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8 minutes ago, Steven W said:

NS is very much erring on the cautious side - possibly with good reason.

Will be interesting to see how today's briefing goes. The UK one yesterday felt fairly upbeat - I think it's time we got something with a similar feel to it. Getting to be hard work hearing the same 'Stay Home, Save Lives' message everyday

Ok hi Scotland, it's Nic Sturgeon here, how we all doing, it's a bit shit innit. I know we are all bored so lets have a f**k it go out and get loaded weekend, what you say Scotland you with me.

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6 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

Were you not on a few days ago, predicting no end in sight?

Aye. Like I say, NS could do with giving us Scots something a bit more positive and meaningful to hang on to before everyone ends up like me! 

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6 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

Were you not on a few days ago, predicting no end in sight?

Aye. Like I say, NS could do with giving us Scots something a bit more positive and meaningful to hang on to before everyone ends up like me! 

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3 minutes ago, dirty dingus said:

Ok hi Scotland, it's Nic Sturgeon here, how we all doing, it's a bit shit innit. I know we are all bored so lets have a f**k it go out and get loaded weekend, what you say Scotland you with me.

That's not what I said or meant as well you know

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1 minute ago, Steven W said:

Aye. Like I say, NS could do with giving us Scots something a bit more positive and meaningful to hang on to before everyone ends up like me! 

Isn't it better that official messages are realistic and that you should manage your expectations a bit better?

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1 minute ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

Isn't it better that official messages are realistic and that you should manage your expectations a bit better?


On the whole I'd agree with you that they should be realistic in the briefings.

Just felt like that while the UK one yesterday went on about the app and how it was an "exciting" development (and in fairness I think it is), NS was telling us we'd be using "good old fashioned" test, trace and isolate.

However, I note this morning Jason Leitch is now speaking about a Scottish version of this app, but quite how this couldn't have been mentioned yesterday I don't know? (Sometimes I wonder if there's an understanding behind the scenes between Scotland and UK about who gets to reveal big news first).


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I saw some chat on here about private nurseries, just saw that there's a story on the BBC site about them.  We have our son (he's two) in a private nursery, they shut when the schools did and took our first months payment after the closure, on the proviso that we would then get the first month back free.  I'm pretty sure they've furloughed all their wokrers but they'll still have significant bills to pay.  They had initially said that they would stay open for essential workers but they ended up not doing that, mainly because, from what I understand, the numbers of essential workers using these services are very low.  I've not seen figures for Scotland but I saw somewhere that in England 20% of school kids are entitled to use schools due to their parents being essential but only 2% have done so.

There isn't really much we can do about it at the moment but nurseries and child minders going under would cause huge problems for a lot of people.  My son is also missing the staff and other children - it's good that he has both his parents at home and with him all day now but I think he's missing interaction with others and with kids.

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30 minutes ago, Snafu said:

Wait until the App becomes law.

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I very much doubt they'd need to make it law. It will just be required by the business/service you're using, so if you don't want to install it you just won't be able to gain access or use.

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I can't remember who it was who first posted this, but they are updating them as data comes in.

Countries where the peak has not yet been reached appear to have greater margins of error, but for those countries who are already on the decline the data is interesting.

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26 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

Isn't it better that official messages are realistic and that you should manage your expectations a bit better?

"We have, in lockstep with the WM government, made a complete arse of this, and we're now going to attempt to test and trace a large number of cases, having earlier given up when we had a small number of cases. This is highly unlikely to be successful, because the people we've got working on this are pretty clueless, and we only work Monday to Friday, nine to five, anyway."

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2 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:


I can't remember who it was who first posted this, but they are updating them as data comes in.

Countries where the peak has not yet been reached appear to have greater margins of error, but for those countries who are already on the decline the data is interesting.


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14 hours ago, Bairnardo said:
14 hours ago, ICTChris said:
Is everyone going to download the NHS contact tracing app?

Absolutely, on the proviso that there are iron clad assurances about data usage and deletion post pandemic.

