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The Clyde FC 2018-19 Thread

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41 minutes ago, cfcuk said:

I real fun bunch peterhead this is the same team that complained about Clyde players celebrating too much after the win in January calling it disrespectful emoji23.png


It should have named the referee as their MOTM last week and the nearside linesman as a close second.


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you serious ?
the players see the support home and away , they have top quality travel where ever they go , breakfasts at broadwood before away games , pizza after games top notch manager and co manager need I go on.

just incase you don't know there are championship teams who tell their players to make there own way to games

Nah ur right. Just hope that this translates into commitment to the club and we keep a few players long term (Lang and McStay primarily)
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20 hours ago, nickCFC58 said:


Nah ur right. Just hope that this translates into commitment to the club and we keep a few players long term (Lang and McStay primarily)


The commitment is non-negotiably unquestionable. They've shown this,time after time. I, like everyone else, hope we can begin tying these players down (not in Frank Bough fashion i may add) and build around them. They are after all, mostly young guys trying to forge a career. Those who give us proper memories are never forgotten by the supporters, as and these lads have built a story of their own.

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1 hour ago, BW Charlie said:

Come on lads  lets stop invading the pitch during games. We'll end up with another points deduction or a fine. The manager mentioned it yesterday. Lets save it for the final whistle the day we get promoted.

No...won't get points deduction 'cos then they'd need to deduct points off the "auld firm" and that ain't never gonna happen. 

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8/15....emm, if you happen to be a betting man or woman then you can put your hoos on a Peterheid WIN this Saturday as it is a 100% BANKER that City will (once again) lie doon (get pumped!) at home to their "mates". £150 quid RETURNS you £230. Not a bad wee investment. Just watch City's odds go out and the Heid's odds come in this coming week. 

We'll speak again next Saturday...5 o'clock. 

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Come on lads  lets stop invading the pitch during games. We'll end up with another points deduction or a fine. The manager mentioned it yesterday. Lets save it for the final whistle the day we get promoted.
Was thinking the same myself. Its happening in almost every away game now. With amount of media attention on fans running onto the pitch, throwing stuff etc it's fucking stupid.

Elgin's record against Peterhead is horrific and going by the Elgin fans looks like the players are in holiday mode already. They barely ever score against Peterhead never mind get a result. Can't see Elgin doing us a favour unfortunately.
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1 hour ago, Pride Of The Clyde said:

Not entertaining this lying down talk, does anyone believe anyone not giving 100%  will be accepted by the rest of there team mates, maybe that wee Dcik Omar will do us a turn, football is a funny old game , you never know.

Delusional PotC....we'll speak of this Saturday at 5 o'clock....

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11 minutes ago, geo87 said:

Good to see wee Danny doing well for you guys. A great guy and will always be a legend at us.

How’s his recruitment been for you? How is your budget comparable to rest of the division?

Generally quite good, as well as getting the best out of the guys who were already there. He has signed a few guys who aren’t near good enough. 

I imagine we have a decent budget, not as big as Peterhead. Similar to Edinburgh judging on who they’ve signed. 

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1 hour ago, SLClyde said:

Generally quite good, as well as getting the best out of the guys who were already there. He has signed a few guys who aren’t near good enough. 

I imagine we have a decent budget, not as big as Peterhead. Similar to Edinburgh judging on who they’ve signed. 

A few of the Edinburgh players are on massive wages though 

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