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The normalisation of the far-right continues

Guest Bob Mahelp

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On 10/09/2024 at 11:53, Elixir said:

Western 'progressive' politicians are putting European integration and open borders between European nations at risk because of their willingness to take in so many troublesome invaders that can't behave nor integrate. Then they wonder why the far-right are on the rise (a justified concern in its own right) when they have helped bring it on themselves.

The large majority of people simply do not want the mass influx of male economic migrants or Islamists, for good reason. Keep them out, and you subsequently keep the far-right largely irrelevant and EU integration continues to be the massive success that it has been up to this point.

Alas, the insufferables who think they are better than everyone for inviting the third world (obviously they won't take them in themselves, though) will never be able to acknowledge or admit to this, despite the fact the vast majority are clearly just incapable of integrating into our way of life.

The difference in safeness, cleanliness, and the feeling of constant development, progress, and economic growth between central and eastern European countries compared to western ones really is as stark as their views on non-EU migration. Similar problems also exist in the US, where the insufferable 'progressives' continue inadvertently fuelling the rise of Trumpism instead of just governing sensibly and having secure borders to neutralise it.

The progressives (rightly) seem to love Japanese and Korean culture, especially during the pandemic, but wait until they find out about their immigration policies! Australia and New Zealand too, for that matter! It is frankly now just insane how nearly all centrist and left-leaning parties approach the issue of migration. It truly is their Achilles' heel, and nobody dares question it for fear of being cancelled. Denmark's governing Social Democrats, however, are certainly one party that has recognised these issues and is beginning to act accordingly. I'm sure everyone here would just hate to be like Denmark!

What d'you think caused those migration surges? 

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On 10/09/2024 at 18:29, GordonS said:

It's 9/11 tomorrow. Since October Gaza has suffered the equivalent of thirteen 9/11s.

The Americans were perfectly level-headed and understanding about that, so I'm fully expecting the Palestinians to take this on the chin over the next hundred years.

Watching your friends and neighbours get slaughtered while the world does nothing will be great for everybody's outlook too.

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On 10/09/2024 at 22:32, HibeeJibee said:

Norway's general election is next year, and the right wing nationalist FRP has just come 1st in an opinion poll for the first time since 2008 - slightly ahead of both the Conservatives and Labour.


I spoke to a Norwegian just today. He spent a long time explaining that it's usually cold in the North but warm in the South in summer. But this year, it's been unusually cold in the South and warm in the North. I expect they're just trying to liven things up a bit, like the Swedes with eugenics. 

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Not posting for a month and then coming back with a single post about "invaders", "the third world" and Japanese immigration policies is the most Elixir thing possible. At least he's started copying Ed West rather than VT, at least for a bit of a change. Keeping it very Elixir by nodding towards his real priority - it being easy for him to go on a city break to Estonia ("European Integration").

The Far Right is on the rise because for large parts of European countries life has either got shitter or remained shit despite promises to make it better. Mainstream parties have shown themselves to be incapable of arresting that trend or, as we're seeing in the UK, readily admitting that they can't really make that much of a difference. Placing immigration at the centre of that is not really any different from any other othering that the Far Right has done over the years.

The interesting thing is there's an argument to be had about the left seeing immigration as an unalloyed good, about centrist parties fuelling rage about migration while continuing to encourage it on a large scale, about integration, about crime, about public services, about whether the conversation around falling birth rates should end with "well we need more immigrants", about brain drain of the global south, about why important jobs require the exploitation of immigrants to be filled etc. Most of these quickly become conversations about our wider society and neoliberalism, though, and it's much easier to talk about an invasion of people who make the place dirtier. Elixir has obviously taken that route. 

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