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Aye, decent show but agree it was far too long. They have far too many folk signed and they seem to try to feature too many folk too often.

Opener was great. Everyone played their roles perfectly and Wardlow was big time over.

Hardys vs Bucks was disappointing. As noted, look like Jeff was fucked and it really hurt the match. Also I was shouting at him to fix his fucking boots.

Jade Cargill vs Anna Jay was atrocious. Far too many botches and far top many contrived spots. Also featured an element that I hate in women's matches, that being an attempt to run the ropes. They always seem to lightly jog and take a trillion steps. Looks ridiculous. Athena showing up could be decent.

Death Triangle vs House or Black was great. Fast and full of great spots. Top stuff. Ending was a bit meh, mainly cos they're ripped the arse out of the lights out spot. Also, Alex Abrahamtes needs to f**k off. He's a daft wee goon who is the wrong side of silly.

Samoa Joe vs Adam Cole was only decent. Nothing special. Just didn't seem to click. 

Britt Baker vs Ruby Soho was a bit better. Rich Ward came across as an utter gimp, whereas Rancid were cool as f**k and played a great entrance for Ruby Soho. Though the wrong woman won here. Baker is plenty over and doesn't need this. Soho could have done with it more.

Kaz, Sammy and Tay vs Scorpio Sky, Ethan Page and Page van Zant was simply unnecessary. It was fine but just wasn't needed. Sammy is a wee flange with a hugely punchable face. Was hoping Kazarian would turn on him and knock f**k out of him. Sammy and Tay just need to f**k off. Van Zant looked pretty good in the ring.

Darby Allin vs Kyle O'Reilly also was completely unnecessary and, worse, was pretty dull. Waste of time.

Thunder Rosa vs Serena Deeb was good. Some really smart counters and moves here.

Anarchy in the Arena was fucking mental. Great fun. Eddie wanting to set Jericho on fire was amusing. Best Hager has looked in a while. Took far too long for the music to cut off. Nippy as f**k.

Tag match was really enjoyable. Lots of fun spots as you'd expect.

Main event was good. Solid but not spectacular in the ring, but told a good story. Interesting to see where both guys go from here.

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Agreed on abrahamtes, way way over the top and unnecessary.

The anarchy and death triangle matches were standouts for me. The main event was decent too.

The Guevara match made no sense, Kazarian seemed to turn on them a couple of times during the match, then ended up eating the pin. Conti is awful.

The thunder Rosa and Brit baker matches really showed up the other women's match, which was way too clunky and slow.

Overall they could have cut out three or four matches but I heard they extended the show so that the main event was after the NBA playoff game.

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Agree with it being overly long, but enjoyable none the less

Darby / Oreilly just seemed flung together last minute to get Darby on the card and Hardy's Bucks could have waited till next PPV to get more of a build which would then seen the card at a better length 

Im fair enjoying Hookhausen as I think it gets both over while building them up gradually. Obviously Hook can wrestle, but maybe lacks on the mic (although they have been building the silent assasin character) whereas Danhausen has the character but maybe not the wrestling yet.

Obviously the death Triangle House of Black should have been months ago but was delayed due to injury. Had totally forgot about the Julia Hart angle, probably explains why the varsity blonds have dissappeared.

Does show the depth of roster when you think mainstays like the dark order, Cassidy/ Best Friends, FTR, Archer, Andrade and his family, Lethal and co were missing and Regal from Comms

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Don't know how long this will stay up.

Wow. This is 100% his Punk pipebomb moment. The thing that is going to push him even higher. People will be talking about this promo years from now.

He's right in what he's saying though, he's a once in a generation talent.


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In the world we currently live in and the spot America is in just now, the whole antiwork movement means people are very much not afraid to leave their jobs if they are feeling undervalued or people less talented are being paid significantly more to turn in inferior work. MJF has with that promo, probably just become the biggest face in the company by tapping into the conscience and mindset of an entire generation of young adults.

Screaming at your billionaire boss to fire you because you know you'll get paid a shitload more elsewhere is the ultimate face move in this day and age.

I know he wears many hats but an anti-establishment hero is not something I'd ever have had pinned to him but I'm all for seeing it.

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There's so much truth in that. From all the idiot fans and no one giving a f**k about their stupid opinions to him wrestling without endangering anyone like some of the clowns there. 

I think it's a stretch to see him as any kind of face though, anti establishment or not. That would require a hell of a strong heel in Tony which just won't happen. 

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11 minutes ago, Stellaboz said:

There's so much truth in that. From all the idiot fans and no one giving a f**k about their stupid opinions to him wrestling without endangering anyone like some of the clowns there. 

I think it's a stretch to see him as any kind of face though, anti establishment or not. That would require a hell of a strong heel in Tony which just won't happen. 

Tony? Nah. Guys a wet wipe. Vince worked so well at it as he was a legit scary guy.

Think it was telling a bit though that the person who was sent down during commercial to break it up and be all like 'WTF are you doing?!' was Punk of all people.

The guy who 11 years ago was just as angry and disgruntled and given an open mic to air it all with the blessing of his boss and in doing so, struck a note and turned face in the process. Could lean into the roles reversing a bit.

Think MJF doing his 'I was bullied for bring jewish' promo with Punk shows that the guy could sell ice to Eskimos. Folk bought into him instantly as a sympathetic character even of it was only for a matter of a single show.


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Question now I suppose is what next for him? As a few have pointed out, turning him face and pitting him against the company would be disastrous in the long run 

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