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Drug deaths in Scotland hit record high

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6 hours ago, oaksoft said:

I don't agree and I'm not alone.

The logical conclusion of what you've said is that people who are overweight through overeating of chips etc are suffering an illness.

Going to have to have a hearty chuckle and block you. I could genuinely open your eyes but people like you make me sad. You couldn't handle meeting an addiction who was better than you in every way so I hope and pray you find solace wanking off to transformers. You are fucked in the head and every addict you meet could tie your peabrain in a knot

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6 hours ago, Stinky Bone said:

What about when the addict starts to get the dt's?  When their body goes into fits and the only thing to stop it is more heroin or medication?

When I am ill I sometimes need antibiotics/medication.  When the addict is taking convulsions is he/she not in need of medication to stop it?  

You are fully entitled to your opinion and I respect that but I am unsure how accurate it is. 

I get the sentiment of this but it's false. Only alcohol produces dts. Only alcohol and benzodiazapines produce deadly withdrawal. The rest is pure mind over matter. 

I'll close on this and not aimed at you. If you believe addiction is real them the power of choice is gone, the craving for your drug of choice will consume your world. To deny addiction in this day and age is laughable, the ones on here quizzing it are either abhorrent racists or stay in a closed world. 

Again. Come and see the work we do, come and see the despair, remorse,  shame and hopelessness of these people. Do use a world of good. God forbid you ever have 1 in the family

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3 hours ago, oaksoft said:

You are conflating symptoms of drug withdrawal with addiction itself.

That's not really a helpful position to take because it leads you to put words in my mouth as you have done in the bits I have bolded. Then we just don't get anywhere in our discussion.

When you have something like drug abuse where you can only get over it by choosing to not use the drug (and there is absolutely no other way of breaking an addiction) then it cannot be an illness because illnesses don't work that way.

Interestingly in a post you've called "staggeringly ignorant" you have agreed with my basic premise that drug taking in the first place is a choice and that quitting an addiction to those drugs is also a choice. So I can only conclude that you are taking issue with the label "illness". All I'll say to that is this. Can you name me another illness where your personal choice is the only way to get well? I can't think of any.

Incredibly ignorant. Do your children deserve cancer?  If they do then it's not an illness is it, it's your shifty genes. If I laughed at thier illness (and I wouldnt) would you be to blame for passing on your w**k genetics. I have a feeling you are a frail guy who hates life. Open your mind

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42 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

I nearly bought heroin last year. I was in a bad way mentally and going through a particularly rough patch of depression. I had been at the football earlier, and whilst that was a good laugh, I was drunk by the time I got back to Dundee, alone. I proceeded to drink more, alone, as it was an attempt at coping with my shite depression riddled brain. A poor attempt mind, as it just made me feel horrendous and massively altered my thinking, especially when mixed with the Prozac I was taking each day (prescribed by my GP).

On the way home I was shitfaced and somehow got talking to some lassie. She was in a bit a state herself and had a bag with her. In said bag were needles and other paraphernalia. After asking her about it I somehow ended up agreeing to go halves with her on some heroin (I believe it was about £30 on my part) as I was thinking 'f**k it, why not?'.

I was feeling awful and having dark suicidal thoughts so considered it a way to relieve the pain.We then went to get it (a certain high rise at the bottom of a certain hill). Whilst she was inside (I waited outside the door) I somehow had a big moment of lucidity, and actually ran away. I literally sprinted out of there, a total mess of a guy. I slept fitfully for about 10 hours when I got in, constantly waking and drifting off, my brain in a horrible dark mush.

I lost £30 but it could have been so much worse. I wasn't choosing to be a junkie that night. I was a fucked up, desperate guy looking for a way to feel better. Massively stupid looking back, but to me shows how easy it can be to get caught up in some seriously bad shit.

Takes balls to admit that my friend. You got away handy, heroin is shit!!

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12 hours ago, oaksoft said:

Actually, I can categorically state that as much as I love all my kids, if any of them engaged in any criminal behaviour which caused harm to another individual (outside of self-defence), I would cut them off permanently.

Oh and no way would I allow them the easy option of blaming anyone or anything else for their crime including personal trauma.

I wouldn't say that someone who cuts their kids off at the drop of a hat loves them very much IIBH.

I can only imagine where I'd be today if my family wrote me off 40 years ago, I didn't have an extensive criminal record but that was only due to lack of detection.

