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Scotland's Shame

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Agree with everything you say. I support Scottish independence and I support a united Ireland so in that way I fall into common political beliefs, but that’s where it ends for me. If neither of these things ever happen my life won’t be drastically different, and I certainly won’t be using a game of football to let everyone know about it. 

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3 hours ago, IrishBhoy said:

Ive only read the first page but thought I would add my tuppenceworth. 

I was a season ticket holder for 7 years at Parkhead. I’ve drank in near enough every ‘Celtic’ pub in Glasgow and seen both ends of the spectrum when it comes to the fans.

From my experience there is respectable fans who want nothing to do with singing the rebels or going to the game to make some political point (there’s more than you think). These are the minority at the games, especially away games. Most of the fans I know that fall into this bracket don’t go to any Celtic games at all. These fans usually lead quite fulfilling lives and Celtic  aren’t the first thing on their mind when they wake up. Some Celtic fans will try and tell themselves different, but it’s the absolute dregs of society that associate themselves to it, genuine poverty cases. There isn’t many lecturers, lawyers or architects standing amongst them.

I got bored of it all, I go to football to watch the team on the park win and when I walk out the stadium it won’t affect my life win, lose or draw. I used to sit near a guy who had a season ticket with his two young daughters (both under 10)  and I witnessed him punching the wall on the way down the stairs after a draw against Motherwell I think it was. A big part in me chucking my season ticket was asking myself, would I like to bring my child to a game here, surrounded by some proper mutants who don’t have a button in their pocket. I hated these Celtic fans thinking we had some sort of special bond with each other just down to the fact we both supported the same team. I have no loyalty or affinity to a fellow Celtic fan just because he happened to support the same club, it’s quite strange  

Two seasons ago, my St. Mirren supporting friend from Uni talked me into going to a few games and it’s a far more enjoyable experience. I’m not a die hard by any stretch of the imagination but I try and go along to most home games. It’s good to sit amongst a support that are only there for the team, and not there to make some political standpoint or seeing what songs they can get away with singing. 

So when are you changing your username to "IrishBuddie"

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Various Celtic fans on my timeline this evening with the rat pictures in response to Tierney's departure. I thought the reaction to Rodgers leaving was distasteful but this is another kettle of fish.
They sit right up there with Madrid fans on the self-entitlement scale.

Along with Liverpool and Sevco
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11 hours ago, Moomintroll said:

They have certain political beliefs, which I mostly share, but they do not let it define their lives & they despair at the antics of the "Considerably more left wing than you" Cult, who have to attach themselves to any anti establishment cause going just because.




In supporting Celtic, they're being about as far from anti-establishment as can be imagined.

Supporting Celtic and having a left wing outlook are not consistent positions.

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14 hours ago, IrishBhoy said:

Ive only read the first page but thought I would add my tuppenceworth. 

I was a season ticket holder for 7 years at Parkhead. I’ve drank in near enough every ‘Celtic’ pub in Glasgow and seen both ends of the spectrum when it comes to the fans.

From my experience there is respectable fans who want nothing to do with singing the rebels or going to the game to make some political point (there’s more than you think). These are the minority at the games, especially away games. Most of the fans I know that fall into this bracket don’t go to any Celtic games at all. These fans usually lead quite fulfilling lives and Celtic  aren’t the first thing on their mind when they wake up. Some Celtic fans will try and tell themselves different, but it’s the absolute dregs of society that associate themselves to it, genuine poverty cases. There isn’t many lecturers, lawyers or architects standing amongst them.

I got bored of it all, I go to football to watch the team on the park win and when I walk out the stadium it won’t affect my life win, lose or draw. I used to sit near a guy who had a season ticket with his two young daughters (both under 10)  and I witnessed him punching the wall on the way down the stairs after a draw against Motherwell I think it was. A big part in me chucking my season ticket was asking myself, would I like to bring my child to a game here, surrounded by some proper mutants who don’t have a button in their pocket. I hated these Celtic fans thinking we had some sort of special bond with each other just down to the fact we both supported the same team. I have no loyalty or affinity to a fellow Celtic fan just because he happened to support the same club, it’s quite strange  

Two seasons ago, my St. Mirren supporting friend from Uni talked me into going to a few games and it’s a far more enjoyable experience. I’m not a die hard by any stretch of the imagination but I try and go along to most home games. It’s good to sit amongst a support that are only there for the team, and not there to make some political standpoint or seeing what songs they can get away with singing. 

