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The Ultimate Super Ayr Thread

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11 minutes ago, Nelson said:

Seems strange that there hasn’t been a word from Mathie.  Am I reading too much from his radio silence?  Bullen was very much his man after all.  

Reckon they’ll be something out tomorrow. It’s not as if Mathie had a special connection with Bullen. He was a manager that he appointed and had a good working relationship with. 

Mathie and Bullen are both experienced enough in the game to know this is a purely business decision. 

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I'd hope Smith actually picks a decent manager, hopefully one that isn't a player/manager as that clearly doesn't work.

The idea of bringing in a management team that hasn't had experience at this level is frightening with the position we're in. So I'd rather a Dick Campbell/Brian Reid/Ian McCall type than a Scott Brown, Charlie Mulgrew etc

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What a strange day it's been...

Some of the things being bandied around on Facebook, Twitter really have been staggering for someone who was only here for 2 years. "A wonderful human being" says one person, like they knew Bullen personally of course. "A real benefit towards the town" because you saw him walk down Ayr high street every week. 

Overall, Bullen served his time in the early days, but after Falkirk and possibly before that, I honestly thought he started to believe his own hype. The energy, willingness to be better burnt itself out quickly and for this season, it seems like he was almost with us purely by doing us a favour. 




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1 hour ago, Thereisalight.. said:

I'd wager it was the Bullen out stuff and nothing more. The club has treated the last month or so with kid gloves, twice I saw a steward at Bullen's dugout. I was in the stand both games and aside from the usual "this is shite" etc etc there was nothing up warrant the security or the statement. Much ado about nothing but Smith has previous for being thin skinned...

If that's the case then they've green lit the club getting shat on by the MS media for the sake of sticking up for their pal. Not good PR by people who act more like politicians that football guys most of the time.

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It's always an exciting time for fans when a manager goes and there is the hope and expectation that we will end up with someone better. As we know from experience the last four appointments haven't been meh and the last appointment I genuinely got excited about was McCall back in 2015. 

I wanted Bullen to do well as he had a lot of attributes, genuinely seemed a nice guy and was a left field appointment not from the list of usual suspects. But results were just not good enough, and whether that is from coaching, recruitment or a combination of the two ultimately it is the manager/head coach who gets the flak if the system isn't working. While change was necessary I hope the new guy who comes in can recruit a team largely of his own and create a proper footballing side that will encourage punters back.

Some of the patter on here about Bullen has been pretty offensive to the guy and cringey. Maybe that's what the club are also alluding to. If you don't like Bullen that's fine but the BGM patter was shite and not even funny the first time it was trotted out. Ultimately if you aren't happy with the job someone is doing, don't have a go at them but take it to their boss. You can't make someone magically morph into a better manager but you can make those who recruit and oversee what is unfolding accountable. It's come later than it should have but finally Smith has acted. Just got to hope the next managerial appointment is a competent one and we still have time to save this season.

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5 hours ago, railwayend said:

Your and others are taking the coals . It’s over , it’s done . We either move on together as a club and stop (help) the rot and drive it forward together as a support , like we used to do . Or we allow this to devise us for ever , potentially driving some away …

What a bizarre post. 

Do you think anyone on here wants to see the club do badly? everyone posting here is doing so because they want the club to succeed, it could be argued that the people who say that you shouldn't criticise the club and accept your lot are doing more damage. But obviously they are the real fans...

The fan base was always together? that is some misty eyed, life was simpler when I was a a boy stuff. 

Folk chanted to get MacLeod sacked and that was in 1990. 

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9 minutes ago, Scott-ish said:

Commemorative Bully Christ statues available in the club shop next week.



Then Lee said to his disciples: “Whoever wants to be my disciple, must take their GPS and run with me.”

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1 hour ago, UpInTheAyr said:

I think maybe they think the fans are somewhat to blame for his departure. 

As others have said, it is quite odd. They made the decision so clearly they have evaluated his performance and I think the vast majority agree with that decision. Some of us would argue that there has been enough data for quite a sustained period of time to show that he was not doing a good enough job, but I really don't see why it was a particularly hard decision to make and the only real debate is whether he was given too much time in the role.

