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4 hours ago, Malky3 said:

I watched Ellie Gouldings (UN Environment Global Ambassador) wee speech last night. 

First off I don't hate the woman. She's fairly vanilla in many respects and I find her unoffensive although I don't think I'm her target market with her music. But what bothered me about her speech was that it continued this process of generational divide. Goulding said it was my generations fault that millennials are hypocrites. It's my generations fault that they use electric toothbrushes, apparently we have backed and reinforced a structure that makes hypocrites of us all. 

So that got me thinking. In my Mothers generation through the hardship of war the world saw an epoch change in technology. Long range rockets were developed as weapons. Flight became far more sophisticated. And humans developed the first ever computers to break an "unbreakable" code to defeat Nazi Germany and to bring the war to an end. 

In my generation we saw computers developed to the point where computers with less processing power than todays average mobile phone was used to send us into space and to put astronauts on the moon. This led to an epoch change in how we viewed the earth, the universe and increased our scientific understanding of how the world works and how we effect change. My generation also developed solar power, wind turbines, wave power, nuclear power, electric cars, and electric trains. We recognised the hole in the ozone layer and took steps to rectify it, and we've seen changes in our fuel to reduce the amount of lead in the atmosphere and to clean up our environment. We saw computers become everyday household items, created mobile phone technology and the internet so that information and news could be shared instantaneously around the world. 

Now it's the turn of the millennial. They use these powerful mobile phones for endless "selfies". The internet encyclopedia is used for social media, memes, and emojis - anything but studying for a solution unless they are looking to plagiarise their homework.. They have tablets, phones, and laptops on charge all the time cause they'd be fucked if they couldn't check out the latest fake news on Twitter, celebrity gossip on Instagram or their profiles on Tinder. They believe the world is fucked but instead of looking for solutions, or reducing their consumption they are in a world of ever increasing excess that they don't plan to stop anytime soon and what they want is for their parents generation to take the blame, to find the solution and to pay for it. And we've got a bunch of crusty hippies from my generation who are happy to indulge and join in with their self loathing. 

That's great you should post it on Facebook.

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52 minutes ago, Big Rider said:


Needs MORE CAPITALS though.

And maybe some kind of "Share if..." option. TBF it had a lot of the formula.

I don't hate women, but.

My generation are heroes

Yours doesn't care.

Crusty hippies is okay, but I think Leftards is the insult of choice.

Good first effort

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26 minutes ago, thisal said:

And maybe some kind of "Share if..." option. TBF it had a lot of the formula.

I don't hate women, but.

My generation are heroes

Yours doesn't care.

Crusty hippies is okay, but I think Leftards is the insult of choice.

Good first effort

Would suggest Comic Sans for full impact.

And a poppy at the end. 

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8 hours ago, Malky3 said:

I watched Ellie Gouldings (UN Environment Global Ambassador) wee speech last night. 

First off I don't hate the woman. She's fairly vanilla in many respects and I find her unoffensive although I don't think I'm her target market with her music. But what bothered me about her speech was that it continued this process of generational divide. Goulding said it was my generations fault that millennials are hypocrites. It's my generations fault that they use electric toothbrushes, apparently we have backed and reinforced a structure that makes hypocrites of us all. 

So that got me thinking. In my Mothers generation through the hardship of war the world saw an epoch change in technology. Long range rockets were developed as weapons. Flight became far more sophisticated. And humans developed the first ever computers to break an "unbreakable" code to defeat Nazi Germany and to bring the war to an end. 

In my generation we saw computers developed to the point where computers with less processing power than todays average mobile phone was used to send us into space and to put astronauts on the moon. This led to an epoch change in how we viewed the earth, the universe and increased our scientific understanding of how the world works and how we effect change. My generation also developed solar power, wind turbines, wave power, nuclear power, electric cars, and electric trains. We recognised the hole in the ozone layer and took steps to rectify it, and we've seen changes in our fuel to reduce the amount of lead in the atmosphere and to clean up our environment. We saw computers become everyday household items, created mobile phone technology and the internet so that information and news could be shared instantaneously around the world. 

Now it's the turn of the millennial. They use these powerful mobile phones for endless "selfies". The internet encyclopedia is used for social media, memes, and emojis - anything but studying for a solution unless they are looking to plagiarise their homework.. They have tablets, phones, and laptops on charge all the time cause they'd be fucked if they couldn't check out the latest fake news on Twitter, celebrity gossip on Instagram or their profiles on Tinder. They believe the world is fucked but instead of looking for solutions, or reducing their consumption they are in a world of ever increasing excess that they don't plan to stop anytime soon and what they want is for their parents generation to take the blame, to find the solution and to pay for it. And we've got a bunch of crusty hippies from my generation who are happy to indulge and join in with their self loathing. 

Ellie Goulding is wrong to make utterly uninformed comments aimed at creating a generational divide.

To counter this, here are some utterly uninformed comments aimed at creating a generational divide.

