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Really easy New Year's resolutions


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Around this time people make New Year's resolutions such as stop smoking, drink less alcohol, do more exercise, learn to dance or whatever, and less than a week later they have totally given up.

This time, I would suggest resolutions that are a lot easier and therefore more likely to succeed.

I would suggest

1. I will not (knowingly) grow rhododendrons in my garden.
2. I will not buy a Rangers scarf or a Celtic strip.
3. I will not swim with sharks.
4. I will not walk across a minefield.
5. I will not hug Donald Trump.
6. I will not travel faster than the speed of light.
7. I will not make more resolutions than this.

Does anybody else have easy resolutions to make?

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18 minutes ago, throbber said:


No, we were just sat in it watching football and having a beer and chatting about normal things. Was a really odd thing to dream about.


Do you have a TV in your bathroom? I think you mentioned watching paedophile videos from it before.

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30 minutes ago, throbber said:


No, I just take the iPad in and put it on the sisters and watch YouTube or Netflix.


Can we get a picture of yer sister and so we can be cruel?  

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