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I nearly bought heroin last year. I was in a bad way mentally and going through a particularly rough patch of depression. I had been at the football earlier, and whilst that was a good laugh, I was drunk by the time I got back to Dundee, alone. I proceeded to drink more, alone, as it was an attempt at coping with my shite depression riddled brain. A poor attempt mind, as it just made me feel horrendous and massively altered my thinking, especially when mixed with the Prozac I was taking each day (prescribed by my GP).

On the way home I was shitfaced and somehow got talking to some lassie. She was in a bit a state herself and had a bag with her. In said bag were needles and other paraphernalia. After asking her about it I somehow ended up agreeing to go halves with her on some heroin (I believe it was about £30 on my part) as I was thinking 'f**k it, why not?'.

I was feeling awful and having dark suicidal thoughts so considered it a way to relieve the pain.We then went to get it (a certain high rise at the bottom of a certain hill). Whilst she was inside (I waited outside the door) I somehow had a big moment of lucidity, and actually ran away. I literally sprinted out of there, a total mess of a guy. I slept fitfully for about 10 hours when I got in, constantly waking and drifting off, my brain in a horrible dark mush.

I lost £30 but it could have been so much worse. I wasn't choosing to be a junkie that night. I was a fucked up, desperate guy looking for a way to feel better. Massively stupid looking back, but to me shows how easy it can be to get caught up in some seriously bad shit.

Glad to see you back posting and that you had that moment of lucidity brother.
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10 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Well after a day or two of decent debate, that escalated pretty quickly.

I always make it a rule to quit a thread when the usual "intellectual heavyweights" descend like the plague and turn the place into a chimps tea party.

Screeching and faeces flinging isn't really my thing.

Doesn't have a point. Realised he doesn't have a point. Types out the above minter. Quits.


"I always make it a rule...." 😂

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8 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

I nearly bought heroin last year. I was in a bad way mentally and going through a particularly rough patch of depression. I had been at the football earlier, and whilst that was a good laugh, I was drunk by the time I got back to Dundee, alone. I proceeded to drink more, alone, as it was an attempt at coping with my shite depression riddled brain. A poor attempt mind, as it just made me feel horrendous and massively altered my thinking, especially when mixed with the Prozac I was taking each day (prescribed by my GP).

On the way home I was shitfaced and somehow got talking to some lassie. She was in a bit a state herself and had a bag with her. In said bag were needles and other paraphernalia. After asking her about it I somehow ended up agreeing to go halves with her on some heroin (I believe it was about £30 on my part) as I was thinking 'f**k it, why not?'.

I was feeling awful and having dark suicidal thoughts so considered it a way to relieve the pain.We then went to get it (a certain high rise at the bottom of a certain hill). Whilst she was inside (I waited outside the door) I somehow had a big moment of lucidity, and actually ran away. I literally sprinted out of there, a total mess of a guy. I slept fitfully for about 10 hours when I got in, constantly waking and drifting off, my brain in a horrible dark mush.

I lost £30 but it could have been so much worse. I wasn't choosing to be a junkie that night. I was a fucked up, desperate guy looking for a way to feel better. Massively stupid looking back, but to me shows how easy it can be to get caught up in some seriously bad shit.

Good on you, even though you were feeling as low as you were you definitely did the right thing. Take it as a positive. Good to see you posting again.

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30 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Well after a day or two of decent debate, that escalated pretty quickly.

I always make it a rule to quit a thread when the usual "intellectual heavyweights" descend like the plague and turn the place into a chimps tea party.

Screeching and faeces flinging isn't really my thing.

So it's ok for you to cast aspersions in the direction of others without accepting any coming your way, that's the attitude that sees us hurtling ever faster in the wrong direction with regards to drugs.

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I suggest you quit while you're behind because you clearly haven't any idea what you're talking about.  

Well after a day or two of decent debate, that escalated pretty quickly.
I always make it a rule to quit a thread when the usual "intellectual heavyweights" descend like the plague and turn the place into a chimps tea party.
Screeching and faeces flinging isn't really my thing.

At least you've taken in something.
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2 minutes ago, throbber said:


You know fine well you said it and it wasn’t just me and moo who saw it and pulled you up for it and you then accused us of being sanctimonious. There’s a certain line that you cross when you go after someone like that on a forum and you were clearly trying to cause as much harm as possible on a personal level to someone you have never even met before. You are a c**t.


