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English Premier League 2019-20

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Haven't seen either, but didn't the ref on the pitch give the Liverpool penalty? Unless the VAR is certain there's been an error he won't intervene in either direction.

Yes it was giving by on pitch referee however it took a full 2 minutes for Taylor to confirm that it was a penalty however the foul on Pepe was clear as day light and you can see straight away that contact was made by the Bournemouth player.
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Just now, Mastermind said:

That’s Norwich and Wolves beaten Guardiola’s side in recent weeks. Still, City and Liverpool will steamroll everything put in front of them, right?

😄 Bold move trying to spin the league becoming a procession a mere handful of games in as a good thing....

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Just now, Ro Sham Bo said:

That's the league over and done with already.

It can't be, it's the best league in the world remember, the only league in the world where a promoted team can beat the champions, well apart from Spain the other week and numerous other leagues.  

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3 minutes ago, Grangemouth Bairn said:

I said it yesterday and got shot down but the league is over.

City are poor this season and no chance they will catch Liverpool.

It's not over till it's over. They have not become a poor team overnight. They scored 8 last week.   

Having said that they've left themselves with a mountain to climb - which they managed last season of course. 

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[emoji1] Bold move trying to spin the league becoming a procession a mere handful of games in as a good thing....

Yet another team winning the league will be fantastic. Much better than the likes of Bayern Munich winning for umpteen seasons in a row, or even Spain where it’s between Barca or Real every season (or occasionally Atletico). The continual turnover of champions is excellent.

And I wouldn’t rule out City getting back into it. Liverpool have been lucky that their front three continues to challenge on both the domestic and European fronts, but a big injury to one of them and it is a different story.
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