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How cool are you?

PB 4.2

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I remember watching Happy Days when I was a mere strip of a lad and thinking "If that Fonz character's cool, then I don't want to be." A middle aged guy wearing stretch jeans, living in a rented bed-sit above someone's garage and hanging out with high-school kids because he apparently has no other friends? No thanks.
While I acknowledge that "cool" can be hard to quantify, and we all have different criteria; I'm a bit mystified by your particular definition. You're basing it simply on how much money someone makes compared to their age? That's it? By this logic, Donald Trump is ultra-cool. As are George Soros, Kim Jong-un, Betty Windsor and every member of Sam Walton's family.  
I'll need you to explain to me how wealthy = cool. Because, I'm not seeing it.

Aside from the calculation, the scale is slightly flawed.

Am I being whooshed? they're all wankers at the foot end of the cool scale.
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On 01/12/2017 at 21:52, PB 4.2 said:

Your salary in '000s: Your age ( eg 35:32)

Ratio of over 2 = Chris Kamara cool

1.5-1.99 =  Jeff Stelling 

1.00- 1.49 = Matt Le Tissier

0.5-0.99 = Charlie Nicholas 

under 0.5 = Paul Merson   

0= Regardless of above formula, if you drive a Kia Ceed 

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Car jealousy is such an uncool quality.   The Paul Mersons of the forum pedalling everywhere should concentrate their efforts improving financials and achieve the bus pass they've been craving.   For the record I don't consider cyclists "uncool", just unfortunate.

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32 minutes ago, PB 4.2 said:

Car jealousy is such an uncool quality.   The Paul Mersons of the forum pedalling everywhere should concentrate their efforts improving financials and achieve the bus pass they've been craving.   For the record I don't consider cyclists "uncool", just unfortunate.

Have you ever considered applying ISO9001 to your threads?

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3 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

He needs ISO 14000 with the pollution his threads are causing.

Too right. And then he can have a nice cup of tea to calm down ... as long as it follows the standard..


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That was last years P60, this year it is slightly down as I’ve taken some time out to look into another business plan so I can retire earlier.

Reinforcing the statistic that cyclists earn way over the national average!

What level of coolness are you PB4.2?

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