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The official Boris pm cluster-fuck thread


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1 minute ago, BigDoddyKane said:

I dont think Boris even cares about England that much, all he cares about is a very small subset of Oxford/Cambridge establishment

How many top level politicians do you sincerely think "care"? I'm pretty sure you need to disregard that if you want to have any level of success in the game. 

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1 minute ago, SANTAN said:

How many top level politicians do you sincerely think "care"? I'm pretty sure you need to disregard that if you want to have any level of success in the game. 

none nowadays that I can think of as I think its all about themselves more than anything else its just to what level they dont care, is it not really giving a feck to completely not giving a feck

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10 hours ago, Boo Khaki said:

Scotland is electorally inconsequential for the Westminster Tories. I'd be more confused why anyone would think they would actually give a toss.

It's as if BoJo is trying to play the part of Baldrick. His 'cunning plan' is to act the @rse in Scotland to keep the SNP strong-ish, but only strong-ish enough for the SNP to deny Labour the chance of 50+ Westminster seats.  

His problem will be if/when the pendulum swings too far (from his point of view). For instance, if the SNP have in their next Westminster election manifesto that a majority of SNPs will be a mandate for independence*, a weak Labour Party in Scotland would give Unionists the s#its. 

(*Wasn't that what the Tories used to argue in the 1970s?)

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My take is Boris doesn't have overly strong feelings about the union but Boris wouldn't want his legacy to include being the UK leader who oversaw the UK being broke up. Boris is imo an English nationalist foremost as opposed to a British nationalist but the two terms get conflated often. Bojo isn't alone in that sentiment.

If that makes sense.

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31 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

It's as if BoJo is trying to play the part of Baldrick. His 'cunning plan' is to act the @rse in Scotland to keep the SNP strong-ish, but only strong-ish enough for the SNP to deny Labour the chance of 50+ Westminster seats.  

His problem will be if/when the pendulum swings too far (from his point of view). For instance, if the SNP have in their next Westminster election manifesto that a majority of SNPs will be a mandate for independence*, a weak Labour Party in Scotland would give Unionists the s#its. 

(*Wasn't that what the Tories used to argue in the 1970s?)

Not sure I'm following your logic here. Labour is already catastrophically weak in Scotland, and I don't think BoJo will be at all concerned about that, as it only assists Con leech a bit more of the Unionist vote, even though it has next to no impact on the actual balance of MP's sent to Westminster, which is still going to be overwhelmingly SNP in any case.

And yes, Thatcher infamously stated that all Scotland had to do to signal approval for Indi was return a pro-indi majority of MP's. Those goalposts apparently shifted, and have seemingly shifted again since Ruth Davidson's 2007 assertion that only the make-up of Holyrood mattered when it came to the question of Indi referendums. In any case, there have been two General Elections since the Brexit referendum, the point at which it became SNP policy to seek a second Indi Ref, and both of those have returned an overwhelming majority of SNP MP's as Scotland's elected representatives, so I don't think there's any need to seek a mandate at the next GE, as that mandate has already been resoundingly established, twice.

Edited by Boo Khaki
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35 minutes ago, GNU_Linux said:

My take is Boris doesn't have overly strong feelings about the union but Boris wouldn't want his legacy to include being the UK leader who oversaw the UK being broke up. Boris is imo an English nationalist foremost as opposed to a British nationalist but the two terms get conflated often. Bojo isn't alone in that sentiment.

If that makes sense.


Really wouldn't surprise me if his lasting legacy is that of the PM who drove the final nails into the coffin of the union, but was sleekit enough to GTF out of the job before the actual indi ref and resultant break-up itself. Personally I think he'll be gone well before the next GE, but at the rate he's going that could still be plenty time for it to totally fall apart on his watch. For me, it depends how quickly the obfuscation of the actual impact of Brexit caused by the pandemic clears. I think there are going to be quite a few rude awakenings over the next year to 18 months, but then I said the same thing about the period after Jan 1st. I think the vast majority of the brexit shit still hasn't actually hit the fan yet, and most of what has is being both obscured by, and confused with, Covid nonsense. It's certainly been a convenient excuse as and when one has been required.

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A weak Labour Party will benefit any future coalescence of the Unionist vote. The one worry I would have beyond SNP inertia turning people away is the traditional three way split in the Unionist vote finally disappearing and turning constituencies into head-to-head fights. Then again, a loss of constituency seats might bolster the future list votes.

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1 hour ago, BigDoddyKane said:

I dont think Boris even cares about England that much, all he cares about is a very small subset of Oxford/Cambridge establishment

He's certainly not a conviction politician. Everything he's done is about the betterment of Boris Johnson, nobody else.

He won't do another election. His own seat is under threat both from the Boundary Commission and from a straightforward loss to Labour at the next GE.  Also, as he has already complained, he isn't earning enough money as PM to cover his outgoings. Apart from the alimony and paternity bills, he spends money like a drunk in a casino so he'll go back to writing bullshit puff pieces for right wing rags like the Telegraph and Spectator and probably getting a few lucrative Directorships. 

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3 hours ago, AndyM said:

He's certainly not a conviction politician. Everything he's done is about the betterment of Boris Johnson, nobody else.

He won't do another election. His own seat is under threat both from the Boundary Commission and from a straightforward loss to Labour at the next GE.  Also, as he has already complained, he isn't earning enough money as PM to cover his outgoings. Apart from the alimony and paternity bills, he spends money like a drunk in a casino so he'll go back to writing bullshit puff pieces for right wing rags like the Telegraph and Spectator and probably getting a few lucrative Directorships. 

Was always of the impression he didn't actually want to be PM, but rather wanted the title and prestige that goes with it, in an effort to boost his own standing.

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22 minutes ago, Shipa said:

Was always of the impression he didn't actually want to be PM, but rather wanted the title and prestige that goes with it, in an effort to boost his own standing.

That pretty much sums up his entire adult life 

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1 hour ago, Shipa said:

Was always of the impression he didn't actually want to be PM, but rather wanted the title and prestige that goes with it, in an effort to boost his own standing.

I think he thought if old softie Cameron of the Bullingdon club could do it, it was outrageous that he wasn't already PM and shortly retiring on the Greensill bungs. May tried to finish him off completely by appointing him Foreign Secretary, but with the Torygraph behind him he could do no wrong, despite being found out as a lazy and dangerously incompetent disaster in the role.

Edited by welshbairn
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When asked on the STV news about the commissioning of a new oil field Johnson claims the deal was originally signed in 2001 and, totally without any self awareness, added “You can’t just go around ripping up agreements”.

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32 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

Stupid from the buffoon Boris.  Harold Wilson was, of course, the big mine closure PM.

Approximate per year closures...

Attlee 25

Macmillan 35

Wilson 31

Heath 6

Thatcher 10

Irrespective of blue or red, it looks like there was a consistent pattern until the last one shut, so only a buffoon would claim it was predominantly the work of one pm.

It is plain to see that Thatcher's excitement wasn't about the coal industry per se but ending union power and fair play to her, we are where we are, zero hours contracts and all the rest, due to her success.

Good for Johnson though, imagine coming to Scotland and using the T word.

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