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20 minutes ago, Tynierose said:

Should only be one option tbh.   What a cuntess of a creature she is.

Not very democratic that; people have a right to express their opinion.

There should be options:

Hopkins you are a c**t.
Hopkins you are undoubtedly a c**t.


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4 minutes ago, Tynierose said:

Counter productive as the feckless fuckers in society will do a terrible job and invariably f**k up any employment they are given, hence the reason there are so many hard working foreigners working in low wage jobs.    They are needed, they have a work ethic and are more than welcome in this country.

Fair enough

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4 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Not at all. But the premise of Job Seekers Allowance is surely that you are actively seeking a job?

If you don't want to do a job you aren't forced to.

But your post was questioning the provision of a safety net for those who could but dont wish to do these jobs. 

The reality is that many people actively seeking work will be preyed on by shitehawks offering ludicrous pay and conditions, zero hours contracts etc etc. 

Were it not for the welfare system, people would be forced into this type of employment and their lives and those of their kids would fall through the cracks. 

As Mixu said, it's the attitudes of employers that needs to change in this country and that is fed from the very top. 

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And this is the crux of the problem. Govt advice says one thing but the legislation they hastily (understandably) passed does not tally with that advice thus we have loophole and grey areas.

The law doesn't say that only "key workers" should be going to their work. Employers can legally still expect their employees to come to work as long as 1) the employee can't work from home and 2) the business isn't on the list of those ordered to close (pubs, restaurants, non-food shops, leisure venues, etc).

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You are talking about a nation that routinely ignores death warnings over tobacco, alcohol and drugs misuse so no surprise at all. Scotland invented the original live hard die young lifestyle as all the league tables and life expectancy charts prove.

It doesn’t really surprise me with a case like this. If people don’t see a danger or feel at risk there will be vast numbers not taking it seriously and on top of that a good number of people are incredibly stupid and incredibly selfish. 
I’m in favour of tougher enforcement laws at this time and it’s all because of a few morons ruining it for the rest of us.
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2 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

But your post was questioning the provision of a safety net for those who could but dont wish to do these jobs. 

The reality is that many people actively seeking work will be preyed on by shitehawks offering ludicrous pay and conditions, zero hours contracts etc etc. 

Were it not for the welfare system, people would be forced into this type of employment and their lives and those of their kids would fall through the cracks. 

As Mixu said, it's the attitudes of employers that needs to change in this country and that is fed from the very top. 

All fair points

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1 hour ago, Mastermind said:

You do know lockdown is Sturgeon’s call don’t you? It’s a stunning dereliction of duty from the Scottish Government if she felt that lockdown should have been earlier but bottled it and sheepishly followed Westminsters lead. An enquiry should be held.

That, at best, is partially true. As far as I know the Scottish government does not have the ability to stop incoming travel or guarantee the wages of the furloughed workers or decrease interest rates or a whole number of the important aspects of the lockdown the UK government has. A half arsed lockdown with the minimum powers the Scottish Government have would, perhaps, been ineffective if the rUK was not going alongside it. I'm sure there will be an enquiry that will take the actions of all the governments and agencies of the UK, and constituent nations, to account but we are beholden to Westminster on a great number of potential actions.

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Yes the unemployed in the UK are forming orderly queues to work in cleaning, agriculture and retail !!!

IMO, and I accept that others may disagree, there is no reason (or benefit to the UK) for someone to move to the UK to take up any of those roles.
We have enough able bodied people in the UK to do so.
You can't move to Australia to work in a Supermarket.
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12 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

But your post was questioning the provision of a safety net for those who could but dont wish to do these jobs. 

The reality is that many people actively seeking work will be preyed on by shitehawks offering ludicrous pay and conditions, zero hours contracts etc etc. 

Were it not for the welfare system, people would be forced into this type of employment and their lives and those of their kids would fall through the cracks. 

As Mixu said, it's the attitudes of employers that needs to change in this country and that is fed from the very top. 

The public are more at fault than you seem to accept, this country is full of gobshites that moan about how the Amazon's of this world treat their employees whilst using said companies to save a quid. 

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36 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

IMO, and I accept that others may disagree, there is no reason (or benefit to the UK) for someone to move to the UK to take up any of those roles.

We have enough able bodied people in the UK to do so.

You can't move to Australia to work in a Supermarket.


No reason apart from bettering their life and their children's chances. 

No benefit apart from essential work actually getting done. 

How do you propose we match up able bodied people in the uk with these jobs and get them to take them? 2 options:a) pay enough or b) withdraw benefits? 

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43 minutes ago, peasy23 said:

Hopkins being a racist c**t as usual.IMG_20200411_101612.jpg

Eid fair enough, but there isn't even any logic to thinking Muslims would want to be out and about more than usual during Ramadan. Judging by my limited number of Muslim mates, they are all absolutely knackered from not eating all day, especially as Ramadan approaches summer.

So not only a twat, also stupid as f**k. 

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JSA is a small part of the UK welfare safety net. It's the one benefit those not wanting to work try to avoid like the plague.

Not at all. But the premise of Job Seekers Allowance is surely that you are actively seeking a job?
If you don't want to do a job you aren't forced to.
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The public are more at fault than you seem to accept, this country is full of gobshites that moan about how the Amazon's of this world treat their employees whilst using said companies to save a quid. 
Aye theres a bit of that, it still all has to come down from the top though in terms of changing it.
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5 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

Quite enjoying the thought of Mastermind going "well I'll have a wee potter over to GN, there I'm sure to find a more sympathetic audience than those twats in Politics"

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He would have been here sooner but had to procure some proper PPE before entering the Covid 19 thread

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No reason apart from bettering their life and their children's chances. 
No benefit apart from essential work actually getting done. 
How do you propose we match up able bodied people in the uk with these jobs and get them to take them? 2 options:a) pay enough or b) withdraw benefits? 
Also, who the f**k would want their business staffed by people sent there arbitrarily by the job centre, who absolutely dont want to do the work and who will leave at the drop of a hat, rather than a foreigner who is doing the job because they chose to and want to do well at it.
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3 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
7 minutes ago, ayrmad said:
The public are more at fault than you seem to accept, this country is full of gobshites that moan about how the Amazon's of this world treat their employees whilst using said companies to save a quid. 

Aye theres a bit of that, it still all has to come down from the top though in terms of changing it.

There's not a bit of that, the country is rife with it. 

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