours in the pub) I was ribbed for ordering myself a litre of red wine and a Becks Blue. I thought it showed restraint. 

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2 minutes ago, ka202 said:

Within 3 hours everyone will be doing your head in to the point you’ll think you’re about to snap, you’ll leave then you’ll miss something you wish you had witnessed or heard.

You’ll wake up in the morning hangover free feeling pretty good, while everyone else will be nursing a hangover. They will however shake the hangovers off after a couple of hours, and they will have stories that will be getting talked about for the next few years. You will end up completely out the loop with no one wanting to talk to you.

Alternatively, Shandon hangs about to the very death of the party, nursing a soda water and lime.  The next day, whilst everyone is wracked with the Fear and crippling hangovers, he then becomes that guy and starts telling them exactly how drunk they were and who they embarrassed themselves in front of.

What a dick.

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2 hours ago, Shandon Par said:

Got a couple of parties down south this weekend so it will be a good test of the new-found teetotalism. 

I stayed teetotal at a party once, felt like I was on drugs, on a different planet. Quite enjoyed the experience.

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Alternatively, Shandon hangs about to the very death of the party, nursing a soda water and lime.  The next day, whilst everyone is wracked with the Fear and crippling hangovers, he then becomes that guy and starts telling them exactly how drunk they were and who they embarrassed themselves in front of.
What a dick.

Used to have a mate like this, never stayed completely sober but he knew his limits and stuck to them rigorously(what a dick), even at Christmas when everyone goes a bit mental.

He would always know when he was getting near to being drunk then stopped drinking and went on the colas while the rest of us who never knew a limit were falling about the place making tits of ourselves. He loved telling us what we all did the next day. He’s never let himself go in his life before, now none of us talk to him as he’s the most uninteresting boy I’ve ever met in my life.
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On 06/12/2017 at 13:10, KnightswoodBear said:

Alternatively, Shandon hangs about to the very death of the party, nursing a soda water and lime.  The next day, whilst everyone is wracked with the Fear and crippling hangovers, he then becomes that guy and starts telling them exactly how drunk they were and who they embarrassed themselves in front of.

What a dick.

Normally I’d have been too jaked to assist  Tommy Cooper. 



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Can’t be arsed with it. Obligated to spend time with folk that I don’t particularly want to spend time with because I happen to share similar genetics with them or my missus does.

Putting on fat that takes weeks/months to shift.

Spending cash on others that I’d rather spend on myself.

Can’t wait till it’s over. Been shite since my mum died as the christmases I’m used to no longer exist.

I prefer Boxing Day- just me and the wean out all day, good dinner, pictures and relax. No stressing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Although I’m not overly into it I don’t usually mind it (New Year is the really depressing one) although this year might be a bit different - the wife’s papa is really struggling health wise this year, she absolutely adores him and he’s an integral part of the celebrations.

Never had a “difficult” Christmas since I was a lot younger and I’d lost a grandparent, and it was the first Christmas without them. Not really sure how to deal with it other than try and keep her and her family’s spirits up I guess.

Makes you realise there must be a hoor of a lot of folk who find it quite a poignant/difficult time of year, rather than the all singing and dancing Mariah Carey shite which is presented as the norm.

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