This is a great post. 

However, having spent my very early years in deepest Ayrshire and being of Irish catholic descent, I can't really understand why or how anyone could become a Celtic supporter if not because of the religious / political stuff? I suppose it's possible but I'm not aware of a route to being a Celtic fan that's not that pathway. There's Rod Stewart I suppose. 

I'm honestly interested in these normal, well-adjusted Celtic fans. I know they exist because I've seen them. They are always Catholic. To me it's the religion and the heritage that drives the attachment to the club. Compared to St Mirren (St Johnstone are the same) it's locality and sometimes parentage, or just luck. I think that's why the OF only really define themselves in opposition to the other and why what team you support is a proxy for what your religion / background is. I don't think they really see themselves as part of Scottish football at all. 

But yeah, tribalism preys on the weak and the powerless. You should form a survivor's group. 


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On 05/08/2019 at 23:04, jimmy boo said:
On 04/08/2019 at 19:24, Warren Mears said:
I have. Repeatedly. jimmy boo has gone without suspension twice despite using, repeatedly, the term "shirt lifter".
The only time I've seen a case of homophobes getting even a suspension is when two St. Mirren supporters were suspended on the same day. I'm sure it's a coincidence that another supporter got a permban for racism that day, and homophobia then had to be punished as a result. Oh, and said bigots got a week suspension, while racist got the permaban.
Homophobia has NEVER been taken seriously on here, and I've had this conversation repeatedly with mods. That I continue to have it is indicative of your inaction.

Excuse me!! Quote where I have posted such a term or apologise.

Still waiting..........

@Warren Mears

@Cardinal Richelieu

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What do you call giving strips to wee Cambodian kids, if not "left wing"?
Celtic are famous for their redistribution of wealth.
Look how much money they donated to Southampton.
Public Relations? Astute marketing? When people make sure everyone knows about their "charity work", you can be sure there's more to it than simple generosity.
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5 hours ago, Warren Mears said:

I'd guess it was deleted after the fact, as most of these things are, and it's not exactly a secret that they delete such posts either.

Some brass neck you've got to actually pull that one out though.

Lying b*****d. Just you keep making shit up you utter clown.

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Any of you registered with a regulatory body like the medical council, SSSC, FCA, Law Society or any other? It’s sad when you are and have to hide who you support because society perceives you as a Potential criminal because you support either of the old firm. I love football and politics but I have the good grace (and intelligence) to separate the two. The kids I take to both stadiums (because they get to choose) don’t know who I support (even though I do support one of them). Both of the old firm and all other teams worldwide have their morons but in Scotland it creeps out of the stadium. . 90 minutes of escape is one thing, living a life dictated by others you have no control over must be exhausting. Support your players, appreciate the opposition and just love football for what it is. Mon tae f**k

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4 hours ago, gkerrcasillas said:

Any of you registered with a regulatory body like the medical council, SSSC, FCA, Law Society or any other? It’s sad when you are and have to hide who you support because society perceives you as a Potential criminal because you support either of the old firm. I love football and politics but I have the good grace (and intelligence) to separate the two. The kids I take to both stadiums (because they get to choose) don’t know who I support (even though I do support one of them). Both of the old firm and all other teams worldwide have their morons but in Scotland it creeps out of the stadium. . 90 minutes of escape is one thing, living a life dictated by others you have no control over must be exhausting. Support your players, appreciate the opposition and just love football for what it is. Mon tae f**k

New poster registered for that?

Anyway, there are actually people on here who will believe that post, think you are very "right on" and give you a greenie.


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Any of you registered with a regulatory body like the medical council, SSSC, FCA, Law Society or any other? It’s sad when you are and have to hide who you support because society perceives you as a Potential criminal because you support either of the old firm.




The SSSC and FSA are concerned with child safety and financial malpractice. Why would they have any interest in Celtic or Rangers?


Oh hang on...



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