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Stuart Campbell/Wings Over Scotland


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2 hours ago, fatshaft said:

Things that didn't happen. 

Your problem here is that I've actually read the judgment.

The self-titled "Reverend" said that he refuses to call trans women "she". That's absolutely straight-down-the-middle transphobia. There's considerable discussion in the judgment arguing that his views on trans issues aren't related to his views on homosexuality - this would be irrelevant if his views on trans issues weren't phobic.

2 hours ago, fatshaft said:

You've got that arse about tit. It's the wokerati entryiosts amongst the SNP who've not really got much inclination towards indy, and has led us down this divisive rabbit hole. 

Alex Salmond and Joanna Cherry could feed black gay trans women into meat grinders and people like you would still dismiss their critics with the kind of idiotic language you usually only see in the Daily Mail comments sections. As for "entryists", from my direct personal experience it's the woad-clad monomaniacal loons that joined post-2014 who are pushing the transphobia in the SNP. The pre-2014 members are overwhelmingly pro-equality.

If you value human rights below your preference on the constitutional status of Scotland then you shouldn't be surprised to find people vehemently disagreeing with you. Yes, there are actually more important things than flags.

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But I'm not. I'm arguing from a point of morality. Calling trans people him when they want to be considered women is wrong, for example.

Who is this Fatshaft character then? L4L under yet another fucking tedious guise?
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12 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:


Who is this Fatshaft character then? L4L under yet another fucking tedious guise?


Who is this Savage Henry character, L4L under yet another fucking tedious disguise? 

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25 minutes ago, GordonS said:

The pre-2014 members are overwhelmingly pro-equality.

If you value human rights below your preference on the constitutional status of Scotland then you shouldn't be surprised to find people vehemently disagreeing with you. Yes, there are actually more important things than flags.

Based on the demographics shown here, I'd be amazed if you're correct? https://wingsoverscotland.com/abolishing-women/


On the second point, nobody is arguing *against* human rights, quite the opposite, but equally line 1 of the SNP is independence for Scotland, so "flags" as you put it absolutely comes first, because with independence we can do far more than we can now. 

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44 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

But I'm not. I'm arguing from a point of morality. Calling trans people him when they want to be considered women is wrong, for example.

So you're happy for "her" to be scooping up world championships against women while dangling "her" wanger in "her" shorts?

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2 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

Given I don't know who won the world tiddlywinks championships and don't care, on this issue as well I couldn't give a f**k, other than slight irritation at the prospect of having to extirpate views like yours from Scottish society when the energy could be better spent elsewhere.

No worries, you're happy for wifies sport to be ruined, got it. Thankfully you've got folks like Martina Navratilova battling for women's rights on this, you carry on looking after the men 👍 

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1 minute ago, MixuFixit said:

Before he got into this thread can you tell me honestly how often you followed whatever sport the above person is ruining?


Since I was a boy, so longer than you've been alive. It's precisely because of this that I became aware of the issues around the debate, like you, it had passed me by until then

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3 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

Would I be a million miles away if I was to posit the number in question would be zero? Would it be improper for me to insinuate your concern for female athletes is coincidental with Stuart Campbell's and by extension your desire to make the lives of all trans people a bit worse? Would I be totally wrong to speculate that if this problem went away, like a hydra's head Stuart Campbell, and by extension you, would find another example or cause to tubthump about?

You have been radicalised. De-radicalise yourself.

Nope, all of that is utter pish, in fact my opposition pre-dates Wings entry into the debate. 


Like your ignorance on who we're even talking about, in fact which sport it even is, you couldn;t be more wrong

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3 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

Ah good so you're even worse than him. He just does it because he has to push that big red button in his head, if it wasn't trans issues it'd be how dark you should toast bread for or whatever. You really believe it.

Aye that's it, nothing to do with sporting integrity, in whatever sport it is you've no idea about, just whatever pre-determined idea happens to spew out of your arse

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7 minutes ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

Why is it that ‘sporting integrity’ is more important than making the lives of an extremely marginalised group of people a little bit easier?

Ask the women being cheated out of the medals? 

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9 minutes ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

Why is it that ‘sporting integrity’ is more important than making the lives of an extremely marginalised group of people a little bit easier?

Enabling trans people to live with dignity and equality has no connection to changing the restriction in women's from one of biological sex to gender. 

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5 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Enabling trans people to live with dignity and equality has no connection to changing the restriction in women's from one of biological sex to gender. 

This is what it's all about, McKinnon argues it's a human right, which it clearly isn't, but only for her to be able to compete in womens sports, not for women to only compete against women in a separate sex category.. 


Of course it's all because he/she was a sporting nonentity until switching, without actually transitioning, and is now a world champion, and very proud of her cheating she is too. 

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14 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Enabling trans people to live with dignity and equality has no connection to changing the restriction in women's from one of biological sex to gender. 


Weird how a big cohort of TERF weirdos online are obsessed with making that connection then.

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5 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

fatshaft I've stuck you on mute cause contrary to what you expect I simply do not care what a sweaty old man has to say about predominantly young women's genitals. V. creepy.


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