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Calling Cards of Morons

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Worst job I had was the late shift on a zero hours contract at an aerosols factory. Waiting until 3 pm each day to be told whether you'd be needed. Arrive at 5 pm, work until 1 am, putting the lids on shaving foam or wiping the outside of make up tubs. They'd expect you to be at work 15 mins in advance to be told where in the factory to go. Taking shit from utter bellends with not a management instinct (or SQA Higher) to their name, who naturally assume you too are a thicko for ending up somewhere like that. Dinner involved sitting for an hour in a canteen surrounded by broken middle aged men and eastern european girls (no lookers) reading red tops and looking depressed. Fucking horiffic.
My last job tried to pull this shite as well. They wanted everyone in 15 minutes before they were due to start. If you did that then it worked out I'd spend an extra 5 hours a month at that shithole and not get paid for the displeasure. Needless to say I used to go in a maximum of 5 minutes before I was due to start. The management were gutless at the best of times so the most I ever got was "you're pushing it fine aren't you?", to which I'd respond with "I don't start until..." The only exception to this would be when I went in for a nightshift and liked the person who I was taking over from. I would go in early to let them away early. I don't see any problem with people liking to get in early but for management to try and enforce it and not pay you is just bullshit.
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3 hours ago, Mark Connolly said:

When I was 18, I worked in a hotel during the Xmas party season. I'd do the full 12pm-2am function shift, breakfast shift 6-11, then back on the function room. The hotel would lay on a room for anyone doing this to have a kip/shower in between, and you were only allowed to do 3 days in a row of it, but that generally got bypassed if they were short of staff. Very occasionally you could also end up doing a couple of hours in the residents bar in between as well.

Looking back it's absolutely mental, and it's no wonder I spent most of Xmas Day sleeping that year.

Que será, será.

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22 minutes ago, Highland Capital said:

"I'm not British I'm Scottish."

You'll still be British after independence m8.

If you were born in Dublin in 1921 you would be British by your reckoning even though you would hold an Irish passport and be born in the geographical area called Ireland? I would say you could in that situation choose to be Irish or British? No?

What would you call people born in Belfast today, not British surely as their country is part of the United Kingdom and not part of Great Britain? Again some may see themselves as British due to their heritage but other will see themselves as Irish.

I always tick the white Scottish box when asked my ethnic group, what the problem with people choosing themselves I don't think that makes them a moron.

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5 hours ago, Highland Capital said:

“I’m not from Ireland. I’m from Ulster!”

You’re from the island of Ireland m8.

But they are from the British isles? Your logic is confusing, shall we just stick to being European?

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