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Clyde FC; Season 2022-23

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It looks like our impact has extended as far as Auchinleck, who signed JBH on an emergency loan to replace a cup-tied goalie, only for it to appear that he himself was already cup-tied. Hilarious that we have another goalie that we could've loaned them.

Nobody wanted Duffy appointed but he was pretty much blameless over the first few games given the shambles that Lennon built. However, he's brought in a fair few players and the 90 minutes stretching from half-time last week, to half-time today, is as bad as anything I've seen. Last week the players were a disgrace, this week they were hung out to dry by a crazy team selection that was compounded by us not changing a huge amount until well into the second half. Can someone actually ask him what's going on with Duthie? 

Sula is much better than an immobile McAllister. The subs did okay and we definitely looked more comfortable when we went to a back four, particularly as Cuddihy actually found a team-mate or two when introduced in midfield. It might be an idea playing Hynes at right-back at some point as he is non-existent playing elsewhere. I assume Quitongo will be unavailable next week so he'll probably be back to left-back unless Craig reappears.

I'd take tenth spot over ninth purely in the hope that Peterhead somehow survive. The thought of going there twice in addition to Elgin and potentially another HL team is not one I want to consider. We are definitely going down.

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That was such a dreadful watch, which we are coming to expect thanks to Duffyball.  It's becoming harder and harder to get too worked up now, but what was most frustrating was travelling the miles to Montrose to watch that being served up.

I don't know whether Liam thought he heard a shout and thought he was about to be put under pressure, but that's the sort of own goal that the likes of Danny Baker and Nick Hancock would have been voicing over back in the 90s.  We knew it was going to be difficult going there, especially after the shambles of last week, to then concede that kind of goal inside 5 minutes is just kamikaze.

I would shed absolutely no tears if Duffy was punted tomorrow to be honest.  His smacked of being a lazy appointment by the board at the time and on the evidence of what has gone on since, I see nothing to change my opinion (which should lead to some hard scrutiny of the board to be honest).  The play-offs will be a hard enough challenge, but if we keep playing like that (5 goals conceded in 2 games and very little in the way of anything up front to get us excited) then we've no chance.

Also don't like individuals being picked out.  Liam Scullion didn't have a great game, but so did several others (also felt Ross Cunningham picked up some unwarranted abuse.  He had precious little support today and I'm not convinced he's 100 per cent recovered from the bad injury he got)

We missed Kurtis Roberts today, although how much influence one player would have had in all of the mediocrity we saw on show, hard to judge frankly.

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2 hours ago, 1993 said:

Does shouting abuse at your own players really help them function at their optimum level, whatever that may be. No point in shouting at opposition players if it makes no difference!

Personally, I can't recall ever shouting abuse at a Clyde player. I've felt like it many times but it's not in my nature to do so. In saying that, I've booed many Clyde teams of the park.

Does abuse make Clyde players function better? Absolutely not.

Does getting their frustrations out make the supporter feel a wee bit better? Probably.

Is it realistic to expect as football crowd to applaud politely when we score or shout, "Hard luck Scully" when we score an own goal? No

It's a football crowd. Not tennis at Wimbledon.

I enjoy football partially because of the adrenaline filled tension. It's like pantomime for angry adults.

That's the reality of football crowds. If players relatives get upset by comments from fans they shouldn't go to the match.

Alternatively they should have encouraged their child to join a swimming, athletics or horse riding club.






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I know it's unlikely but if we do somehow manage to stay up it'll largely be despite Duffy not because of him. If Duffy is then lauded as some sort of miracle worker by the board and awarded a contract extension I won't be returning next season - regardless of which league we're in. 

If it was up to me I'd be getting a new manager in NOW. It may not have the desired effect to save us this season but this current slow, deliberate limp to relegation is so damaging for the club and could permanently affect our fan base in terms of numbers...not to mention multiple potential cases of PTSD.

Please ask Duffy to do the decent thing and retire. If he's too proud to walk then use whatever cash we have left to get rid (ask the fan base to fund this if need be - you may be surprised how many will be prepared to put in a few quid towards this) and get someone in with a bit of drive/enthusiasm who's shown they can form a winning team, albeit probably at a significantly lower level than L1. A lot of the damage has already been done but continuing to inflict further damage when there's still a significant portion of the season left to play (with a potential escape route at the end of it) is utter madness.

Edited to add - whoever on our board who thought Duffy was the best man to take over for the remainder of this season should resign. If it was a unanimous decision by the board then a public apology will have to do. Disgraceful.

Edited by RutherGlen
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7 hours ago, PossilYM said:

Any word yet on the Crownpoint Sports Centre gog?

