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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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10 hours ago, HeartsOfficialMoaner said:

It was maybe just the mood I was in or preconceived idea about what the book would be like. I kept it just in case.  I can go back to it.  

I admit it's not a 'page turner'. I read 2 or 3 pages in bed. Helps me get to sleep. 😴

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17 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Nobody needs a haircut, even one to die for. There's no way to make it safe, I've cancelled my dentist check up for the same reason, not having someone breathing all over me when I don't know where they've been. Seems insane to keep hairdressers open when you can't even sit outside with a coffee.

If there were no hair dressing services available some folk would be tearing their hair out...

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9 hours ago, yoda said:

You're not doing it in this post but there's a lot of similar takes on social media which are going down a similar road, and it's proper jose.png material.

I'm sure it is comforting for folk, and there's obviously a conversation to be had about a greener society/economy, but, at the same time, read the mood. Tens of thousands will die and there's going to be immense, probably unprecedented, socioeconomic damage that will have detrimental long-run effects on a large chunk of the population. But, on the other hand, the birds are singing.


Yeah, if this does run on for months and society looks considerably different by the end of it (which may be a melodramatic possibility to consider itself) then when we’re getting back to a semblance of normality there’s a conversation to be had about how human behaviour changes as we adjust, and the impact on the environment is a part of that.

As one example which I know has holes in it off the top of my head, if people who’ve commonly travelled all over the place for work to visit colleagues and clients have found they’ve been able to work effectively from home with nothing more complicated than video conferencing, is there any need to revert to flying all over continents for meetings regularly when they could easily continue to work at home or their local office so without taking unnecessary flights?

However, there’s an undeniable whiff/stench of Malthusianism in most of the posts you mention,. The subtext being that we should just say f**k it and not just allow as many people to die off as possible as long as you’re not one of them, but actively celebrate this happening. It’s downright weird.

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45 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

My Mrs is a hairdresser. A lot of her clients are older and although there has been a bit of a downturn, her salon is in no position to turn them away. She's known them for years and they will simply go elsewhere if refused. 


They have just upped sanitation procedures and told anyone displaying any symptoms that they can't come in. 

My missus is a hairdresser as well and had some old busybody customer in today loudly demanding to know what the shop was doing "to stop the coronavirus". I'm going to be fucking minted when my wife discovers the vaccine. 

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3 minutes ago, The DA said:

His supporters will be lapping that up.

Which is bizarre. He was asked a perfectly reasonable question and actually thrown a bone by this 'terrible journalist'. A very good opportunity to provide a decent soundbite and actually show a bit of empathy the people he serves... humanise himself a bit. Instead he proved without a shadow of a doubt that he's a fucking moronic sociopath. 

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1 hour ago, Marshmallo said:

I saw plenty people on social media yesterday who were going to the pub for a "one last hurrah" type thing last night in the boozer as if it was the final day before they knuckled down on studying for an exam as opposed to being a deadly pandemic. 

Any time I've nipped out to the shops this week the streets have been crawling with the cast of Cocoon picking up a paper, touching all the loaves in the supermarket or waiting at bus stops.

The UK is going to have the worst death rate on the planet from this because people are too stupid and too stubborn to take a telling. The attitude of a lot of people seems to be like a child who's been told to go to bed playing the Xbox with the sound on mute and thinking they're getting away with one.

While people are angry with old bob in his 80s who just wants a paper.

Or the young ones without the brains to consider going down to the pub is not hard. It's selfish

There's countrys out there with even worse attitudes, like say the Chinese.

Who some of will be coming out of isolation and heading down to the markets to eat some raw bat, cat, dog, pangolin or rat. Prepared and stored in unhygienic conditions and then consumed. Which is what started all this and Sars before it.

Now that's selfish and stupid. And that's what must be stopped.

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Guest bernardblack
Then there's this sort of thing from boomers who were born 10 years after the war finished. I forgot the Blitz was highly contagious. 

That tweet is frustrating. It’s uneducated people giving it the “stiff upper lip” treatment. That is the exact opposite of what’s needed
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What we don’t know about virus deaths.


Death toll passes 11,000, confirmed cases pass 275,000; nearly 90,000 recovered

One in five Americans soon to be under 'stay at home' order

Death toll in Italy rises by 627 in a day, reaching a record 4,032

Britain wakes up to shuttered pubs, restaurants and cafes

UK business leaders 'relieved' by government's wage pledge

China reports no new locally-transmitted cases for third consecutive day

Sydney closes its famous beaches, including Bondi, due to overcrowding

After months fighting the virus, Singapore reports first two deaths

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27 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

Ah well, a cull of the blue rinse brigade it is then.

Saw a few of them in Asda earlier. They can’t have moved that fast in decades. It was like being in an episode of Supermarket Sweep.

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4 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

Covid-19 apparently a 96% match to a man made coronavirus from Wuhans Viral Research Facility. The only bats with even close to a match are over 600km from Wuhan, and the facility has a sister branch situated across the road from a seafood market...

A coronavirus they mutated from bats to infect humans after the SARS outbreak to see what would be needed for that to happen.

Good news? The head epidemiologist for that experiment is working on a cure

Bad news? They added HIV genes into the mix to help it infect humans, which is lowering the white blood cell count ( Covid-19 confirmed as being the only coronavirus that does this), and have no idea how the HIV part of the virus will impact survivors long term, nor how it will mutate over the next year or two.


Hopefully just conspiracy bullshit lads, if not then even the "recovered" are staring down a barrel...


I survived Covid and all I had to show for it was a doze of the good AIDS. 

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