It does sound like Smith and Mathie developed too much of a personal relationship with Bullen, and I am surprised that they allowed themselves to do that because it appears to have clouded their judgements. But I may be wrong in that; we don't ever hear the full picture - who knows what they had been saying to Bullen over the last few months.

Some of the things that Bullen was universally acknowledged to have done well such as the community engagement deserve credit but in the grand scheme of things I think most people would rather have a more tactically aware coach than a community ambassador and you have to decide what is most important.

Other comments about the links with the academy being strengthened are also debatable in terms of what has actually improved here. Looking at the starting 11 on Saturday I think I am right in saying that not a single one of them came through the Academy ranks, and only one Academy graduate came on as a sub (Bryden). That's not really any better than his predecessors.

Finally, I think that arguments about managers' or players' abilities are weakened when they include comments about hair or clothing or other irrelevant things. This isn't unique to Ayr fans though - there is a lot of mention of Dougie Imrie's chinos for example and I personally don't care if our next manager chooses to wear a tracksuit, dark grey morning suit or translucent pink pyjamas.

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12 minutes ago, Young Eddie said:

It's always an exciting time for fans when a manager goes and there is the hope and expectation that we will end up with someone better. As we know from experience the last four appointments haven't been meh and the last appointment I genuinely got excited about was McCall back in 2015. 

I wanted Bullen to do well as he had a lot of attributes, genuinely seemed a nice guy and was a left field appointment not from the list of usual suspects. But results were just not good enough, and whether that is from coaching, recruitment or a combination of the two ultimately it is the manager/head coach who gets the flak if the system isn't working. While change was necessary I hope the new guy who comes in can recruit a team largely of his own and create a proper footballing side that will encourage punters back.

Some of the patter on here about Bullen has been pretty offensive to the guy and cringey. Maybe that's what the club are also alluding to. If you don't like Bullen that's fine but the BGM patter was shite and not even funny the first time it was trotted out. Ultimately if you aren't happy with the job someone is doing, don't have a go at them but take it to their boss. You can't make someone magically morph into a better manager but you can make those who recruit and oversee what is unfolding accountable. It's come later than it should have but finally Smith has acted. Just got to hope the next managerial appointment is a competent one and we still have time to save this season.

I think it’s a bit of a stretch to say that BGM is offensive tbh. 

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12 minutes ago, Young Eddie said:

It's always an exciting time for fans when a manager goes and there is the hope and expectation that we will end up with someone better. As we know from experience the last four appointments haven't been meh and the last appointment I genuinely got excited about was McCall back in 2015. 

I wanted Bullen to do well as he had a lot of attributes, genuinely seemed a nice guy and was a left field appointment not from the list of usual suspects. But results were just not good enough, and whether that is from coaching, recruitment or a combination of the two ultimately it is the manager/head coach who gets the flak if the system isn't working. While change was necessary I hope the new guy who comes in can recruit a team largely of his own and create a proper footballing side that will encourage punters back.

Some of the patter on here about Bullen has been pretty offensive to the guy and cringey. Maybe that's what the club are also alluding to. If you don't like Bullen that's fine but the BGM patter was shite and not even funny the first time it was trotted out. Ultimately if you aren't happy with the job someone is doing, don't have a go at them but take it to their boss. You can't make someone magically morph into a better manager but you can make those who recruit and oversee what is unfolding accountable. It's come later than it should have but finally Smith has acted. Just got to hope the next managerial appointment is a competent one and we still have time to save this season.

Recruit a team largely of his own.

Genuinely do you have any money to sign anyone ,even on loan? Other than a very few clubs- the money is spent in the summer and rarely money for signing players in January- So would be surprised if you can bring in the players to the positions that seem to need strengthened by the fans- unless of course you get thro to  the next round of the SC and meet one of the big guys - that funds a few loan signings - maybe that’s one of the reasons for his departure….?

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If the worst thing that is said about Bullen is the BGM then he's getting off lightly, such PG level patter. Much worse was said about Hopkin and McCall.

And the idea that we've not to criticise him on here but instead send a nicely worded letter to Smith with our grievances?...


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