Aye, as own goals go, the lad Scullion's yesterday was right up there with the idea of ever going to that fucking shitehole.  The day the ex chairman returned, this club nosedived.  f**k him and his lackeys.  Best of luck to Finnart

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10 hours ago, RutherGlen said:

If it was up to me I'd be getting a new manager in NOW. It may not have the desired effect to save us this season but this current slow, deliberate limp to relegation is so damaging for the club and could permanently affect our fan base in terms of numbers...not to mention multiple potential cases of PTSD.

Please ask Duffy to do the decent thing and retire. If he's too proud to walk then use whatever cash we have left to get rid (ask the fan base to fund this if need be - you may be surprised how many will be prepared to put in a few quid towards this) and get someone in with a bit of drive/enthusiasm who's shown they can form a winning team, albeit probably at a significantly lower level than L1. A lot of the damage has already been done but continuing to inflict further damage when there's still a significant portion of the season left to play (with a potential escape route at the end of it) is utter madness.

Edited to add - whoever on our board who thought Duffy was the best man to take over for the remainder of this season should resign. If it was a unanimous decision by the board then a public apology will have to do. Disgraceful.

Fair amount of fantasy in here? Realistically what's a new manager going to do with the players you have? And where are you getting the money from after paying off Duffy? 

If my bosses came to me and asked me to retire (without giving me what I was financially due) I'd laugh in their faces. No one in their right mind is going to walk away from a contract and lose what they're owed. Never understand this mental "He should do the right thing and walk away now!" stuff from football fans. 

Can you imagine the trouble/embarrassment the club would face if they put a Facebook post style thing up saying "We need yer money so we can sack Duffy". Never going to happen. 

Similarly at the end of the post. No one in the board is going to resign out of the goodness of their heart for doing their job. 

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I was 10 minutes late going into the ground and missed the OG so can’t comment on the immediate aftermath of it but I don’t recall much abuse of the players at all, anything that was shouted was just the usual moans and groans - there certainly wasn’t anything out of order as far as I can remember. Had it been a home game it would’ve been worse but there was only about 40 Clyde fans there and such is the apathy amongst the support just now, nobody could really be arsed getting too worked up. 

As for the game, a complete waste of time as usual and I’m just glad I had an otherwise good day out. Had it been more of a contest, I’m sure Montrose would’ve turned it up a notch but they were quite happy to not really do much and let us hit the self destruct button again

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I've honestly got to the point I can't even react to how bad we are. 

Anyone who has been saying let's finish 9th and stay up via the playoff is delusional. How can anyone think this team would be capable to win 4 play off ties nevermind 1 fucking game. 

This club is fucked until this entire board and CIC model is binned so far into the sea and its a case of sleepwalking to either liquidation or Lowland league football, whatever comes first. 

But don't worry our board will have us playing in a public park soon because we have no money do to anything with crownpoiint if we even get it.

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Good grief that’s one of the worst own goals you’ll ever see. I’m not even sure he’s trying to pass it back it looks more like he’s going to put it out for a corner. 

His family will obviously be defensive of him, but he’s miles off the standard required. Even for league 2 I wouldn’t want him. 

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1 hour ago, Miguel Ángel Espínola said:

Looks like he wanted to pass it back to the keeper but completely fucked it embarrassing though 

It’s because he’s playing at a much higher standard than the rest of the team imo. 

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I can’t even work out what he was trying to do

Certainly not a back pass as nowhere near Parry

Certainly not playing it out for a corner as no where near knocking it past the post

Knew there was no one behind him as he looks over shoulder running into the box

Only he can say what he was trying to do but doubt he can explain 

The reaction from the rest of the team sums it up

Got to go down as one of the worst OG ever seen




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Doing my rounds of SPFL highlight watching, and I have been totally stopped in my tracks by that own goal. My heart goes out to Liam Scullion, because that was inexcusable. That's like something I would've done in primary school. The only explanation I can think of is that the Montrose fans go "oooooh" as if there's a player chasing him down and he decides to half-react just as the ball starts to drift past him. Probably sums up the confidence levels at the club just now, unfortunately.

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5 hours ago, RossBFaeDundee said:

Doing my rounds of SPFL highlight watching, and I have been totally stopped in my tracks by that own goal. My heart goes out to Liam Scullion, because that was inexcusable. That's like something I would've done in primary school. The only explanation I can think of is that the Montrose fans go "oooooh" as if there's a player chasing him down and he decides to half-react just as the ball starts to drift past him. Probably sums up the confidence levels at the club just now, unfortunately.

Also sums up the lack of ability, attitude (of majority), leadership and above all the criminal recruitment record of Danny Lennon initially followed by rank poor management from Jim Duffy.

Sad state of affairs 

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