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4 minutes ago, Forest_Fifer said:
1 hour ago, Jeremiah Cole said:
The Imperial College Study in which the lockdown is based is called into question yet again

She's a climatologist. Just what we need as a source on infectious diseases.

She's probably just doing it as a big GIRUY considering the amount of imbeciles who have ignored climatologists for decades

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The Trump Organization is reportedly looking to delay some of its loan payments as it struggles amid the pandemic.

The New York Times reports:

With some of its golf courses and hotels closed amid the economic lockdown, the Trump Organization has been exploring whether it can delay payments on some of its loans and other financial obligations, according to people familiar with the matter and documents reviewed by The New York Times.
Representatives of Mr. Trump’s company have recently spoken with Deutsche Bank, the president’s largest creditor, about the possibility of postponing payments on at least some of its loans from the bank.
And in Florida, the Trump Organization sought guidance last week from Palm Beach County about whether it expected the company to continue making monthly payments on county land that it leases for a 27-hole golf club.
Oh please....
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36 minutes ago, Snafu said:

Twitter user Betty Jatkins said: "It is absolutely appalling and disgusting. Did you hear the interviews with Cheltenham race goers on #wato yesterday?

"They're treating corona as a joke, it was awful and I think it was disgraceful that the BBC broadcasted it.

"I feel truly sorry for NHS staff who will have to deal with the deadly aftermath."

Andrew Maclean, 24, and Scott Saunders, 25, told The Mirror they were advised to continue working by the Jockey Club despite complaining of dry coughs and other symptoms.

A spokesman for Cheltenham Racecourse, said: “The Festival went ahead under government guidance to do so, like other sports events at Twickenham, Murrayfield, 10 Premier League matches and the UEFA Champions League, all with full houses that same week.

“We promoted the latest public health advice and introduced a range of additional hygiene measures at the event, including hundreds of hand sanitiser dispensers and extra washbasins, which worked well.”
The Telegraph’s story and other media reports have said hundreds of Cheltenham Festival racegoers have had coronavirus symptoms since the meeting.
Fuck Those Guys GIF | Gfycat


In fairness, both the Scientific and Government advice at that time was, "the more who catch it the better, as it will build up herd immunity";

Oh well, looks like they were right, sadly they've since done a full about turn on the "best advice" so maybe not so good after all.

Incidentally, someone should tell "Betty" that it was actually ITV who broadcasted it and NOT the BBC.

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Heard some clapping and 1 person clanging 2 bits of metal together (presumably pans, no surprise they went the longest)

Must say that it made feel really special about my ‘key’ role during the crisis. Nearly as much as the random Facebook posts from people I know have said little but ‘ah ok’ when told them my job. 


Edited by parsforlife
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8 minutes ago, Gaz said:

She's probably just doing it as a big GIRUY considering the amount of imbeciles who have ignored climatologists for decades

She's a Trumpy Climatologist.


But ... but ... okay, for example, Trump said that global warming is a Chinese hoax. How could a person with a Ph.D. stand by someone who thinks that?

The “Chinese Hoax” line has been widely misinterpreted, says Judith Curry, the former chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology. She’s politically independent, but she did once testify before Congress that “efforts to link dangerous impacts of extreme weather events to human-caused warming are misleading and unsupported by evidence.”

In the broader context, she argues, “Trump was not making a statement about the ‘science’ of global warming; rather he was discussing the economic consequences of climate-change policies.”


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1 hour ago, Thereisalight.. said:

Wonder if the barbers/hairdressers will be one of the first places to open again. I’m really in need of a sheer 

If this had happened two centuries ago they would have been the busiest place in town.  The barber was where you went for bloodletting.  Hence the red and white pole outside the shop.

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37 minutes ago, Genuine Hibs Fan said:

Fantastic! Went to see the Hogarth exhibition at John Sloane museum a few months back, gin Lane and beer street the obvious highlights

Wasn't John Sloane a dobber right back you got on loan from your big G40 pals some years ago?

You're right though.  Hogarth is a genius and the John Soane museum is a wee gem in Holborn.

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29 minutes ago, Forest_Fifer said:

He's not a very good train driver if he thinks they can go in water.

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7 hours ago, ICTJohnboy said:

Just watching Nicola fielding a press conference, confidently fielding questions from all comers with her customary aplomb.

Comparing her performance with Boris the Balloon in similar situations is like comparing night with day.

I just cannot for the life of me understand how the good people of England still think the sun shines out his big fat arse but they do. In fact they are pretty confident that he will single-handedly defeat this nasty virus thanks to our "fantastic NHS".

Spookily similar to the NZ/Australia scenario...

Due to appalling lack of leadership here, and superb leadership over there, let's surrender Australia to New Zealand immediately. Have them annex us and take control of our government. North Island, South Island, Big Island #newnewzealand Share away everyone... let's get this done

Big Island.jpg

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Spain from 491 to 2696 7 days later. 

England from 515 to 2642 7 days later. 

Hopefully the English growth stays fairly static for the next few days. 

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