😂 If you wring your hands too long they'll wear out.

Maybe I should just have called him a c**t. You approve of that word.

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18 hours ago, MixuFixit said:

Being a nice member of society is indeed a choice. As is spending hours trolling P&B I guess.

Surprised anyone is still responding to him to be honest. The most obvious trolling I have seen on here since I last had a day at work that was too quiet.

17 hours ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

Not every victim does, but lots do. Those who don't present with different symptoms.

I get it from years of experience.

Helping the victims, as opposed to creating them I hope...

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11 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

I nearly bought heroin last year. I was in a bad way mentally and going through a particularly rough patch of depression. I had been at the football earlier, and whilst that was a good laugh, I was drunk by the time I got back to Dundee, alone. I proceeded to drink more, alone, as it was an attempt at coping with my shite depression riddled brain. A poor attempt mind, as it just made me feel horrendous and massively altered my thinking, especially when mixed with the Prozac I was taking each day (prescribed by my GP).

On the way home I was shitfaced and somehow got talking to some lassie. She was in a bit a state herself and had a bag with her. In said bag were needles and other paraphernalia. After asking her about it I somehow ended up agreeing to go halves with her on some heroin (I believe it was about £30 on my part) as I was thinking 'f**k it, why not?'.

I was feeling awful and having dark suicidal thoughts so considered it a way to relieve the pain.We then went to get it (a certain high rise at the bottom of a certain hill). Whilst she was inside (I waited outside the door) I somehow had a big moment of lucidity, and actually ran away. I literally sprinted out of there, a total mess of a guy. I slept fitfully for about 10 hours when I got in, constantly waking and drifting off, my brain in a horrible dark mush.

I lost £30 but it could have been so much worse. I wasn't choosing to be a junkie that night. I was a fucked up, desperate guy looking for a way to feel better. Massively stupid looking back, but to me shows how easy it can be to get caught up in some seriously bad shit.

The good thing about a forum like this is sometimes you read contributions from people who have genuine insight or specialist knowledge on a subject.

Thanks for sharing

It's stuff like this that makes it worth slogging through the rest of the thread

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I know not the answers or solution to this massive problem in our society.
I can only venture to guess that often the bleak socioeconomic picture must play a part in these stats and the fact that there's not a particularly hard line taken by the justice system against low level dealers/users etc.
Looking at the stats from Romania are both staggering and not surprising in equal measure. On one hand it's a very poor country by European standards and thus you would expect a lot of drug use. The flipside is maybe availability too though as it's so poor, generally, that crime gangs probably know it would be a fruitless market?

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I nearly bought heroin last year. I was in a bad way mentally and going through a particularly rough patch of depression. I had been at the football earlier, and whilst that was a good laugh, I was drunk by the time I got back to Dundee, alone. I proceeded to drink more, alone, as it was an attempt at coping with my shite depression riddled brain. A poor attempt mind, as it just made me feel horrendous and massively altered my thinking, especially when mixed with the Prozac I was taking each day (prescribed by my GP).

On the way home I was shitfaced and somehow got talking to some lassie. She was in a bit a state herself and had a bag with her. In said bag were needles and other paraphernalia. After asking her about it I somehow ended up agreeing to go halves with her on some heroin (I believe it was about £30 on my part) as I was thinking 'f**k it, why not?'.

I was feeling awful and having dark suicidal thoughts so considered it a way to relieve the pain.We then went to get it (a certain high rise at the bottom of a certain hill). Whilst she was inside (I waited outside the door) I somehow had a big moment of lucidity, and actually ran away. I literally sprinted out of there, a total mess of a guy. I slept fitfully for about 10 hours when I got in, constantly waking and drifting off, my brain in a horrible dark mush.

I lost £30 but it could have been so much worse. I wasn't choosing to be a junkie that night. I was a fucked up, desperate guy looking for a way to feel better. Massively stupid looking back, but to me shows how easy it can be to get caught up in some seriously bad shit.

Only well done is needed here. Many of us will face horrible dark situations like this. Knowing to take the right path there might have saved your life. Well done, again.
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24 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

I don't think so, trainspotting was describing a generation of people who already existed.

Interestingly Simon Jenkins of all people has come out in favour of devolving responsibility to Holyrood: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/jul/19/scotland-drugs-problem-westminster-policy


Good article with some thought provoking points.

I liked the headline :

Scotland has a drugs problem – and it’s called Westminster

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