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English people say "chippy". 
Nigel Farage, Fred West, James Corden: all English. 
Just saying 

All the people you’ve mentioned are presumably c***s (never met them) but on this one they are right, it’s a chippy.
A normal c**t who lives in Aberdeen that gets fucked off every single time one of you freaks calls it a chipper.
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Just now, NJ2 said:

Anyone calling someone a bam is a clear roaster

Just throwing in more words Aberdonians use, that sound better than the words used by the rest of the country.

So awa n dook fir chips in the chipper ya bam and pick me up a rowie while yer at it gadge.

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Just throwing in more words Aberdonians use, that sound better than the words used by the rest of the country.
So awa n dook fir chips in the chipper ya bam and pick me up a rowie while yer at it gadge.

Wise up ya fool min.
Did I do aberdonian right?
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4 minutes ago, johnnydun said:

Just throwing in more words Aberdonians use, that sound better than the words used by the rest of the country.

There isn't one single word.  I lived in South Deeside (very happily) for a few years and if you 'talk like an Aberdonian' the normal world thinks you've a simpleton.

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Just now, The_Kincardine said:

There isn't one single word.  I lived in South Deeside (very happily) for a few years and if you 'talk like an Aberdonian' the normal world thinks you've a simpleton.

They don't talk Aberdonian in South Deeside, more of Sussex twang.

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