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9 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

That is crap, Welshy, even by your low standards...

BTW I am not knocking science per se.  I am knocking blind faith in scientific predictions and I have right on my side - as usual.

It's not the science that's wrong, it's the way that they collated and used it. 

You obviously didn't mean your bookie line the way I took it. 

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1 minute ago, welshbairn said:

So whose advice do you think they should take, your new friend @Jeremiah Cole 's sources in the anti vaccination community? Or just not bother and do nothing and leave it in God's hands?

And I have no answer to that - and if I had I'd be PM.  The Swedes are following their epidemiologists' advice and we're following ours and both countries are taking very different courses of action.  The conclusion is that one set of scientists must be wrong but I have no competence to say which.  My gut feeling is that the Swedes are righter than we are.

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1 minute ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

What’s prediction based on science ever done for us eh?

Waste of bleeding time if you ask me.

You're probably loving all this doom and gloom.

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21 minutes ago, jagfox99 said:


The Swedish prime minister discussed their strategy over the past couple of days. They're playing the long game, 'a marathon not a sprint' being mentioned.

The time to judge the success of different strategies is when it's all done.

What if Sweden goes through the tough time now but stops the spread of the virus through the 'herd immunity' principle within 4 months and is back to relative normality, but Denmark has to keep everyone in lockdown for 18 months or longer because as soon as they let folk return to normal living the death rate surges?

All depends on the final numbers and how scarred each society is left at the end of it all.

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4 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

And I have no answer to that - and if I had I'd be PM.  The Swedes are following their epidemiologists' advice and we're following ours and both countries are taking very different courses of action.  The conclusion is that one set of scientists must be wrong but I have no competence to say which.  My gut feeling is that the Swedes are righter than we are.

They're not doing much different, very similar advice. The Swedes are relying on the intelligence of their population, we're relying a bit more on enforcement. Most Swedes are working from home when they can and observing social distance advice most of the time. Probably washing their hands more than we are.

Edited by welshbairn
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9 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

"PeterSweden" getting posted on Pie and Bovril. At this stage I'm hoping the virus takes me tbh.

Not seeing anything wrong with the quote from Peter Sweden, what's your  gripe?


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9 minutes ago, virginton said:

If that were the case then the pubs etc. would have been shut from February 11 and schools from February 26, which is what the government’s own ‘scientific pandemic influenza groups’ suggested. The government didn’t bother following up that advice for weeks and so here we are.

So the strategy here has in fact been that of a government winging things from start to finish. Just because it wheels out a rotating cast of stooges to sell the same party line to the general public (as opposed to contradicting each other and destroying all trust immediately) does not mean that its decisions have been guided by credible science.

You sure about that?

Possibly from the WHO, but not from the country's chief science and medical advisors.

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3 minutes ago, PauloPerth said:

The Swedish prime minister discussed their strategy over the past couple of days. They're playing the long game, 'a marathon not a sprint' being mentioned.

The time to judge the success of different strategies is when it's all done.

What if Sweden goes through the tough time now but stops the spread of the virus through the 'herd immunity' principle within 4 months and is back to relative normality, but Denmark has to keep everyone in lockdown for 18 months or longer because as soon as they let folk return to normal living the death rate surges?

All depends on the final numbers and how scarred each society is left at the end of it all.

A massage from the Swedish Prime Minister?

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They're not doing much different, very similar advice. The Swedes are relying on the intelligence of their population, we're relying a bit more on enforcement.

I wonder if the Swedish version of the Daily Mirror asked their Deputy Chief Medical Officer if it was okay to have picnics, not more than five minutes after being told the instruction was to stay at home?
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4 minutes ago, PauloPerth said:

The Swedish prime minister discussed their strategy over the past couple of days. They're playing the long game, 'a marathon not a sprint' being mentioned.

The time to judge the success of different strategies is when it's all done.

What if Sweden goes through the tough time now but stops the spread of the virus through the 'herd immunity' principle within 4 months and is back to relative normality, but Denmark has to keep everyone in lockdown for 18 months or longer because as soon as they let folk return to normal living the death rate surges?

All depends on the final numbers and how scarred each society is left at the end of it all.

If Herd immunity works the entire UK media should be sent to a salt mine.

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17 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

"PeterSweden" getting posted on Pie and Bovril. At this stage I'm hoping the virus takes me tbh.

Oops. I wasn’t aware of this guy. I looked at a few of his other tweets. I think that’ll be the last time...



Peter Imanuelsen (born September 27, 1994), better known as Peter Sweden, is a far-rightspeaker and a huge w****r. Imanuelsen was originally a Holocaust denier[2] white nationalist, extreme-homophobe, Islamophobe and conspiracy theorist crank who has written that Jewsand the Vatican are behind a New World Order. In 2017 Imanuelsen was doxed by the anti-racist organisation Hope not Hate after a news article about his Holocaust denial was published; this happened after Katie Hopkins tweeted a photo of her next to him, which prompted journalists to find out who he was. In response, Imanuelsen has claimed he has since changed his views and apologised for denying the Holocaust. No longer publicly attacking Jews, Imanuelsen is now a prominent Islamophobe who says he opposes Islamic immigration into Europe, as well as an anti-vaxxer.[3] He is also not actually Swedish.

Imanuelsen has 50,000 followers on Twitter and more than 20,000 subscribers to his YouTubechannel.


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Just now, Theroadlesstravelled said:

It does work but it also kills a bunch of people.

Not if you keep all the vulnerable people isolated. Which Sweden seem to be doing ok at but we might see a difference when the effect of our lockdown impacts the stats. Or not. 

If social contact was a direct issue supermarket workers would be dropping like flies all over the country but that doesn't seem to be happening. 

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12 minutes ago, PauloPerth said:

You sure about that?

Possibly from the WHO, but not from the country's chief science and medical advisors.

From the government’s own scientific pandemic flu groups in their reports to Cobra, yes they did. The story can be found in this week’s Private Eye. 

‘The experts’ have been putting forward options and recommending best practice but it is the government and elected politicians who have called the shots at every point. They then immediately hide behind a phalanx of chief medical officers who - quite rightly - repeat official government and try to justify it because otherwise every public measure taken between now and the end of the virus would be ignored.

This is why every nation state has been taking wildly differing different measures despite all of them claiming to be just listening to the health experts.

Edited by vikingTON
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