About that:



Contact tracing is an essential accompaniment to any easing of restrictions and therefore an app is entirely necessary, but when the UK government are choosing to design their app in a less privacy conscious way than every other country and handing the £250M contract for processing the data straight to Dominic Cummings' mate without a tendering process it does set alarm bells ringing. It's also highly possible it's not actually going to work, as covered in the first article there.

I'm a long way away from a tinfoil hatter and this isn't the time for indulging in stubborn refusal to trust governments about anything globally. Really an app which ensures contract tracing is achievable should be compulsory for getting back out as restrictions are eased: I want to download a contact tracing app, I wouldn't be doing it through gritted teeth grumbling about big government like a libertarian weirdo.

What they're doing though is going out of their way to create reasons that will stop people wanting to sign up - I want to have an app for this but I'm not downloading that one. They're making it impossible to avoid questioning their motives and dooming it to being yet another failure.

Edited by Dunning1874
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About that:
Contact tracing is an essential accompaniment to any easing of restrictions and therefore an app is entirely necessary, but when the UK government are choosing to design their app in a less privacy conscious way than every other country and handing the £250M contract for processing the data straight to Dominic Cummings' mate without a tendering process it does set alarm bells ringing. It's also highly possible it's not actually going to work, as covered in the first article there.
I'm a long way away from a tinfoil hatter and this really isn't the time for indulging in stubborn refusal to trust governments about anything globally - really an app which ensures contract tracking is achievable should be compulsory for getting back out as restrictions are eased. What they're doing though is going out of their way to create reasons that will stop people wanting to sign up  making it impossible to avoid questioning their motives and dooming it to being yet another failure.
Same as yourself, and indeed up until a few years ago I wasnt really paying attention to data privacy, app permissions etc etc because I was of the opinion "I dont personally have anything to hide". Then the truth began to emerge about data misuse, data security and also yer more scary stuff like Cambridge Analytica etc. Then you realise it's not about the sensitivity of data on a personal level but rather the skullduggery going on at a very high level.

Having just learned about Cummings involvement this morning, it's probably a no from me now, or st least it's become a lot harder for my concerns to be allayed.
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54 minutes ago, Wee Willie said:

Is this true?



Not completely, the app was designed by the University of Oxford’s Nuffield Department of Medicine along with US firm VMware. Cummings' mates are heavily involved in similar stuff though and likely have a finger in the pie.


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Just listened to a long interview on the Nolan Show about this with a City Airport spokesman (he might have been the airport manager).*

Bottom line - there is no government advice/guidelines re Covid-19 social distancing etc on planes, unlike airports which fall under H&S guidelines.

ETA: Chief Executive

Edited by Jacksgranda
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A lot of talk about Formula One coming back on sky sports.

Why is that relevant you may ask?

Well it's a good indicator of my desperation for live sport that I am sat here thinking "yeah that will be good il watch that".

Rock bottom found, upwards.

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10 minutes ago, bendan said:

"We have, in lockstep with the WM government, made a complete arse of this, and we're now going to attempt to test and trace a large number of cases, having earlier given up when we had a small number of cases. This is highly unlikely to be successful, because the people we've got working on this are pretty clueless, and we only work Monday to Friday, nine to five, anyway."

I was replying to the specific poster rather than commenting on the cross border Government action. He was asking for positive news as he's getting a bit fed up. I'd rather we kept a bit of restraint in the reporting.

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On the whole I'd agree with you that they should be realistic in the briefings.
Just felt like that while the UK one yesterday went on about the app and how it was an "exciting" development (and in fairness I think it is), NS was telling us we'd be using "good old fashioned" test, trace and isolate.
However, I note this morning Jason Leitch is now speaking about a Scottish version of this app, but quite how this couldn't have been mentioned yesterday I don't know? (Sometimes I wonder if there's an understanding behind the scenes between Scotland and UK about who gets to reveal big news first).

The app was mentioned yesterday at length by Nicola Sturgeon. Literal words out of her mouth:

“The development of this app is being led by the UK government and we are seeking to maximise Scottish Government involvement in it. We believe it could be a very important part of a TTI system - but as an enhancement. It is important to be clear that in Scotland we are not building our whole system around that.”


Didn’t fawn over it in the same way as Hancock but it was spoken about at length.
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