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Ignoring the lunatic posters may seem like a good idea in theory, but imo you're shooting yourself in the foot by doing that.

Take Magee as an example. An absolute mess of a poster, but by ignoring him you are simply risking losing out on the (very) occasional highlights, with Tony's Thread being a prime example. Best just to tolerate the dross in the hope that, one day, you will be rewarded.

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Just had a quick look at my ignore list and it runs to 4 pages!
A lot of the names are clearly the same person. So many roasters. What is it about the internet that causes so many folk to act like utter flanges and complete fandans?!
Anyway, here are the four pages;
Who have you got on your list? Any amusing stories?

They are all Magee.
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34 minutes ago, Fullerene said:

I just hope he doesn't work at air traffic control. 

"Oh no, it's that annoying Ryanair pilot again.  He can get lost!"


He certainly will if he's put on ignore...

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If someone rips your knitting so much on here that you have to block anything they post as it will rile/annoy/upset you it really is a sign that you take this place too seriously and perhaps in general it isn't for you.

Prime example being that raging permaseething mess, Marshmallo who recently claimed putting me on ignore improved his mental health, absolute roaster 🤣🤣

Coming from a guy who would obsessively go on 30 a time red dot sprees against Rab, and other posters, me included and who offered another poster a face to face meeting it should come as no surprise that he gets into such a state. 

There are more than a handful of guys on here I think slaver a load of pish (and I know plenty think I do 😃), never once has any of it riled or offended me to the point I had to block them out, relax guys, it's only a football forum. 

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1 minute ago, Flybhoy said:

If someone rips your knitting so much on here that you have to block anything they post as it will rile/annoy/upset you it really is a sign that you take this place too seriously and perhaps in general it isn't for you.

Prime example being that raging permaseething mess, Marshmallo who recently claimed putting me on ignore improved his mental health, absolute roaster 🤣🤣

Coming from a guy who would obsessively go on 30 a time red dot sprees against Rab, and other posters, me included and who offered another poster a face to face meeting it should come as no surprise that he gets into such a state. 

There are more than a handful of guys on here I think slaver a load of pish (and I know plenty think I do 😃), never once has any of it riled or offended me to the point I had to block them out, relax guys, it's only a football forum. 

You realise most people won't read that

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1 minute ago, Thistle_do_nicely said:


Not a huge amount of names on there. Probably should be others but from memory:

LOL @ Celtic was also IXITHEONEIXI or Bendarroch, andI think the guy that posted under those names might well be deceased, vanished from here with reported health problems and one of his aliases claimed to be a 40 a day smoker at one point. Could well have been a fairly decent guy in the real world but he was a complete dick on here.

Can't remember miko tbh, think it was an alias of somebody?

ForeverBlue1872 might be AWRA or somebody, I'm not sure.

Supras was Supras. Tedious fucktard. Possibly on here again as Kuro, think he was Witnail or something too. Allegedly a St Mirren fan but made more posts about his hard-on for Zlatan Ibrahimovic, legalising drugs and petty bickering, often with H_B, than he ever made about the buddies.

Banterous was a seamus alias I'm sure.

Kincardine's contributions amount to aggressively discussing Rangers and Rangers*, tone trolling over his concerns for Scotland and how nasty and divisive Scottish nationalism is while conveniently turning a blind eye to Union Jack flavoured nationalism. The tone trolling in particular is based on nothing more than his gin soaked fever dreams.

Rab was, like Supras, a tedious fucktard. I've no idea at what point he went from occasionally posting on here to having no self awareness, spamming most threads in Misc Football, stalking posters and aggressively defending Liverpool FC for some reason. Summed up by making a bizarre post about Everton in a Jamie Bulger thread.

Mastermind's pointless contributions are akin to some sort of computer game NPC. Seriously, everything he's ever posted seems like it's from a bot running scripts to make a post (never greater than one or two lines in length either) to  i) criticise the SNP or Scottish Independence, ii) praise the English Premier League, either a particular player or specific match and iii) criticise the Scottish Premier League, especially after a poor European result. Literally cannot think of him ever doing anything else on here in however many year's he's been shitting up the site.

Just the list would've been sufficient

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An impressive collection of oddballs, racists and trolls on Baracus's list there.

Not got anyone on ignore, reasons being...

The absolute worstcunts and racists get emptied relatively quickly.

Folk will always quote them, so you see there posts anyway.

It's actually quite funny to see them getting bodied by other posters.

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