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Anyone stopped drinking for 6 months/a year


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7 hours ago, Doctor said:

Not drunk any alcohol for a year on roughly the first of July and been off the drugs for a week today. Its not easy but when it gets to the point that you really want to it gives you something to focus on

Strictly just prescribing them these days Doctor? 

Superb effort not drinking for so long. 👏 Well done making a week off the drugs too and all the best moving forward. 


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1 hour ago, 8MileBU said:

Strictly just prescribing them these days Doctor? 

Superb effort not drinking for so long. 👏 Well done making a week off the drugs too and all the best moving forward. 


Lol thanks 8MileBU, it's only weed that I'm talking about when I say drugs but regardless I've had a real problem with it for almost half my life and its only during lockdown that I've finally decided I don't want to be like this anymore and I want to make a real effort to cut it out. 

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1 hour ago, Doctor said:

Lol thanks 8MileBU, it's only weed that I'm talking about when I say drugs but regardless I've had a real problem with it for almost half my life and its only during lockdown that I've finally decided I don't want to be like this anymore and I want to make a real effort to cut it out. 

Weed is my ‘thing’ too albeit never found it to be ‘a problem’ personally but regardless, I know several people who have wanted to chuck it but struggled to give it up so you should still look at this first week of being weedless as an achievement 👏

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On 26/09/2018 at 11:00, Richey Edwards said:

I haven't drank alcohol since February 2017.


On 26/09/2018 at 11:06, Richey Edwards said:

Yeah. Less hassle, no hangovers, no blackouts, I've lost weight...

Only thing about it that is a pain in the arse is the people who get all offended if you aren't drinking.

As I've received reputation over the past couple of days for these posts, I've decided to update you all.

I still haven't drank since February 2017 and I still don't miss it. I have put weight on now, but I don't think I'd be the only one who has in the current climate.

I have nothing against people who do drink - because it is possible for people to have fun while drinking. However, I'm not one of them. It is not possible for me to have a "social" drink. It always turned into a binge and I usually regretted it.

There are people who should not drink, because it has a negative effect on their mental health and behaviour. I am one of those people.

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On 06/08/2020 at 14:19, Richey Edwards said:


As I've received reputation over the past couple of days for these posts, I've decided to update you all.

I still haven't drank since February 2017 and I still don't miss it. I have put weight on now, but I don't think I'd be the only one who has in the current climate.

I have nothing against people who do drink - because it is possible for people to have fun while drinking. However, I'm not one of them. It is not possible for me to have a "social" drink. It always turned into a binge and I usually regretted it.

There are people who should not drink, because it has a negative effect on their mental health and behaviour. I am one of those people.

Some people can drink. some people can't drink. And the some people who can't drink don't find out until they start drinking.

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Have been drinking alot since my wife has went back down to England for work, havent seen her for about a month now. I cant just have a couple i always drink to excess, I do enjoy the initial buzz of a few drinks but I just end up being greedy and end up in some actual states. I've lost alot of weight over the past year, was nearly 14 stone at one point im now under 10st so think that won't help with how drunk I get. My mums side of the family have always had problems with alcohol and i feel like im going down the same road, maybe one day i will grow up.

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Pretty much chucked it when the wean was born 4 years ago. Used to meet up with a mate for the odd pint for CL games before I lost interest in the competition. 

I got absolutely mangled for my maws birthday in March after not having a drink since the world cup in 2018 then had 2 pints the other week. I don't miss it at all other than *maybe* the social aspect, but hangovers just aren't worth it and I seem to get them regardless of how much I had the night before. 

I think my da being a full pelt alky helped me screw the nut at the right time

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1 minute ago, throbber said:

You are probably right. I don’t really try and pass it off as an amusing character trait I just state quite blatantly what I actually do and it’s down to other people whether they think I’m trying to be funny or not I suppose.

I'm not slagging you or having a go. It just sounds like maybe it isn't really worth it, or at least so often.

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On 06/08/2020 at 14:19, Richey Edwards said:


There are people who should not drink, because it has a negative effect on their mental health and behaviour. I am one of those people.

Well done for realising this and doing something about it. I've always thought that a lot more people should realise this about themselves.

I was always your typical happy then sleepy drunk until a succession of bereavements a few years ago. Then it all changed and I've realized I need to be much more careful.

I'm ok not having a drink, or having a session, I just envy those people who can genuinely have "just the one".

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3 hours ago, Academically Deficient said:

Well done for realising this and doing something about it. I've always thought that a lot more people should realise this about themselves.

I think some people don't want to be THAT PERSON who doesn't drink, because there's an assumption that non-drinkers are boring and no fun to be around.

I think the opposite is true - drunk people are awfully boring and tedious to be around, especially when they start repeating themselves every five minutes.

I've had the best times of my life in the past three and a half years since I've stopped drinking. This isn't directly BECAUSE I've stopped drinking, but it's been a part of it.

Imagine there was a button which, when pressed, would make you wake up the next morning a load of money short, with massive gaps in your memory and no idea how big a tit you made of yourself, and the fear and anxiety that goes with it. Why would anyone press that button?

To anyone reading this - if alcohol is having a negative impact on your life, your mental health, or anything at all, then don't be afraid to say cheerio to it. Alcohol is no one's friend.


EDITED TO ADD: I'm actually 30 today - it's good to be able to enjoy such days without the carnage.

Edited by Richey Edwards
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35 minutes ago, Academically Deficient said:

Happy Birthday 🎂


It's great to go to gigs, have birthdays, go to the football and actually be able to remember them clearly. Previously I'd have been smashed at all of these kind of events.

I have learned to drive, completed a uni course and done a lot of positive things since stopping drinking. Having the extra money from not pissing it down the drain helps!

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  • 2 months later...
Well I'm gonna have a go at this. Always been a heavy drinker but lock down and then a split has made me worse. Finally sought advice and spoken to someone so the long road starts here
Good luck. I've also been pretty bad since lockdown. Managed to put on about 2 stone on weight and my fitness has deteriorated. I'm going to try to be completely dry for November. Hopefully thats a kick start to living properly again.
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Decided to only drink when the occasion merits it nowadays, during lockdown I was drinking every Friday/Saturday just for something to do. Last drink was 12th September and I would’ve had a drink for mates birthdays if pubs etc had been open but not overly keen on drinking in the house.

Will have a drink at Christmas and new year etc but when you only get 2 days off a week I don’t want to waste it feeling like shite.

My weight and fitness has seen a huge benefit as I’m down about 3 stone this year

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