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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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13 minutes ago, Scotty Tunbridge said:

A new born baby has tested positive for it apparently while the mum was infected. Must have been caught during the birth.

This is how Blade started

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7 minutes ago, TheGoon said:

Mass gatherings to be banned in the UK next week. Specifics of that should be quite interesting.

Hamilton fixtures to go ahead?

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On the schools thing, Children are disease carriers always have been they're the human equivalent of rats.

Is there a school of thought for leaving them in school rather than closing at least they would be in one place. Instead they'll be everywhere and quite likely given to retired grandparents the highest risk group so their parents can go to work.

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1 minute ago, pub car king said:

On the schools thing, Children are disease carriers always have been they're the human equivalent of rats.

Is there a school of thought for leaving them in school rather than closing at least they would be in one place. Instead they'll be everywhere and quite likely given to retired grandparents the highest risk group so their parents can go to work.

Who's going to watch them when all the teachers get sick?

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4 minutes ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

Can we keep it going until Marching season?

Not sure orange order would be happy for their culchur to be deemed a “mass” gathering.

There’s a time for Mass and a time for action

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There's that horrible knot in my stomach that plays to the panic. The idea that it's a big conspiracy. Not quite a conspiracy on, 'This is North Korean chemical warfare' more that this is going to be a much bigger disaster for the human race than is even being alluded to. Why would governments tell us more if it'd cause a massive panic? (100x the panic there is now). That horrid feeling just won't subside and it all stems from the fact I've got a fucking horrendous cough and am a selfish, paranoid hypochondriac. 😂

Still though, it's past the point where it was a wee thing to joke about as I thought it'd calm down quite quickly. It's really humbling how frail our societal structures really are. For all the advancements we've made over hundreds upon hundreds of years and  one fucking virus and the world is heading into panic mode and lockdown whilst the Highlands rub their fucking hands in glee.

Edited by Ludo*1
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41 minutes ago, pub car king said:

On the schools thing, Children are disease carriers always have been they're the human equivalent of rats.

Is there a school of thought for leaving them in school rather than closing at least they would be in one place. Instead they'll be everywhere and quite likely given to retired grandparents the highest risk group so their parents can go to work.

Not if the Grandparents say “GTF, look after your own sprogs.”

I’m assuming people in every other country that’s shutting schools have the same issues. How are they managing?

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There's that horrible knot in my stomach that plays to the panic. The idea that it's a big conspiracy. Not quite a conspiracy on, 'This is North Korean chemical warfare' more that this is going to be a much bigger disaster for the human race than is even being alluded to. Why would governments tell us more if it'd cause a massive panic? (100x the panic there is now). That horrid feeling just won't subside and it all stems from the fact I've got a fucking horrendous cough and am a selfish, paranoid hypochondriac. [emoji23]
Still though, it's past the point where it was a wee thing to joke about as I thought it'd calm down quite quickly. It's really humbling how frail our societal structures really are. For all the advancements we've made over hundreds upon hundreds of years and  one fucking virus and the world is heading into panic mode and lockdown whilst the Highlands rub their fucking hands in glee.
We need to support each other locally, that's the key. Small communities helping each other out, keeping each other sane.

It's the only thing we can control.

The big government stuff will happen. Lots of people will die. But we need to try and be as calm as possible and work together.

Blitz spirit will come out of this. And hounding the c***s who will try to profit and stock pile is one of the first things. Get them telt.

The best way to get through this is by co-operating.
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Not if the Grandparents say “GTF, look after your own sprogs.”
I’m assuming people in every other country that’s shutting schools have the same issues. How are they managing?

But how many grand parents would seriously do that?

The grand parents in a lot of situations are most likely going to be living mortgage free but may not have enough monthly income from pensions or have enough savings to help their children financially during this time. But they know their sons and daughters need to go to work to keep a roof over said grandchildren’s and children’s heads. So will feel they can’t say no, a pish situation.

Some wee Irish granny on the news said exactly that, she’ll be looking after the grandkids as her daughter needs to go to work.
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I know I’ve been a total arsehole on this thread but wanted to ask this question because it’s the same thing that’s driven me to the daftness earlier on, which I apologise for again. 

Been watching the updates for Italy. The outbreak was in the north around Milan which is considered a rich area with excellent healthcare. The staff have PPE and lots of intensive care beds open. I think it’s fair to say the quality of care available is better than the nhs, not saying the doctors or nurses are better just that they have more money. When the Italian numbers spiked they shut the schools and then went into total lockdown. Yet still the numbers are peaking and it’s got to the stage now where they’re putting people into field hospitals (tents) or warehouses. They’ve also had to bring in Chinese equipment and doctors. I also believe that Italy was screening people at airports.

Considering all of this how on earth can the NHS deal with an uncontrolled outbreak (delayed?) when then don’t have the beds, staff or even effective PPE? Someone on this thread said that staff will be forced to work longer shifts and student nurses will be drafted in. Last year I went to a local A&E for a joint problem that left me struggling to walk and off work. On a normal weekend day it was utter carnage, the staff were run off their feet and many were so stressed that they were actually hostile about patients. In the channel four program they asked nhs staff if they thought the nhs was ready, if they had enough PPE and enough beds. The survey came back for each at 95-99% no.

Question is wtf is our government doing? I can see some logic if we had thousands of available beds but the Italian doctor in the states was going mental at the uk advisor saying that it would be worse than China.

The bbc news isn’t asking the hard questions, or being told not to.

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