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9 hours ago, Malky3 said:

In my generation we saw computers developed to the point where computers with less processing power than todays average mobile phone was used to send us into space and to put astronauts on the moon. This led to an epoch change in how we viewed the earth, the universe and increased our scientific understanding of how the world works and how we effect change. My generation also developed solar power, wind turbines, wave power, nuclear power, electric cars, and electric trains. We recognised the hole in the ozone layer and took steps to rectify it, and we've seen changes in our fuel to reduce the amount of lead in the atmosphere and to clean up our environment. We saw computers become everyday household items, created mobile phone technology and the internet so that information and news could be shared instantaneously around the world.

Assuming you're a boomer....

  • Boomers weren't the first to send people into space or put people on the moon.
  • Boomers didn't invent solar power and weren't the first to develop it into viable technology.
  • Boomers didn't invent wind turbines and weren't the first to develop it into viable technology.
  • Boomers didn't invent nuclear power and weren't the first to develop it into viable technology.
  • Boomers didn't invent electric cars and weren't the first to develop it into viable technology.
  • Boomers didn't invent electric trains and weren't the first to develop it into viable technology.
  • The main movers in recognising and fixing the hole in the ozone layer were not boomers.
  • Boomers didn't start the lead reduction in petrol although did ban it.
  • Boomers didn't create mobile phone technology.

Watching your parents' generation doing these things isn't doing them.

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FWIW, I wasn't trying to have a pop at Baby Boomers. It's farcical to try and claim one generation is 'better' than another. It was more about Malky's gormless attempt to credit 'his' generation with a host of achievements which were almost exclusively from the generation previous.

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On 24/10/2019 at 04:30, Malky3 said:

I watched Ellie Gouldings (UN Environment Global Ambassador) wee speech last night. 

First off I don't hate the woman. She's fairly vanilla in many respects and I find her unoffensive although I don't think I'm her target market with her music. But what bothered me about her speech was that it continued this process of generational divide. Goulding said it was my generations fault that millennials are hypocrites. It's my generations fault that they use electric toothbrushes, apparently we have backed and reinforced a structure that makes hypocrites of us all. 

So that got me thinking. In my Mothers generation through the hardship of war the world saw an epoch change in technology. Long range rockets were developed as weapons. Flight became far more sophisticated. And humans developed the first ever computers to break an "unbreakable" code to defeat Nazi Germany and to bring the war to an end. 

In my generation we saw computers developed to the point where computers with less processing power than todays average mobile phone was used to send us into space and to put astronauts on the moon. This led to an epoch change in how we viewed the earth, the universe and increased our scientific understanding of how the world works and how we effect change. My generation also developed solar power, wind turbines, wave power, nuclear power, electric cars, and electric trains. We recognised the hole in the ozone layer and took steps to rectify it, and we've seen changes in our fuel to reduce the amount of lead in the atmosphere and to clean up our environment. We saw computers become everyday household items, created mobile phone technology and the internet so that information and news could be shared instantaneously around the world. 

Now it's the turn of the millennial. They use these powerful mobile phones for endless "selfies". The internet encyclopedia is used for social media, memes, and emojis - anything but studying for a solution unless they are looking to plagiarise their homework.. They have tablets, phones, and laptops on charge all the time cause they'd be fucked if they couldn't check out the latest fake news on Twitter, celebrity gossip on Instagram or their profiles on Tinder. They believe the world is fucked but instead of looking for solutions, or reducing their consumption they are in a world of ever increasing excess that they don't plan to stop anytime soon and what they want is for their parents generation to take the blame, to find the solution and to pay for it. And we've got a bunch of crusty hippies from my generation who are happy to indulge and join in with their self loathing. 

The world would be better without you in it

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  • 2 months later...
16 hours ago, Broomhill Ultra said:

This boy will be getting his job back




Just before the recent General Election, I drove up to South Bristol for a hustings event, organised by Extinction Rebellion. They'd invited all the parliamentary

candidates for that area.   Labour, Greens, LD's, Brexit candidates all showed up  to say their piece, and respond to questions.  Only the Conservative candidate

refused the invitation.  In a substantial sized hall, the event was well attended, and respectful in tone.

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It doesnt appear to mean that they consider xr activists to be disgusting neo nazis etc, however their tactics etc include stuff like shutting down airports which has significant impact on the economy. Conducting activities which would damage the national economy is criteria for being considered an extremist group. Regardless of the merits of their cause their methods are extreme.
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3 hours ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

It doesnt appear to mean that they consider xr activists to be disgusting neo nazis etc, however their tactics etc include stuff like shutting down airports which has significant impact on the economy. Conducting activities which would damage the national economy is criteria for being considered an extremist group. Regardless of the merits of their cause their methods are extreme.

Yeah, but they are not actively promoting or in anyway involved violence. So while they may be "extreme" which is debatable, they are not anyway close to being like violent neo Nazis or isis types, which is the point of prevent.

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Yeah, but they are not actively promoting or in anyway involved violence. So while they may be "extreme" which is debatable, they are not anyway close to being like violent neo Nazis or isis types, which is the point of prevent.

Prevent is a ct strategy, its more than the simplified representation in the media. Yes there are diversionary tactics employed via the prevent strategy, however given the risk to CNI etc posed by XR it’s right to use prevent tactics/intel gathering to stop their activities.
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  • 3 weeks later...

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