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Clyde FC; Season 2022-23

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Awful big of you [mention=19488]KieranClyde[/mention] calling out fellow fans from other platforms who simply don’t agree with your narrow-minded, self-destructive, rape-apologist point of view.
How about you step out of the shadows and tell us all your name too you spineless shitebag. Or is that too difficult when you don’t have all the other cretins to hide behind in the back corner of the stand on a match day?

I’m guessing his name is Kieran as he probably isn’t bright enough to think up a pseudonym.

No surprise to see our resident rape apologists queueing up to green light it.

You’re not a real Clyde fan remember unless you agree with destroying the club to allow a rapist to play football.
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Right so I had an accident at work that was morrisons supermarkets ( a previous employer) fault. Does that mean if I had a pay out( ,which I didn't go for because I'm not  an ambulance chaser) as I would have won tbat in a civil case their building would have been unsafe so are therefore an unsafe employer or unsafe to allow people into their shops. 

The difference is that if found guilty, Morrisons would likely apologise, show contrition, and work to ensure it didn't happen again, because that's what people/companies do to regain the trust of society.
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5 hours ago, yessiricanboogie said:

I think the point is that means noone accused of rape should be allowed in at all to any North Lanarkshire facility. It is ridiculous.

What I find odd is yes on here it's massive vigilante campaign on here. On Facebook the ladies team were heavily criticised and what surprised me it's by women. It was a women I saw on Facebook who said they won't be happy until goodwillies in a box. Enough is enough for me. 

@yessiricanboogieadding his name to the sadly already sizeable list of Clyde supporting rape-apologists here.

I can’t speak on behalf of NLC but I’d imagine it might have less to do with not wanting someone ‘accused’ of rape in their stadium, and a whole lot more to do with them not wanting someone found to be (on several occasions including appeals) a rapist in their stadium. An unrepentant rapist at that. And a rapist who is in the public eye and who would be higher profile than that of Joe Public.  This whole ‘accused’ stance is utterly disgusting.  There’s a poor female who’s life has been ruined because of the rapist.  And yet some would try and have you believe Goodwillie and Clyde are the ones hard done by?! Unbelievable.

Of all the bad guys here, NLC don’t come close to being one of them. Their stance is admirable and should be applauded.  On the other hand imagine being someone who’s happy to slate a company/council body for not wanting anything to do with an unrepentant rapist.

Shameful behaviour and unfortunately this particular specimen isn’t alone, as several other pond-dwelling Clyde supporters have also outed themselves as utter rape-apologists in this sorry saga.

Edited by Chanandler Bong
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The real Clyde fans (aka human beings) breathing a massive sigh of relief now that this episode has passed. The Clyde board of directors have somehow contrived to out fuckwit their Raith counterparts however. 

Scottish fitba 😬

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5 hours ago, yessiricanboogie said:

I'm sorry I must have missed where he has a criminal conviction for rape

And yet you called the forum a disgrace before I banned your other account,by god you know how to make a roaring c**t of yourself on 2 accounts in one thread in a week.


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7 hours ago, bullyweehutch said:

At this point anyone on the board that allowed/shouted for DGW to be brought back having seen what happened at Raith should do the decent thing and hand in their resignation. They've destroyed this club and anyone celebrating being kicked out of Broadwood as a good things is utterly delusional. Yes it's too big and a white elephant for us and NLC. Yes NLC may be using it as a good excuse to demo Broadwood for houses as its a drain on their resources too. 

But where and I really as fucking where are we going to go? Who will let us ground share when the clubs name is completely tarnished. Thise saying build a new ground too! Don't make me laugh! Constantly being told by the board we are profiting for a loss, we have a tiny budget, we can't compete with other clubs resources and that the rent and lack of commercial revenue is strangling us. 

So where the f**k are we affording millions to build a stadium. You need to purchase the land and fund building the thing. Not to mention we owe money for the arria lounge (another incompetent failure of the board) I have absolutely 0 confidence in this board and can't bring myself to give them another penny till they leave. They have ruined to club I love.

And the silence from our boardroom is deafening.  Say something FFS...Say anything.  Owners alone have received a delayed quarterly update.  It promises a meeting.  

Any halfwits saying that being evicted is a blessing, is delusional.  The notion of a brilliant plan to relocate is just nonsense.  We don't get blisteringly good deal at Broadwood, AFAIK, but the big things are:

1 fixed costs

2 no need to spend lumps of capital 

To set up a Clyde Owned stadium must cost £5 million plus.  Bearing in mind we cannot be in debt under our constitution, where did anyone think this fortune was gonna come from?

8 hours ago, bullyweehutch said:

At this point anyone on the board that allowed/shouted for DGW to be brought back having seen what happened at Raith should do the decent thing and hand in their resignation. They've destroyed this club and anyone celebrating being kicked out of Broadwood as a good things is utterly delusional. Yes it's too big and a white elephant for us and NLC. Yes NLC may be using it as a good excuse to demo Broadwood for houses as its a drain on their resources too. 

But where and I really as fucking where are we going to go? Who will let us ground share when the clubs name is completely tarnished. Thise saying build a new ground too! Don't make me laugh! Constantly being told by the board we are profiting for a loss, we have a tiny budget, we can't compete with other clubs resources and that the rent and lack of commercial revenue is strangling us. 

So where the f**k are we affording millions to build a stadium. You need to purchase the land and fund building the thing. Not to mention we owe money for the arria lounge (another incompetent failure of the board) I have absolutely 0 confidence in this board and can't bring myself to give them another penny till they leave. They have ruined to club I love.



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6 minutes ago, You Only Live Twice said:

Trying to slate Clyde P&B users away from P&B where he is amongst the safety of his own like-minded kind.

That sounds pretty familiar to a behaviour a few days ago when a list of names from a club owners forum ended up on here

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4 minutes ago, Cutty Sark said:

£2364 raised for the Ukrainian disaster appeal. Well done to both Clyde and Falkirk fans. 


Would've liked to see the GB take a lead and contribute a sum to this for some positive PR. 



How do you know some of them haven't contributed?

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This is fuckin ridiculous, it’s bad enough having to put up with being trolled with other fans, without turning on your own, I’ve been attending Clyde games from the early 60’s and this is by far the worst I’ve felt, and there has been many lows, but what’s happening on here has just sickened me. There’s not many of us left , but we can still manage to squabble amongst ourselves.

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39 minutes ago, Cutty Sark said:

£2364 raised for the Ukrainian disaster appeal. Well done to both Clyde and Falkirk fans. 


Would've liked to see the GB take a lead and contribute a sum to this for some positive PR. 



Fantastic amount raised and well done to everyone who donated 👏🏻.

one of the Glasgow branch was actually asked by the club to help coordinate this appeal and did so. With numerous branch members also contributing generously to the fund. 

Some of the work the branch have done in the last few months include organising a food bank at Clydebank with another a work in progress in a few weeks time at Broadwood, making donations to the club with a survival fund also been created a few weeks back given to the club at the end of the season. And helping Danny and the staff out with new laptop needed for match analysis and team prep. 

The supporters branch and people in general too can do good things without coming out public with it all.

Edited by DeanMck
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