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The official Boris pm cluster-fuck thread


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Coronavirus in Scotland: Orange Order plan Glasgow parade to thank Tory government
I checked and it's not April the 1st anymore.

Oh great, they’ll put more pressure on exhausted emergency services staff to say thanks. Shower of c***s.
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20 minutes ago, Londonwell said:

Have some decorum guys/girls. The whole point about wanting a fairer society and ending exploitation is being morally better than those who exploit. Don't lower yourselves. 

We only do the moral thing if we get some of the material stuff.

Otherwise you are a chump.

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I certainly hope that he can pull through this.
I would like to think that the whole experience would make him a better person and realise that being PM isn’t just something to put on your CV but has responsibility as well.
Oh,and when you see who the possible replacements could be!!!

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9 hours ago, Londonwell said:

Please for once just give it rest eh. 

There is no one size fits all politics. Consider that things might look different for someone in a low paid job in post industrial Scotland than they do working in Westminster. 

From my perspective this is a man who spent 30 years writing racist agit prop for right wing publications and who's entire political career has been dedicated to making the lives of working class people much harder than they have to be. My contempt for him is merely a mirror of the contempt he has for the Yemenis he bombs, people barely existing on UC, low paid people trying to achieve a fairer wage through trade union activity and the disabled who have been hammered by his party.

I'm standing with the water melon eating Piccaninnies and Letterboxes. f**k Boris.

Edited by Detournement
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8 hours ago, Baxter Parp said:
10 hours ago, Jim McLean said:
If he dies as PM he will get a state funeral.
Finally achieving his Churchill Moment.

He can't have a state funeral if nobody's allowed out the house.

They can keep him in the fridge until we're all allowed out again.

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Wishing someone dies because they have different views of how to do things and deal with certain issues and problems.

Just goes to show that no matter where you live or which country you were born in, there are some morally corrupt and shameful individuals, none of whom will look back at their posts and think they have said anything that is out of order.



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Saying he's in intensive care as a precaution is just bullshit. Why they feel they need to do this is just bewildering.

As a doctor pointed out you don't go to intensive care as a precaution, you go there as you are seriously ill.  

Right now it's probably 50/50 on whether he makes it or not. But it does look pretty bleak to me

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@Dunning1874 is of the opinion he's already deid and they're just organising stuff in the background before announcing it. I disagree on the grounds that I don't think the smoothbrains in the Tory cabinet have the foresight to organise stuff in the backgrounds

Edited by AsimButtHitsASix
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